What is venous blood sugar higher than capillary?

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Today, the number of people with diabetes is increasing day by day. To detect and diagnose whether a patient has diabetes, it can be assessed through the results of measuring blood sugar. Blood glucose measurement is not only a basic test to help diagnose but also has prognostic value and monitor treatment for diabetes. So what is the result of venous blood sugar higher than capillary? What is the meaning of this? Let's follow the article.

1. What is capillary blood sugar and venous blood sugar?

Arteries are blood vessels responsible for transporting blood from the heart to the tissues. From the aorta onwards, these arteries divide into smaller branches. The farther the artery from the heart, the smaller the area of ​​the artery, but the total cross-sectional area of ​​the arterial system will increase, so the more blood flows in the arterial system at a location farther from the heart, the more it increases.
Veins are blood vessels responsible for transporting blood from tissues to the heart. These blood vessels are derived from capillaries. Blood flows from the capillaries into the first blood vessel system called the venules. The venules will concentrate, pouring blood into the large veins. From there, the blood returns to the heart. The capillaries are the microvascular system connecting the arterioles and the venules. The capillary wall is composed of a layer of endothelial cells, between these cells there are small holes to carry out metabolism between cells and blood. The vascular system in the human body has about 10,000 million capillaries with a total exchange area of ​​about 500-700 m2.
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2. What is venous blood sugar higher than capillary?

Diabetes is a disease related to blood glucose levels. This is a chronic disease with the main manifestation of blood sugar being higher than normal due to a deficiency or resistance to insulin, leading to a disorder of blood sugar metabolism.
Diabetes causes many dangerous complications for sufferers. To prevent or delay possible complications, patients can self-monitor their blood sugar. When diagnosed with diabetes, the patient needs to be determined blood sugar quickly to prescribe medication and adjust a reasonable diet.
According to the study on the difference between capillary blood glucose concentration and venous blood glucose concentration, there is a difference in the blood glucose index when measured at the same time.
The results show that, at the higher the patient's blood sugar, the capillary blood glucose concentration and the venous blood sugar concentration tend to differ more. The difference between capillary and venous blood sugar does not depend on gender, blood pressure, blood fat, electrolytes, liver enzymes, but the difference between capillary and venous blood glucose concentration depends on concentration. Blood creatinine.

3.Guide to measuring capillary blood glucose concentration

The number of times of measuring capillary blood sugar during the day, during the week as well as at those times will be done as directed by the doctor, based on the patient's medical condition and medical needs.
In cases where the patient is adjusting the dose of hypoglycemic drugs, pregnant women with a diagnosis of gestational diabetes can check their blood sugar from one to several times a day (usually early in the morning, fasting). eat at least 8 hours and after meals 1 or 2 hours).
If people with diabetes are on medication stable, blood sugar lowering pills can be tested 2 to 3 times a week before, after mealtimes and before going to bed.
Other times: People with diabetes can try whenever abnormal symptoms appear such as: Excessive thirst, frequent urination, hunger, weakness, fatigue, exhaustion, sweating or before and after physical exercise to take timely measures.
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4.Result, meaning of glycemic index

High blood sugar result is when a patient has one of the three below readings that exceed the results of a normal person. Specifically:
In people with new diabetes (pre-diabetes): The fasting blood sugar index is ≥ 7 mmol/l, equivalent to 126mg/dl or more.
Blood sugar index 2 hours after eating ≥ 10mmol/l equivalent to 180mg/dl or more
HbA1c index ≥ 6.5%.
In people with long-term diabetes or cardiovascular complications, kidney failure: The fasting blood sugar index is ≥ 8.5 mmol/l, equivalent to 153mg/dl or more.
Blood sugar index 2 hours after eating is 10mmol/l equivalent to 180mg/dl
HbA1c index ≥ 8%.
For pregnant women For pregnant women with gestational diabetes, doctors often order a stricter target blood sugar tolerance test. The index results are normal when:
- Before eating: < 5.3 mmol/L , equivalent to less than 95.4 mg/dl
- After eating 1 hour: < 7.8 mmol/L, small equivalent more than 140.4 mg/dl
- After eating 2 hours: < 6.7 mmol/L, equivalent to less than 120.6 mg/dl
If the glycemic index result is higher or the value is too low compared to If the index is allowed, it is necessary to immediately notify the doctor for timely treatment.
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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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