Skin care tips for men

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Skin care is a phrase mainly for women. However, today there are many men who pursue a healthy, vibrant skin. Forming a skin care routine will help men realize this.

1. It is necessary to determine the skin type before performing skin care

This is an important step for men to define and understand their skin. From there, you will choose the right products for your skin. Avoid using the wrong skin care products that will cause irritation. Specifically:
Sensitive skin will show symptoms of skin stinging or burning. Normal skin is not sensitive Dry skin is often flaky, itchy or rough against aging
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2. Skin care tips for men

2.1. Review product labels and ingredients

The skin care products used depend on your skin type. In case, men are prone to acne, use cleansers and moisturizers labeled "oil-free" and "non-comedogenic". This way, the oil won't clog pores.
If men have sensitive skin, use gentle, “fragrance-free” products to avoid irritation and dryness. Products labeled “unscented” may contain fragrance as face masks can still cause skin irritation.

2.2. Wash your face every day, especially after exercising

You should not wash your face with bar soaps because they may contain ingredients that cause dryness. The "brothers" should learn and choose a brand of benign facial cleanser.
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2.3. Consider shaving technique

For some men, a multi-blade razor may work too well or shave too close to your skin. If the skin is regularly rubbed by the razor, it will cause redness and ingrown hairs. Therefore, use a single- or double-edged razor instead and do not stretch your skin when shaving. Wet skin and use moisturizing shaving cream, continue shaving in the direction of hair growth. Finally, rinse the razor after each use. Razors can be attacked by dirt and bacteria. Therefore, "brothers" should change the blade after 5-7 times of use.
MORE: Order of using skin care products

2.4. Daily moisturizing

Moisturizers work by keeping the skin hydrated. Products can help prevent the appearance of wrinkles and make skin appear brighter, more youthful. Moisturizer should be applied immediately after a man shower or shave. This will help the skin absorb the moisturizer quickly and effectively.
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Dưỡng ẩm giúp cấp nước cho da

2.5. Apply sunscreen whenever you go outside

Sun exposure can lead to wrinkles, age spots and even skin cancer. Therefore, men should apply sunscreen to all areas of skin exposed to UV rays such as: scalp, ears, neck and lips. Note, you should reapply every two hours, right after swimming or sweating. You can also protect your skin by finding shade and wearing sun-protective clothing such as long-sleeved shirts, long pants, wide-brimmed hats, and UV-blocking sunglasses.
Everyone's skin is different, so the skin care method will also be different. If you do not know your skin type or suffer from skin conditions, see a dermatologist for a check-up and advice on choosing the right skin care products. Vinmec International General Hospital is the address for examination, treatment and prevention of diseases, including the Department of Dermatology. When performing the examination process at Vinmec, customers will be welcomed and used modern facilities and equipment along with perfect medical services under the guidance and advice of experts. Good doctors, well-trained both at home and abroad.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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