Why should you exfoliate your skin?

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The human body's skin has a constant self-healing mechanism and replaces new skin cells. However, due to the bad influence of the environment, and bad skin care habits have affected the operation of this mechanism. So should you exfoliate your skin?

1. Exfoliate dead skin cells

There are many ways to own a smooth and healthy skin such as using skin creams containing anti-oxidant compounds or increasing collagen synthesis or laser skin resurfacing.... Exfoliation Exfoliation is one of the best things you can do at home to achieve smooth, healthy skin. However, if the wrong method is used, the consequences will be very serious.
Why exfoliate the skin? There are many reasons given to explain this question:
Cosmetic issues are one of the top reasons why you are determined to exfoliate your skin. Human skin has a self-repair and replacement mechanism. So dead skin cells that haven't been shed can appear all over the body. Exfoliating helps remove them from the body to reveal smoother, healthier-looking skin. Make you more confident in life. Another reason is the health of the skin. Dead cells contribute to preventing the contact of skin care products, limiting the impact of these products on the skin. Removing this layer of dead cells is the way to "pave the way" for skin care products to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin for more effective care.
Hướng dẫn chăm sóc da mặt mùa hè
Tẩy tế bào chết giúp da hấp thụ tốt hơn các sản phẩm chăm sóc da khác

If your skin is prone to acne, exfoliating can help clear pores clogged with oil, bacteria and dirt thereby limiting the appearance of acne. In addition, exfoliating also helps accelerate the regeneration of skin cells, stimulates collagen production, thereby helping to fade scars and bruises effectively. When to exfoliate the skin?
Exfoliation depends on the habits and needs of each person Exfoliating before starting a new day will help you have a smooth, bright skin, more confident when entering a new working day. Exfoliating every night before going to bed helps you remove makeup and residual dirt, bringing a feeling of comfort, easy to sleep. Avoid exfoliating if there are open wounds on the skin.

2. Exfoliating Skin Care

Skin care during and after the exfoliating process is also an important step. To prevent possible damage while exfoliating, there are a few points to keep in mind:
Consider exfoliating when you are using certain medications or other skin care products Contains retinoids or benzoyl peroxide. Exfoliating while using these products can cause dry skin or breakouts.
Tẩy da chết khi đang dùng các sản phẩm chứa retinoid khiến da dễ bị nổi mụn

Choose the right exfoliating method for your skin type. For people with dry and sensitive skin, chemical methods can be used with compounds belonging to the alpha hydroxy acid group because mechanical methods are easy to cause damage to the skin. For oily skin, it is possible to apply a mechanical exfoliation method that combines chemicals with compounds belonging to 2 groups of alpha hydroxy acids and beta hydroxy acids. However, in any case, it is important to stop exfoliating immediately when the skin appears dark spots or acne. Whether applying mechanical or chemical methods, it is important to be gentle with the skin. It is recommended to use soft-bristled brushes to gently rub on the skin to be exfoliated, and if using chemical methods, gently apply them to the skin, then rinse with warm water. Do not exfoliate when the skin has open wounds or sunburn. Exfoliating can cause skin to dry out. So, you should apply moisturizer right after exfoliating to ensure moisture and limit damage to the skin. At the same time, supplement with some vitamins that are good for the skin such as vitamin E, vitamin A, etc. Should perform the exfoliation according to a specific plan. For example, do it early in the morning or every night before going to bed, or it can be both times. Exfoliating regularly can help keep your skin soft and healthy, but overuse can cause irritation or damage.
Chăm sóc da
Tẩy da chết thường xuyên giúp da mềm mịn và sáng khỏe hơn
The exfoliating process can also experience body reactions ranging from mild allergies, itching, redness to more serious such as swelling of the exfoliated skin or respiratory reactions such as difficulty breathing, pain. chest. If you encounter one of the above symptoms, you should immediately handle the following:
If it is a mild allergy, first use warm water or cleanser to gently wash the irritated skin. Avoid using makeup products until the allergy is gone. If the irritated skin area is red and itchy, you can use allergy medicine as directed by your doctor. Immediately go to the nearest medical facility for examination and treatment if any of the following symptoms appear: Shortness of breath, chest pain, slurred tongue, swollen face, sore throat... manifestations of severe allergic reactions.

3. Conclusion

Exfoliating on the skin is one of the most effective ways to help you own a healthy, smooth skin. The process of exfoliating is relatively easy to do, but to avoid possible damage to the skin, it is still necessary to follow certain rules. Besides, in the real process, if there are any unusual symptoms, it is necessary to immediately stop the exfoliation, go to the facilities with good dermatology expertise for timely examination and treatment. Furthermore, it should be noted that in some cases of rosacea multiforme, exfoliation methods cannot be applied.
Reference source: healthline.com; dermstore.com; aad.org

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