What is the white substance secreted when you pop a pimple on your nose?

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When you pop a pimple on your nose, you can see white matter coming out of the pore, from where it can develop into acne. So what is the white substance secreted when you pop a pimple on your nose? Are they different from blackheads?

1. Sebaceous fibers - white matter secreted when squeezing the nose

When you squeeze your nose or squeeze a pimple on your nose, there are white substances coming out of the pores, looking like thin strings. It's called the sebaceous filament, which is made up of sebum and dead skin cells that accumulate around hair follicles. Sebum is an oily semi-liquid substance produced by the sebaceous glands in the skin. It has a lubricating and softening effect on the skin and hair. Each hair follicle is associated with at least one sebaceous gland.
Sebaceous fibers often accumulate in the pores around the nose and chin. That's because the pores in these areas tend to be larger and there's oil in the pore lining.

2. The evolution of sebaceous filaments into acne types

If you look closely at the pores on the nose and other areas of the face, you can see that there are small black dots that clog the pores. You can mistake them for blackheads but they are not, but these are sebaceous filaments. On closer inspection, these dots may be clear or slightly yellow in color. If you squeeze the skin around the pore, it will secrete as a yellowish-white sebum.
Sebum and other materials clog pores causing sebaceous fibers. When the pore is filled, the sebum is exposed to the air and turns black, becoming a blackhead. In addition, the sebaceous filaments can also progress to other types of acne such as milia, pustules, whiteheads, ...
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3. What should be done with sebaceous fibers?

3.1 Do not squeeze pores on the nose Squeezing the pores on the nose, although it can remove black dots in a short time, it causes many consequences such as:
Injury to skin tissue; Make pores bigger and bigger; Lead to infection ; Spreads bacteria to other pores. Therefore, you should avoid squeezing pores, squeezing acne in the nose, ... when pores are clogged or have acne.
3.2 Skin Sebum Interventions Proper hygiene is the best way to deal with clogged pores. Some good facial cleansing habits include:
Wash your face twice a day right after sweating. Do not wash your face too much because it can cause skin irritation; Avoid rubbing your face, wash your face gently; Use the right skin care products and cosmetics. Should choose products that do not contain oil, tighten pores, do not clog pores, do not cause acne in people with acne skin,...; Deep clean pores with acne bran peel off mask to draw out sebum fibers; Exfoliate to remove dead cells that can clog pores; Use topical treatments such as salicylic acid and glycolic acid. You can also talk to a dermatologist for instructions on how to use the right cleanser and skin care product for your skin. If necessary, your doctor can prescribe you to perform treatments such as chemical masks, microdermabrasion, topical retinoids, etc.
When you squeeze your nose, sebaceous fibers will come out of the pores. We can control sebaceous fibers with a proper skin care routine including proper face washing, use of hypoallergenic products, exfoliants,...

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Reference source: healthline.com
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