White bath with red bean powder is effective?

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White bath with red bean powder is a beauty method using natural ingredients that many women love. In red beans, there are nutrients that are not only beneficial to health but also help improve, whiten, and smooth skin.

1. Health benefits of red bean paste

Red bean powder has many effects. Since ancient times, people have known to use red beans to make food for cooling the body, make sticky rice, tea or boil and drink directly.
Those with high blood cholesterol, the amount of fiber in red bean powder will help improve and reduce cholesterol very well.

2. White bath with red bean powder is effective?

White bath with red bean powder will help exfoliate, because in the composition of red bean powder is rich in antioxidants; iron; fiber and vitamins C, E, B1, B6, ... These are substances that help fight aging, improve skin whiteness, even color, effectively treat acne, dark spots.
In particular, red bean powder also helps to tighten pores quickly, reducing the risk of sunburn and dirt from the outside environment. In addition, red bean powder is a natural ingredient, safe for the skin, easy to find, and reasonably priced, so it can be easily done at home.
On the issue of "how long does it take to be white in a red bean paste bath" depends on your perseverance. If you take a white bath with red bean powder in moderation, in the right way, you will see a quick and noticeable effect.
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3. How to make red bean paste for white bath at home

1kg red beans. Note that you should choose round, fat and large red beans that are not moldy or flat. Blender Red bean powder container. Procedure:
Step 1: Wash red beans to remove preservatives and dirt outside the seeds. The red beans that float to the surface are flat, broken ones that don't have much flour inside, so discard them. Wash it a second time, then pick it up and let it dry. Step 2: When the red beans are drained, put the pan on the stove. Place the pan on the stove to dry, then pour in the red beans. Stir well so that the seeds are evenly cooked, roasted until fragrant is ripe. During the roasting process, keep the fire low to avoid burning the outside but not the inside, the quality of the dough will decrease. Once cooked, turn off the heat, pour the beans out to cool. Step 3: After the red beans have cooled, put them in a blender and grind them until smooth and even. Step 4: Pour the red bean paste into the container, close the lid, leave at room temperature, avoid direct sunlight, avoid moisture. Because red bean is a very safe and benign natural ingredient, the effect will take more time than white bath products sold on the market. It is necessary to persevere for a long time and combine the use of other skin care products for the best effect... Especially, do not forget to apply sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun. .

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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