Drinking a lot of alcohol can increase the risk of gum disease

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Alcohol is classified as a drink that damages tooth enamel, causing tooth decay, gum disease and mouth sores. Alcohol abuse is a common risk factor for oral cancer and increases the risk of permanent tooth loss by up to three times compared with the general population.

1. What effect does drinking alcohol have on tooth enamel?

1.1. Alcohol contains colorants According to oral health experts, the color in beverages such as beer is due to the presence of Chromogenes colorants. These compounds adhere to the tooth surface, while the protective ability of the enamel layer is not good because it has been damaged by the amount of acid in alcohol and consequently stains the teeth.
Therefore, alcohol is classified as a beverage that damages tooth enamel and experts recommend that it can be limited by using a straw or rinsing your mouth with clean water after drinking alcohol. Experts warn those with a taste for alcohol mixed with soda or red wine to prepare to say goodbye with a white smile.
One drink that spoils yeast as much as alcohol is beer, although the harm may be slightly lower. Beer is also acidic in the same way as wine, thus making teeth more susceptible to yellowing. Especially for barley and malt fermented beers, which are inherently dark in color increases the risk of tooth discoloration.
1.2. Drinking alcohol causes dry mouth Experts note that drinks with a high alcohol content (such as spirits) will have a drying effect on the mouth. Using alcohol causes dry mouth, thereby making the enamel layer's function not good because saliva, in addition to moisturizing the teeth, also helps to remove plaque and bacteria on the tooth surface. The advice given is to try to drink enough water when drinking too much alcohol.
1.3. Some other harm Alcohol-related tooth damage is increased if users chew on ice in their drinks due to an increased risk of tooth fracture. In addition, some people use alcohol and add citrus fruits to it, increasing the risk of damaging tooth enamel. The American Dental Association notes that even a small slice of lemon can erode tooth enamel.
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2. Drinking a lot of alcohol can increase the risk of gum disease

Several reliable studies have shown that people who drink more than the recommended daily limit may harbor an unhealthy population of bacteria in the oral cavity. When compared with the average person, people who drink a lot of alcohol tend to have fewer groups of "good" bacteria in their mouths. In contrast, the population of harmful bacteria was higher, which included bacteria associated with gum disease, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.
Many studies to date investigate the factors that influence the human microbiome, including the trillions of bacteria and other microorganisms that naturally reside in the body. The link between gut microbiota characteristics and disease risk has been found that the more diverse the gut microbiome, the better.
Similarly, studies have also demonstrated that an imbalance in the oral microflora can increase the risk of tooth decay and gum disease, in addition to other diseases such as head, neck, and digestive tract cancers. chemistry and cardiovascular disease.
A reliable study on the issue of "Lifestyle factors affecting the oral microbiota" by researcher Jiyoung Ahn, of NYU Langone Health in New York City, according to which drinking habits are a factor that needs to be considered. Heavy drinking increases the risk of gum disease and some cancers of the head and neck. There is also evidence that alcohol alters the bacterial population in the oral cavity. Ahn's team analyzed mouthwash samples from 1,044 adults in the United States. Of these, about 25% are non-drinkers, 59% are moderate drinkers, and 15% are heavy drinkers. "Heavy" here means drinking more than the recommended limit: 1 drink/day for women and 2bly/day for men. Overall, research shows that drinkers, especially heavy drinkers, tend to have less Lactobacillales, a type of "good" bacteria commonly used in probiotic supplements. Meanwhile, drinkers often have higher levels of certain "bad" bacteria, such as Bacteroides, Actinomyces and Neisseria species.
Yiping Han, professor of dental medicine and microbiology at Columbia University in New York City, said Ahn's study results did not explain the differences between study participants. According to Han, the microbiome in the oral cavity can also be affected by many factors ranging from diet, brushing and oral care. Plus, Han said, it's unclear how many people in the heavy drinker group may have been dependent on alcohol. And are there any significant differences between those who don't drink and those who drink in moderation?
Ahn said she and her team took some of those factors into account. For example, the study took into account the age, race, smoking habits, education level and body weight of the study participants. Still, Ahn said, there could still be other differences between nondrinkers and heavy drinkers that her team couldn't consider. It is therefore a question as to why alcohol is selective about increasing some bad bacteria and decreasing some good bacteria. Ahn's study did not answer the question and therefore more research is needed.
Men răng không tốt
Men răng không tốt do đã bị tổn hại bởi lượng axit có trong rượu và hệ quả làm răng bị ố màu

The crux of the above research is to give valuable advice. For everyone it is important to be lifestyle wise, practice good oral hygiene and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
For alcohol use, research has shown moderation is key. We already know that heavy drinking is a risk factor for many diseases. Thus, the possible adverse effect on the gastrointestinal microbiota is another reason to limit excessive alcohol use.

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Reference sources: webmd.com, healthline.com

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