X-ray technique of the thoracic spine

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This article is professionally consulted by Master, Resident Doctor Tran Duc Tuan - Department of Diagnostic Imaging - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.

X-ray of the thoracic spine to evaluate the physiological curve of the spine, detect vertebral body slips before or after a number of vertebral diseases such as degeneration, spondylolisthesis, scoliosis, kyphosis or trauma to the thoracic spine. X-ray technique of the thoracic spine is often indicated to bring high diagnostic value to patients.

1. Prepare

The person performing is a specialist doctor, an electro-optical technician who is fully equipped with hats, masks, lead vests, and personal dosimeters.
X-ray machine, left or right mark, appointment card of a specialist.
The patient is invited into the imaging room, explained in detail, and guided to perform X-ray. In addition, the patient must remove metal objects on the thoracic spine if it affects the imaging technique.
Người bệnh được hướng dẫn tháo bỏ vật dụng kim loại trước khi chụp x quang

2. Conduct X-ray of the thoracic spine

After receiving the order to take the scan, identify and compare the part to be scanned with the clinical diagnosis
Invite the patient to the X-ray room, explain the imaging procedure The technician adjusts the imaging table, the ball is 1m away from the film Instruct the patient in the posture before taking the picture: + Braking position: the patient lies on his back on the table, his arms are down along the body, his legs are down along the body.
Align the front plane perpendicular to the axis of the thoracic spine and to the center of the film vertically.
The x-ray shadow is projected perpendicular to the film, the central ray is localized to the D6 vertebra.
Instruct the patient to remain in the correct position.
1m film shadow distance, x-ray coverage. Check the buttons on the control cabinet, observe the patient through the glass, press the x-ray generator button.
+ Tilt position: Instruct the patient to lie on the side on the table, with both hands on the head, knees bent, thighs perpendicular to the body.
Align the front plane perpendicular to the lumbar spine axis and to the center of the film vertically.
The x-ray shadow is projected from top to bottom perpendicular to the film, the central ray is localized to the point on the contralateral iliac crest 3 fingers.
Instruct the patient to remain in the correct position.
1m film shadow distance, x-ray beam localization. Check the buttons on the control cabinet, observe the patient through the glass, press the x-ray generator button.
After the scan is complete, instruct the patient to wait for the results in the waiting room.

3. Evaluation of results

Obtaining the entire thoracic spine in a straight-angle position Clearly seeing the joints of the thoracic vertebrae The film has sharp contrast, clean film without scratches, sharp beam quality, clear contrast Have the patient's name , F mark, date of scan The doctor reads the lesion, describes it on the internal computer, prints the results and returns the results.
Bác sĩ sẽ phân tích kết quả cho người bệnh

4. Complications and treatment

X-ray technique of the thoracic spine straight and inclined does not cause complications for the patient. However, there may be some small errors that may require re-implementation of the technique, such as the patient not keeping still during the scan, resulting in an unclear image of the thoracic spine, affecting the diagnosis. So will be assigned to capture again in this case.
To register for X-ray of the thoracic spine at the Department of Diagnostic Imaging at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec medical system nationwide or register for online consultation and examination. here .
Master, Doctor Tran Duc Tuan is well-trained in the country and many centers have prestigious medical background in the world such as: Australia, Singapore, Thailand... The doctor has many years of experience in the field of medicine. imaging and endovascular and extravascular interventions. Currently, the doctor is working at the Department of Diagnostic Imaging and Interventional Vascular Unit - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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