Histamine causes allergies in which foods?

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The article was professionally consulted with Specialist Doctor I Nguyen Hong Phuc - General Internal Medicine - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital.
Histamine is one of the common causes of allergic reactions in many people with atopic dermatitis. Consuming a high amount of Histamine beyond the body's allowable level can lead to food poisoning. To avoid this situation, people who are prone to allergies should know what histamine is present in food as well as how to reduce histamine in daily life and eating.

1. What is Histamine? What are the characteristics of Histamine?

Histamine (C5H9N3) is a biological amine that helps maintain the physiological function of the intestines as well as a neurotransmitter. In general, Histamine plays an important role in the local immune system.
Histamine has the ability to aggravate the underlying rash, itching in the body of people who are prone to allergies.
Histamine has high water absorption and heat resistance without being destroyed, so if the amount of Histamine in food is high, it will not be lost during cooking. The toxicity of Histamine depends on the amount of Histamine absorbed by the allergic person. If the amount of consumption is from 8-40mg of Histamine, sensitive people will have tears and saliva. If the amount eaten is from 1500-4000mg, the person eating has symptoms of headache, abdominal pain, diarrhea, shortness of breath, rash and rapid pulse...

2. Histamine is in which food?

There are a number of foods that contain a lot of Histamine that people with allergies should pay attention to, they include:
2.1. Histamine in fish Seafood, especially fish, is one of the food sources containing the highest amount of Histamine. Specifically, marine fish such as mackerel, anchovies, tuna, herring, stingray... if not kept frozen well after catching, poor cold storage will cause bacteria to thrive and change. Histidine amino acid to Histamine is toxic to humans.
Intoxication from histamine in fish can occur 5 to 30 minutes after eating spoiled fish with typical symptoms such as: swelling, redness of the face and body, burning mouth, nausea, pain headache, upset stomach, fainting, blurred vision, trouble breathing, wheezing, diarrhea...
These allergy symptoms can last from a few hours to a day. Histamine poisoning in fish is usually mild, easy to heal. However, if not treated promptly, it can also lead to death, with serious heart complications such as hypotension and arrhythmias.
Histamin có tính hút nước, chịu nhiệt cao mà không bị phá hủy
2.2. Dairy Products Most food allergies are triggered by certain proteins in dairy products: yogurt, cheese, ice cream, etc. Once you've had an itchy rash on your skin, You need to avoid dairy products altogether. Even skim milk and low-fat dairy products are discouraged.
2.2. Certain types of nuts Nuts like cashews, walnuts, almonds, peanuts, chestnuts or any other nut can make an allergy worse, including to nut foods pack. The best way is for people with sensitive skin to try and actively avoid consuming these foods if they find themselves at risk of allergies.
2.3. Fermented foods Fermented foods such as soy sauce, fish sauce, vinegar, wine, beer, sauces... often have a very high histamine content, so people who are prone to allergies should also be careful. use these products.
In addition, the allergenic factor in food can also be from coloring agents, preservatives, additives during processing. Should avoid using foods of unknown origin or unsafe food processing procedures.

3. Symptoms of allergy due to Histamine

Histamine allergic reactions can range from mild to severe, even if not handled promptly, can cause death or anaphylaxis. Food allergy symptoms are most common in children and infants, but can occur at any age. There are even people who suddenly have an allergic reaction to a food they have eaten for many years with no problem.
Common signs of a food allergy are as follows:
Redness, itching, possibly a skin rash: is one of the most common signs of a food allergy. The patient will feel itchy skin, rash, even itching all over the body, the skin becomes red, swollen, even distorted, deformed in a certain part of the body (eyes, lips, mouth), and hands, forearms, and feet. Cardiac arrhythmias, hypotension due to vasodilation: In some cases, allergies can lead to changes in the patient's blood pressure, slower heart rate, dizziness, dizziness or difficulty breathing. However, often people will be subjective and rarely pay attention to this sign unless there is a heart rate monitor, blood pressure at home. Abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea: these are also common symptoms of food allergies. It can also be caused by lactose intolerance. Burning sensation in the mouth, stimulate gastric secretion, increase saliva production causing nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Headache, dizziness, hangover: Because Histamine directly affects the nervous system, it may be accompanied by difficulty breathing due to edema and tracheal spasm.
Thực phẩm
Hải sản, đặc biệt là cá là một trong những nguồn thực phẩm có hàm chứa lượng Histamin cao nhất

4. How to reduce Histamine

If the above is a list of foods that are likely to contain high levels of Histamine, below are the foods that help reduce Histamine that sensitive people should consider including in their daily menu:
4.1. Green vegetables and fruits Compared with other foods, green foods are low in fat and have many healthy components such as vitamin C, protein, lutein, folic acid... Therefore, eating a lot of green vegetables and fruits both increases the body's resistance, and is a way to reduce Histamine and the risk of allergies.
4.2. Citrus fruits Citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons often contain a lot of vitamin C, which is a substance that works against the activity of histamine, reduces rashes, itchiness, helps strengthen the immune system to fight bacteria again. In addition, these fruits are also rich in flavonoids, which have antibiotic effects.
Juice from citrus fruits not only provides vitamin C to help fight bacteria, but also can destroy viruses in the mucous membranes of the nose and throat, reducing allergy symptoms.
4.3. Apple Apple is a food capable of neutralizing acids in the body, both strengthening physical strength and increasing disease resistance. In particular, apples contain a lot of quercetin, which is a special substance that helps limit the release of histamine. In addition, apples also have high antioxidant capacity, so they can protect cells against harmful agents, including allergens.
4.4. Tomatoes Like oranges and lemons, tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, which helps prevent inflammation, thereby preventing the appearance of allergy symptoms such as nasal congestion. Tomatoes also increase the feeling of fullness without adding any calories.
4.5. Parsley is also a food that contains a lot of vitamin C, even more than oranges, lemons or any other fruit.
Parsley functions as an antioxidant by removing toxins and maintaining the elasticity of blood vessels, helping with antiseptic, anti-inflammatory... Every day just consume about 25-30mg of celery. provide enough vitamins for the body.
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Tham khảo ý kiến bác sĩ để có thể chăm sóc sức khỏe tốt nhất

5. How to handle allergy due to Histamine

If unfortunately the patient has a hypersensitivity and develops allergic symptoms after consuming a certain food, the following handling methods can be consulted:
In case of mild allergy: if the patient has signs of skin allergies, digestive disorders can use some antihistamines such as Chlorpheniramine, Claritin or Telfat...). In case of severe manifestations: if you see a rapid pulse, low blood pressure, secretions, shortness of breath, it is necessary to quickly rehydrate fluids and electrolytes and use antihistamines, corticosteroids. If the condition is still severe, it is necessary to transfer the patient to a medical facility for emergency treatment and timely treatment.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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