Common psychological disorders in menopause

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Since the appearance of male menopause symptoms, the male body has many changes. In addition, men entering menopause also have to face many psychological disorders.

1. Age of male menopause

Late-onset hypogonadism is a condition that affects about 10% of men over the age of 50 and up to 20% of men over the age of 60. Characterized by a deficiency in serum testosterone levels, male hypogonadism is sometimes referred to as testosterone deficiency or androgen deficiency in aging men. There are a number of distinct physical, psychological, and sexual symptoms associated with menopause in men. The diagnosis of male hypogonadism is made on the basis of symptoms, accompanied by test results of low serum testosterone levels. Symptoms such as fatigue, sleep disturbances, short-term memory loss, changes in body composition, irritability, depression, decreased libido and erectile dysfunction can adversely affect quality of life and the patient's health status.

2. Symptoms of male menopause

2.1 Symptoms of male menopause about sex and reproductive health Men in menopause age will appear one or more of the following signs of male menopause:
Decreased sex drive Erectile dysfunction Weak sperm difficult to give birth.
Rối loạn cương dương là triệu chứng mãn dục nam
Rối loạn cương dương là triệu chứng mãn dục nam

2.2 Symptoms of systemic menopause Patients with disorders of the cardiovascular system - vascular system such as: Low testosterone also causes a series of metabolic disorders on smooth muscle cells of blood vessels, manifestations often seen on the cardiovascular system such as heart palpitations, or palpitations, erratic blood pressure,... Respiratory disorders: Difficulty breathing at night, loud snoring. Low levels of testosterone can cause nocturnal sleep apnea, a sudden awakening that requires urgent ventilation adjustment causes loud snoring, when snoring, the amount of oxygen supply to the brain decreases, so waking up in the morning is easy to feel tired. Osteoporosis: In contrast to the growth of fat cells when testosterone decreases, the non-fat mass such as the mass of organs, muscles on the skeleton, extracellular fluid will decrease, causing muscle atrophy. muscle contractions, muscle tone decreases, so they are lazy to exercise, easily tired, and bones are easily broken. Reduced muscle volume and tone, so they are lazy to exercise because they are easily tired. The whole body shrinks. The amount of body fat increases, especially belly fat: reducing testosterone has an effect on increasing the hormone Leptin (a substance that helps in the production of fat cells), causing more fat to be formed and accumulated, causing obesity syndrome. especially belly fat. The skin loses moisture and sags, creating wrinkles. Nervous: Very sensitive to reflexes. Psychiatric: Mental disorders (depression, or anxiety); reduced cognitive ability and ability to concentrate. Disorders of the hematopoietic system: red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets...

3. Common psychological disorders in men during menopause

Male menopause is compared to menopause in women but while most women can recognize their menopause, the drop in male hormone testosterone levels is quite slow and prolonged. making it much more difficult to recognize.
Men going through menopause have physiological and psychological changes such as:
Feeling bad, often tired. Excitability no longer enjoys physical activities. Labor productivity declines. No longer interested in bed. Having problems with marital relationship.
Xuất tinh sớm có phải bị yếu sinh lý không?
Không còn hứng thú với chuyện giường chiếu là biểu hiện của rối loạn tâm lý thời kỳ mãn dục ở nam giới

4. Treatment of male menopause

The onset of menopause symptoms is due to a decrease in testosterone, so it is necessary to treat it with testosterone hormone supplements. Currently, there are 2 ways to supplement testosterone:
Using testosterone pills: oral pills, injections, patches as prescribed by your doctor. This testosterone supplement therapy is only suitable for people with testosterone deficiency because the body is unable to produce it on its own. Note that the drug should only be used when directed by a specialist, self-medication may lead to undesirable consequences. Natural remedies: building a reasonable diet, increasing exercise, doing scientific activities and staying away from stimulants has been proven to have great effects to help the body produce male hormones naturally. course.

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