17 science-based benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids

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Omega-3 fatty acids are extremely important acids, they have many benefits for the body and brain. In fact, very few nutrients have been studied as thoroughly as omega-3 fatty acids. Here are 17 science-backed omega-3 fatty acids health benefits.

1. Omega-3s Can Fight Depression and Anxiety

Depression is one of the most common mental disorders. Symptoms include sadness, lethargy, and loss of interest in life. Anxiety, also a common disorder, is characterized by constant anxiety and nervousness. Interestingly, studies show that people who consume omega-3s regularly are less likely to suffer from depression. Furthermore, when people with depression or anxiety start taking omega-3 supplements, their symptoms improve.
There are three types of omega-3 fatty acids including omega -3 ALA, omega -3 EPA and omega -3 DHA. Among them, EPA seems to be the best antidepressant omega-3 and is as effective against depression as a common antidepressant.

2. Omega-3s Can Improve Eye Health

DHA, an omega-3 that is a major structural component of the retina of the eye. When the body does not get enough DHA, vision problems can arise. If enough omega-3s could be obtained, the risks associated with macular degeneration would be reduced. It is one of the leading causes of permanent eye damage and blindness.
Sử dụng Omega-3 có thể cải thiện sức khỏe của mắt

3. Omega-3s May Boost Brain Health During Pregnancy and Infants

Omega-3s are important for infant brain growth and development. DHA accounts for 40% of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the brain and 60% in the retina of the eye. Therefore, it is not surprising that infants fed DHA-fortified formula have better eyesight than infants fed formula without DHA. Getting enough omega-3 during pregnancy has many benefits for the baby including:
Increased intelligence, Better social and communication skills, Fewer behavioral problems, Reduced risk Developmental delay Reduces risk of ADHD, autism and cerebral palsy

4. Omega-3s reduce heart disease risk factors

Heart attacks and strokes are the leading causes of death in the world. Decades ago, researchers observed that fish-eating communities had very low rates of cardiovascular disease. This is due to the effects of omega-3 consumption. Since then, omega-3 fatty acids have been associated with many benefits for heart health. These benefits address the following issues:
Triglycerides: Omega-3s can significantly reduce triglycerides, usually in the 15-30% range. Blood pressure: Omega-3s may lower blood pressure levels in people with high blood pressure. Good HDL cholesterol: Omega-3s can increase levels of good HDL cholesterol. Blood clots: Omega-3s can keep blood platelets from clumping together. This helps prevent harmful blood clots from forming. Plaque: By keeping arteries smooth and undamaged, omega-3s help prevent plaque that can constrict and harden arteries Inflammation: Omega-3s reduce the production of certain substances released during the inflammatory response.
Huyết áp 109/71 mmHg ở tuổi 47
Omega-3 có thể làm giảm mức huyết áp ở những người bị huyết áp cao

For some people, omega-3s can also lower bad LDL cholesterol. Despite these beneficial effects on heart disease risk factors, there is no convincing evidence that omega-3 supplements can prevent heart attacks or strokes.

5. Omega-3s Reduce ADHD Symptoms in Children

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a behavioral disorder characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Some studies note that children with ADHD have lower blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids than their healthy peers. What's more, many studies observe that omega-3 supplements can reduce symptoms of ADHD. Omega-3s help improve inattention and task completion. They also reduce hyperactivity, impulsivity, restlessness and aggression.
Recently, researchers have observed that fish oil supplements are one of the most promising treatments for ADHD.

6. Omega-3s Reduce Symptoms of Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is a collection of factors that affect health. It includes central obesity also known as belly fat as well as high blood pressure, insulin resistance, high triglycerides, and good levels of HDL cholesterol. This is a major public health concern because it increases the risk of many other diseases, including heart disease and diabetes. Omega-3 fatty acids may improve insulin resistance, inflammation, and heart disease risk factors in people with metabolic syndrome.
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Omega-3 được chứng minh tốt với sức khỏe tim mạch

7. Omega-3 helps fight inflammation

Inflammation is a natural response to infection in the body. Therefore, it is very important for health. However, inflammation sometimes persists for a long time, even in the absence of infection or injury. This is called chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation can contribute to most chronic diseases, including heart disease and cancer. Notably, omega-3 fatty acids can reduce the production of molecules and substances involved in inflammation, such as eicosanoids and inflammatory cytokines.

8. Omega-3 works against autoimmune diseases

Autoimmune disease occurs when the immune system mistakes healthy cells for foreign cells and begins to attack them. Type 1 diabetes is a prime example, in which the immune system attacks the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. Omega-3s may fight some of these diseases and may be especially important in early life. Studies show that getting enough omega-3s during the first year of life is associated with a reduced risk of many autoimmune diseases, including type 1 diabetes, autoimmune diabetes, and multiple sclerosis. Omega-3s also help treat lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, and psoriasis

9. Omega-3 Acids Improve Mental Disorders

Low omega-3 levels have been found in people with mental disorders. Studies show that omega-3 supplements can reduce the frequency of mood swings and relapses in people with both schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Omega-3 fatty acids are also effective in reducing violent behavior.
Tâm thần phân liệt
Omega-3 có tác dụng với người bị rối loạn tâm thần

10. Omega-3s May Fight Age-Related Mental Decline and Alzheimer's Disease

Declining brain function is one of the inevitable consequences of aging. Several studies have found a link between high omega-3 intake and a decline in age-related mental health problems and a reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease. Controlled research suggests that omega-3 supplements may be beneficial at the onset of the disease, when symptoms are very mild.

11. Omega-3 has the effect of preventing cancer

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the world and omega-3 fatty acids work to reduce the risk of some cancers. Studies show that people who consume a lot of omega-3 reduce their risk of colon cancer by 55%. Additionally, omega-3 consumption has been linked to a reduced risk of prostate cancer in men and breast cancer in women.

12. Omega-3s May Reduce Asthma In Children

Asthma is a chronic lung disease with symptoms such as coughing, shortness of breath and wheezing. Severe asthma attacks can be very dangerous. They are caused by inflammation and swelling in the airways of the lungs. Several studies show that consuming omega-3s reduces the risk of asthma in children and young adults.
Trẻ hen suyễn
Trẻ bị hen suyễn có thể sử dụng omega-3 theo chỉ định của bác sĩ

13. Omega-3 can reduce fat in the liver

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is quite common. It increases with obesity and becomes the most common cause of chronic liver disease. However, omega-3 fatty acid supplements were effective at reducing liver fat and inflammation in people with NAFLD.

14. Omega-3s May Improve Bone and Joint Health

Osteoporosis and arthritis are two common disorders affecting the skeletal system. Studies indicate that omega-3s can improve bone health by increasing the amount of calcium in the bones, which in turn leads to a reduced risk of osteoporosis. Omega-3s can also treat arthritis. Patients taking omega-3 supplements experience reduced joint pain and enhanced grip

15. Omega-3s Can Relieve Menstrual Cramps

Menstrual pain occurs in the lower abdomen and pelvis and often radiates to the lower back and thighs. It can significantly affect quality of life. Studies have demonstrated that women who consume a lot of omega-3s have milder menstrual pain than those who don't get enough omega-3s. One study also determined that omega-3 supplements were more effective than ibuprofen in treating severe pain during menstruation.

16.Omega-3 fatty acids and their sleep-improving effects

Good sleep is one of the foundations of optimal health. Studies have linked lack of sleep to many diseases, including obesity, diabetes and depression.
Low levels of omega-3 fatty acids have been linked to sleep problems in children and obstructive sleep apnea in adults. Low DHA levels have also been linked to lower levels of the hormone melatonin, which helps you fall asleep. Studies in both children and adults show that omega-3 supplements increase the length and quality of sleep.
Ngủ ngon
Sử dung omega-3 giúp người dùng có giấc ngủ chất lượng hơn

17. Omega-3 fats are good for the skin

DHA is a structural component of the skin. It is responsible for the health of cell membranes, which make up a large part of the skin. A healthy cell membrane leads to soft, moist, supple and wrinkle-free skin. EPA also benefits the skin in many ways, including:
Managing oil production and skin hydration. Prevents hyperkeratosis of hair follicles, which appear as small red bumps commonly found on the upper arms Reduces premature aging of the skin Reduces the risk of acne Omega-3s may also protect the skin from harmful effects of the sun. EPA helps prevent the release of substances that eat away at collagen in the skin after sun exposure Omega-3 fatty acids are important for optimal health, they are obtained from whole foods. It is recommended to eat fatty fish twice per week to ensure adequate omega-3 intake. However, if you don't eat a lot of fatty fish, then you might consider taking an omega-3 supplement. For those who are deficient in omega-3s, this is an inexpensive and highly effective way to improve health.
Vinmec International General Hospital with a system of modern facilities, medical equipment and a team of experts and doctors with many years of experience in medical examination and treatment, patients can rest assured to visit. examination and treatment at the Hospital.
To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register online HERE.
Reference source: healthline.com

What is DHA? Instructions on how to supplement DHA for mothers and babies Why should supplement DHA for babies and premature babies? 12 foods rich in Omega 3
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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