Instructions on how to take care of smooth white hands

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Hand skin care is an important part of the body's beauty improvement cycle. Especially in the summer, the heat not only dehydrates our body, but also reduces the moisture in the skin, causing the skin to become dull and dry. Therefore, how to care for smooth white hands should be coordinated and performed in parallel.

1. Why should you take care of your hands?

Hands are an part of the body that are often exposed to the sun and are exposed to more harmful chemicals than other parts of the body. Hands are also the part that is less protected and protected. Under the harmful effects of the sun, the skin of the hands is easily tanned by UV radiation, especially UVA rays.
UVA rays penetrate the lower layers of the epidermis and activate cells called melanocytes. These cells produce melanin, the brown pigment in the skin that causes darkening and uneven skin tone. To remove tan on the hands, people can choose intensive methods at medical facilities, however, it is still possible to perform a smooth white hand care with ingredients available at home.
chăm sóc da tay
Cách chăm sóc da tay trắng mịn sẽ giúp làn da không bị lão hóa theo thời gian

2. How to take care of white and smooth hands at home

Some ways to take care of soft hand skin with familiar ingredients at home are as follows:
Yogurt and turmeric: Mix yogurt and a teaspoon of turmeric powder together and apply on tanned hands. . Wash off after 20 minutes. Yogurt contains probiotics that brighten and hydrate the skin, while turmeric helps improve uneven skin tone. Soak your hands in lemon juice: This is an effective way to care for smooth white hands. Take a bowl of warm lemon juice and soak your tanned hands for 20 minutes. Then wash your hands with clean water. Vitamin C in lemon juice has the effect of protecting the skin from ultraviolet rays. Moisturize your skin immediately after doing so, as the acidic lemon juice can make your skin dry. The vitamin C in lemon juice can also protect skin cells from ultraviolet rays. Aloe vera: Take some fresh aloe vera gel from the sap of the leaves and apply it on your hands. Leave it on overnight and then wash it off in the morning. Aloe vera gel is rich in antioxidants, protects skin cells and removes tan. Apply Cucumber: Take a cup of cucumber juice and add a few drops of lemon juice to it. Mix with turmeric powder and form a paste. Apply this mixture on your hands, leave for half an hour and then wash off. This will refresh your skin and help it regain its smooth white appearance. Almonds: To treat your hands with almonds, crush 5 to 6 and soak them overnight. Then, mix the almonds with milk to form a paste. Apply this mixture on your hands, leave it overnight and wash it off the next morning. Almonds are rich in vitamins and riboflavin, which help protect the skin as well as improve health. Sandalwood and turmeric: Take a few teaspoons of sandalwood powder and turmeric and mix well. Add 2-3 drops of rose water to this mixture. Mix them together and form a thick paste to apply on your hands. Leave this mixture on for 30 minutes and then wash it off. This will increase suppleness and even out skin tone. Above are the ways to take care of smooth white hands that you can do at home. In addition to the above ways, you should also increase exercise, massage your hands and have a reasonable diet to help increase blood circulation, remove toxic substances affecting the skin.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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