How to recognize skin that is allergic to cosmetics?

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Currently on the cosmetic market there are many products with different origins, ranging in price from popular to high-end. While consumers have more diverse options, at the same time, skin allergies are also increasing, in many cases even leaving serious complications. So what is skin allergy due to cosmetics, and how to recognize skin allergy to cosmetics?

1. What is cosmetic allergy?

A cosmetic allergy is a mild to severe skin condition caused by ingredients in beauty or skin care products. The ingredients that can cause skin allergies can be mentioned as: parabens (preservatives), perfume (fragrance), lead, alcohol, mineral oil / paraffin (mineral oil) ... can cause clogged pores, causing skin irritation. and cause allergic skin reactions.
In general, the main causes of cosmetic allergies:
Using floating cosmetics, not originating. Use cosmetics that are not suitable for your skin type. Using cosmetics incorrectly. The common types of cosmetics that cause skin irritation are:
Perfume. Hair growth pills. Whitening cream, anti-wrinkle cream, sunscreen. Hair growth restriction cream. Hair lotions. Hair dye . Makeup, primer, lipstick. Acne cream. Sanitizing solution, shower gel, deodorant and antiperspirant...
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2. How to recognize cosmetic allergy skin

So how to recognize skin allergies caused by cosmetics? The advice is to observe the expression on your own skin. Compared to other skin areas, facial skin is always highly sensitive, thin and vulnerable, so if you use inappropriate or improper cosmetics, it can cause skin irritation and rashes. redness, urticaria, pustules, itchy papules and itching.
Usually mild skin allergy symptoms can be relieved 1-2 days after discontinuing the allergenic product. However, in some severe cases, cosmetic allergies can cause severe inflammation of the skin, pustules, peeling skin, dry rough...
How to recognize cosmetic irritation:
Acne skin Acne: is the most common symptom, occurs due to the application of cosmetics that clog pores, causing sebum stagnation and acne formation. Atopic dermatitis : this is a more severe form of allergy, which manifests as erythematous patches (red patches appearing at the area of ​​cosmetic application) with blisters and itching. Urticaria: consists of raised, raised papules on the skin that resemble a mosquito bite or a whip hit the skin, often accompanied by itching. Contact dermatitis: also known as contact eczema. Presented in well-defined erythematous patches accompanied by vesicles and pruritus. Dry skin: dry and scaly skin. Skin atrophy: common in people taking long-term corticosteroids. Dull: dark hyperpigmented skin. Skin aging: the skin is easy to dry, wrinkled, gradually appear brown spots, roughness, hyperkeratosis.
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3. What to do when the skin is allergic to cosmetics?

Immediately after applying any cosmetic, if you see the above symptoms, you should stop using it immediately, use a strong faucet to wash away the cosmetic layer.
Refer to the steps to deal with skin allergies caused by cosmetics:
Clean the existing cosmetic layer on the skin. You can use physiological saline sodium chloride or clean water and then dry with a soft cloth. In cases of skin irritation, you can temporarily soothe the skin by wrapping an ice cube in a clean towel and gently rolling it over the surface of the skin. Then rinse with clean water and absolutely do not use additional cleansers or any other skin-soothing products. Stop using irritating cosmetics, let the skin have time to recover naturally. Meanwhile, you can take advantage of finding the real cause of skin allergies by reviewing new cosmetics used in the last 7-10 days. You can steam your face to help clear your skin, release toxins in your skin, and improve allergy symptoms. However, it is necessary to give priority to natural facial steaming measures such as using green tea, perilla, wormwood, mint, lemongrass, ginger .... However, with cosmetic allergies, it is still best to use tea. green. Drink a lot of water: Water will help the body increase metabolism, purify toxins outside, so it is very good for cases of skin allergies. You should also maintain drinking 1.5-2 liters of water every day to help keep your skin healthy and shiny. Usually, as long as you stop using cosmetics, the above symptoms will gradually decrease and completely disappear. However, for those whose skin allergies are getting worse and need treatment, take the initiative to see a dermatologist as soon as possible. You may be prescribed topical corticosteroids such as: Eumovate, Flucinar, Dermovat (if you have contact dermatitis), or if it is more severe, you must take additional anti-allergic drugs such as: Clarytine, Cezil, Celestamine, Peritol, Pipolphen, Semprex...You should not be too worried because usually after only 3 days of treatment, skin allergy symptoms will gradually decrease and completely disappear.
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