Diagnosis of neurological diseases in the elderly

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Elderly people with neurological diseases are quite common including cerebrovascular accident, Parkinson's, dementia... When taking care of these patients, it is necessary to pay attention and handle possible complications. happen. In addition to treating the disease, it is also necessary to pay attention to a healthy diet, exercise the body appropriately and maintain intellectual activity.

1. Neurological diseases in the elderly

The aging of the nervous system in the elderly can come early and become common neurological diseases. Risk factors for aging can form and develop pathology right from the transitional age and can be considered as complications of medical diseases
Neuropathy in the elderly is quite complex and signs of pain symptoms: elderly people often have signs of headache, migraine, half-face pain, sciatic nerve pain. These diseases are often associated with symptoms related to body aches, pain in the limbs, and shoulder pain. Signs of tremors, convulsions: when people with neurological disease will often have signs of shaking limbs, shaking when walking, staggering or shaking speech. Furthermore, it may be accompanied by symptoms of epileptic seizures, mental disturbances, dysregulation of movements, etc. Swallowing and speech disturbances for mental illness in the elderly have a phenomenon. choking, choking, and walking becomes difficult. Memory disorders often cause patients to feel forgetful and confused or have the phenomenon of misremembering and misunderstanding things.
Người cao tuổi người già 1
Bệnh thần kinh ở người cao tuổi khá phức tạp và đa dạng, có các biểu hiện: run rẩy, co giật, đau nhức,rối loạn trí nhớ...

2. Some neurological diseases in the elderly

Diseases often related to nerves in the elderly commonly include: Cerebrovascular accident with symptoms of embolism, embolism causing cerebral infarction, cerebral ischemia... Cases of elderly people There is bleeding in the brain, bleeding in the meninges, meningitis, often due to purulent meningitis, tuberculous meningitis. Or Parkinson's disease.

3. Diagnosis of neurological diseases in the elderly

For neurological diseases in the elderly, it is necessary to have a follow-up plan from the age of "forty-nine has not passed, the third year has come" to be able to promptly detect common related diseases. Symptoms such as pain related to the nervous system and brain such as headaches, migraines, low back pain... Symptoms of convulsions, tremors, fatigue in the legs, especially symptoms muscle stiffness when moving... amnesia, misremembering, phobias or anxiety and fear.
When the elderly have these signs, it is recommended to apply a combination of methods to explore the function of the elderly without danger to help diagnose such as echocardiography, transcerebral ultrasound, electroencephalography, and imaging Computed tomography and neuropsychological tests.

4. Treatment of neurological diseases in the elderly

Due to the physical characteristics of the elderly, when treating neurological diseases, it is necessary to perform comprehensively in order to be able to treat multiple diseases comprehensively between drugs and body nourishment, thereby improving the quality of life. physical condition, combining drugs as well as rehabilitation methods.
Drugs used to treat the elderly will need to pay attention to the absorption, metabolism and elimination because these factors will be lower in the elderly than in the general population. drug use. In addition, it is necessary to add drugs to improve health, vitamins of group B. Therefore, using drugs to treat neurological diseases in the elderly needs to combine Eastern medicine with advantages for the elderly.
người cao tuổi uống thuốc
Điều trị các bệnh thần kinh ở người cao tuổi cần thận trọng khi sử dụng thuốc

5. Neurological rehabilitation for the elderly and ways to prevent neurological diseases in the elderly

Active, comprehensive, and comprehensive treatment methods are often performed to restore nerve function for the elderly and are often used by means of nourishing life, meditation, qigong, qigong... Rehabilitation of motor function in the elderly, along with the need to pay attention to qigong, massage, and acupressure can all help the elderly to calm down and these methods are often combined with different moments of the day. to be effective.
The psychological impact between the part plays an important role in the treatment of neurological diseases in the elderly, helping the elderly to self-identify in the treatment of diseases and practice hard, Eating and resting properly can help reduce the disease. Moreover, along with the attention of the community, agencies, families, and friends also make an important contribution to effective treatment. However, always pay attention to diet and rest for elderly patients.
Besides effective treatment methods, it is also necessary to combine monitoring plans to promptly detect changes in cardiovascular, blood pressure, respiratory, urinary, or sensory changes. such as flying eyes, blurred vision, noisy hearing in pregnancy, hearing loss, choking when eating, choking on drinking water or symptoms of psychological disorders.
Vinmec International General Hospital is one of the hospitals that not only ensures professional quality with a team of leading medical doctors, modern equipment and technology, but also stands out for its examination and consultation services. comprehensive and professional medical consultation and treatment; civilized, polite, safe and sterile medical examination and treatment space.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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