How does the habit of chewing on one side affect teeth?

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Habit of chewing on one side of the jaw is a bad eating habit, common in people with oral problems such as missing teeth on one side of the jaw, tooth decay, broken teeth, loose teeth, worn enamel, etc. .. So what is the harmful habit of chewing on one side and what should be done to overcome it?

1. Consequences of the habit of chewing on one side

According to normal physiological movement when we eat, the two jaws always move symmetrically and coordinate with each other to crush food. Food will be cut and crushed before being put into the stomach to ensure a healthy digestive system. In addition, the movement of chewing muscles when eating will help the jaw muscles and teeth to develop normally. Therefore, the habit of chewing on one side of the jaw can lead to some of the following problems:
Uneven development of the chewing muscles. Performing unilateral chewing for a long time will cause the muscles to develop only in one area. one side and the other side contracted due to lack of exercise. This causes the face shape to be transformed into one large side and one small side. More serious cases can deviate the bridge of the nose, causing cosmetic loss.
Teeth are weaker than the habit of chewing on one side of the jaw will make the teeth quickly weaken, because the teeth on the chewing side will have to work with more intensity, so the chewing surface of the teeth will be worn down quickly and more than usual. This can lead to oral diseases such as pulpitis, tooth decay, pulp necrosis,...
Meanwhile, on the other side, the teeth will be weakened and easy to accumulate tartar to create favorable conditions. conditions for bacteria to attack causing tooth decay or infection.
Decreasing the quality of food before entering the stomach Not only chewing on one side is misaligned, but also making the food not be crushed effectively before being put into the stomach, making the stomach work with higher intensity . Over time, the digestive system will weaken and may cause stomach pain.
Temporomandibular joint disorder The chewing on one side will make the temporomandibular joint gradually and unevenly worn on both sides if this condition persists for many years. The patient will have some symptoms such as malocclusion, opening the mouth to hear the sound due to the impact of the joints, causing disorders of the temporomandibular joint. More severe cases may experience pain on one side of the jaw when chewing or not being able to open and close the mouth normally.

2. Methods to cure facial deviation at home

Patients who have a habit of chewing on one side of the jaw with a deviated face often have an inferiority complex. Therefore, mild disproportionate cases can be overcome by simple exercises at home to regain confidence with the following methods:
Lying position also contributes to the treatment of facial deviation one side. For example, which side is on the left side of the face? You will improve by lying on your left side, because resting your head on the left side will help the left side gradually shrink. When the face has achieved balance, it is advisable to lie on your back to keep the balance, and at the same time help reduce pressure on the internal organs of the body. Facial massage at home is not only an operation in the beauty process but also an activity that helps to influence the shape of the face. This activity helps blood circulation better, helping the skin to be ruddy, smooth, rejuvenated, avoiding wrinkles and sagging. However, it is necessary to persevere in practicing every day to make the face more symmetrical. Facial massage is suggested as follows: Use your hands to massage in the direction from the bottom of the chin up and from the inside out. Massage in a clockwise circle in the forehead and across the chin.

3. Do braces help correct the misalignment caused by chewing on one side?

Braces are one of the methods to correct facial deviation with low cost but still bring high efficiency. Patients do not need to endure pain during surgery, but only need to use appliances attached to their teeth to adjust their teeth to move. When the teeth move to the standard occlusal position, it will also have the effect of changing the jawbone to a slight degree. The process of performing braces to improve this condition can take from 12 to 18 months.
In addition, surgery can be used to influence the shape of the jawbone. This is the most optimal way to cure facial conditions when there is too much asymmetry. The jawbone will be added or removed and then fixed to adjust the overall face balance and harmony. The total time to complete an orthopedic surgery is usually about 3 to 4 hours. The disadvantage of this method is its rather high cost.
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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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