How does your diet affect your skin?

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Your body and activities depend on what you take in daily, so does your skin. A healthy diet full of nutrients, vitamins and minerals is the most effective skin care method.

1. How are diet and skin related?

In some people, whenever they eat a particular food, such as chocolate, a day or two later there may be an outbreak of acne. This is not an isolated phenomenon, more than a third of people with acne notice a link between their diet and the development of acne. While there aren't any studies to prove certain foods cause acne or prevent it, the relationship between diet and skin is what most dermatologists recommend. receive.
Acne is one of the most common skin diseases. To put it simply, acne is born when there is a disorder in the skin regeneration process. New skin cells are constantly being generated in the basal layer of the epidermis. After being born, these layers of cells are gradually pushed up, the more and more these cells flatten and turn into the outermost layer of dead cells to protect the skin. If the skin renewal process is not happening properly, trapped skin cells clog the oil glands and pores, causing proteins and sebum to be trapped under the skin. The proteins and sebum become a food source for the acne-causing bacteria P.acnes.
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There are many factors involved in the skin renewal cycle, including food. The vitamins and nutrients from the food will be used to repair skin damage and regenerate the skin. If the diet lacks the necessary nutrients, the skin regeneration process will be affected, the skin will produce acne or other lesions. Studies show that improper food use accounts for up to 25% of the role in acne formation. Thus, taking care of your skin with cosmetics is not enough, you need to have a balanced, scientific diet, this is an effective skin care from the inside, helping to keep the skin healthy and beautiful, preventing premature skin diseases. damage and aging of the skin.

2. Diet is good for the skin

Facts and studies show that some food groups are more effective at promoting skin health than others. You should include these food groups in your diet to have beautiful and healthy skin.
Foods rich in Vitamin A: Vitamin A helps accelerate skin regeneration, preventing acne. In your daily diet, you should increase foods rich in vitamin A such as oily fish, salmon, carrots, spinach, broccoli,... Zinc-rich foods: There is evidence that people with diabetes acne has lower-than-normal blood zinc levels. Zinc plays an important role in helping to prevent acne by inhibiting the growth of acne-causing bacteria P.acnes. Zinc is also often included in the treatment and skin care regimen for acne. Foods rich in zinc include almonds, wheat germ, seafood,... Foods rich in vitamin E, vitamin C: Vitamin E and vitamin C are antioxidants that protect the skin. Vitamin E and vitamin C used synergistically will make the antioxidant capacity stronger. Vitamin C is abundant in foods such as oranges, lemons, grapefruits, papayas, tomatoes, ... Vitamin E is abundant in sweet potatoes, olive oil, sunflower seeds, avocados, broccoli, green vegetables, .. .
Vitamin E có
Những thực phẩm giàu vitamin E chứa các chất chống oxy hóa

Selenium: Selenium is a mineral with antioxidant properties that help protect the skin from free radical damage. In a study done in Sweden, in which 42 men and 47 women were given selenium in combination with vitamin E for 12 weeks, most of the study participants had an improvement in their acne. Selenium-rich foods include wheat germ, tuna, salmon, garlic, eggs, brown rice,... Omega-3 fatty acids: This type of fatty acid inhibits several factors that cause inflammation and other damage in the body. skin. A diet rich in Omega-3 also helps to increase skin regeneration and prevent acne. Omega-3 is found in foods such as salmon, sardines, flaxseed oil, walnuts, sunflower seeds, almonds,... Water: Drinking plenty of water helps flush toxins out of the body. Essential for metabolism and skin regeneration. Drinking enough water is a simple but effective way to take care of your skin. You should drink enough 8 glasses of water a day, if you are physically active, you need to drink more water.

3. The diet is not good for the skin

In addition to certain foods like chocolate, greasy processed foods like chips and junk food are thought to increase the likelihood of acne outbreaks. Several studies have demonstrated the acne-promoting role of two widely used food groups: carbohydrates and dairy products.
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A study conducted at George Washington University Medical Center (USA) found that cow's milk and cow's milk products can cause acne flare-ups or worsen acne in some people. The cause was found to be the hormone used to stimulate growth in the cow. When entering the body, the hormones in milk will increase the level of androgen hormone. Androgens increase sebum production, causing acne.
Carbohydrates: including foods such as bread, potatoes, sugary drinks and snacks,... Researchers at Colorado State University (USA) compared the skin of people with diets on a high carbohydrate diet and a low carbohydrate diet. The results showed that people with a diet rich in fruits, fresh vegetables and fish had healthier skin and less acne than those with a diet high in refined grains, sugary soft drinks, sugary drinks, and other foods. baked goods,... Carbohydrates can cause acne because they increase the hormone insulin in the body. Elevated insulin triggers a cascade of reactions that increase androgen levels. Androgen stimulates sebum production, which clogs pores, causing acne.
Beautiful healthy skin signals a healthy body, full of life. Hopefully the above article helps you understand the relationship between diet and skin, from which you have a basis to build yourself a scientific diet for youthful and beautiful skin.
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