7 essential nutrients for a healthy diet

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You don't need to change your habits, just add the following 7 nutrients to your daily diet to have a healthy body with a dream body.

Cooking with coconut oil
An essential nutrient for a healthy diet is coconut oil. Nutritionists recommend consuming 1 to 3 tablespoons of coconut oil per day. According to nutritionist Michelle L. Butler, taking coconut oil can "reduce stress, stabilize cholesterol, boost immunity, promote metabolism and thyroid function". Coconut oil is packed with antimicrobial and anti-fungal acids that help your body function at its maximum. You can marinate food with oil and then process it or eat it directly. Fitness trainer and nutritionist for Daily Burn Kate Brown says coconut oil "also stimulates the oxidation of fatty acids so the body will quickly lose fat." Another benefit is that coconut oil makes you feel full for a long time. “Fat makes you feel sick.” According to Brown, eating a tablespoon of coconut oil can help you forget that you're really craving muffins or cupcakes. Add pineapple to the main dish
You do not often eat fruit in your main meal? Did you know adding a few slices of pineapple to your roast beef (or chicken or pork) evening meal has so many benefits for your digestive tract? According to Kimberly Snyder, celebrity nutritionist and author of "The Beauty Detox," protein is responsible for most of the work of digestion because all food has to be broken down from complex chains into components. Amino Acids. Instead of stopping eating meat and baked goods, simply add a few pieces of pineapple to your meat dishes. Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain, which helps metabolize proteins and acts like a tenderizer in your stomach. If you're going to have a protein-rich meal like steak or chicken skewers, don't forget to add a few pieces of pineapple to each skewer. Spice up your favorite dishes
Giving up fatty foods completely is a very difficult choice that no one wants. Instead of putting up with it, simply add two tablespoons of seasonings like black pepper, garlic powder, rosemary, paprika or mint leaves to your favorite rich dish. According to the "Nutrition Journal", people who add spices to a high-fat meal have 30% less natural fat (a type of fat found in animal blood) than those who don't add spices. . So the next time you cook pasta with butter, don't forget to add some spicy paprika. Or if you go to Thai food stores, choose green curry powder for your dishes. Drink pure aloe vera water
Aloe vera is a great relief for sunburned skin, but drinking aloe vera juice can also help regenerate the body. Fitness expert at LEAF Lifestyle Tanner Martty shared, “Drinking pure aloe vera juice not only supports the functioning of the digestive system but also helps to regenerate the digestive system after suffering from strict abstinence with a strict diet. eat a lot of grains, gluten and dairy foods.” Drink a spoonful of vinegar before eating cupcakes
Can't resist the temptation of sweet desserts? But worried about gaining weight rapidly? Yoga instructor Kathryn Budig suggests a very effective solution: Drink a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar as a cocktail after eating your main meal. Apple cider vinegar helps stabilize blood sugar and curb your cravings for sweets. You can use apple cider vinegar in the morning. This will increase metabolism and digestive system activity in a new day. Sprinkle a little cinnamon in a cup of coffee
To control cravings and avoid sugary foods or drinks, you may need a cup of coffee sprinkled with a dash of cinnamon. Cinnamon not only helps curb cravings, but studies show that this sweet spice also helps control insulin levels in the blood. Cinnamon causes your body to absorb carbohydrates more slowly and lowers sugar levels, so insulin levels in the blood decrease as well. Remember insulin is a hormone that converts excess sugar into fat, and causes the body to gain weight. But just half a teaspoon of cinnamon a day can improve your blood sugar by about 24 percent and lower your cholesterol by 18 percent. To reap these benefits quickly, start sprinkling cinnamon on your coffee, oatmeal, or cereal. Believe in bacteria
Bacteria have a bad reputation for making us sick, so we have to stay away from them at all costs. But the good thing about bacteria is that when it gets to the digestive system, the good bacteria become super important. "Probiotics (also known as probiotics) help keep our gut healthy," says nutritionist Stella Metsova. A healthy gut will allow you to better digest and absorb nutrients – an important key to good health! Metsova recommends having kimchi or German pickles every morning, or any food with living organisms (like tofu, fermented soybeans, and keeeffia made from fermented cow's milk) will do. Bao Anh (according to totalbeauty)

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