Good exercises for people with vestibular disorders

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The treatment of vestibular disorders is not only applying a scientific and reasonable diet to avoid stressors and stressors. But vestibular disorders should exercise is the best way to relieve symptoms of dizziness and headaches.

1. What is vestibular disorder?

Almost any age can experience vestibular disorders, especially during adulthood. Vestibular disorders not only make the patient feel tired but also affect the quality of life.
The causes of vestibular disorders can be mentioned as: low blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, stressful situations, prolonged stress, excessive use of alcohol or people with obesity, ....

2. Vestibular disorders how to all?

Romberg Exercise
Các bài tập thể dục tốt cho người bị rối loạn tiền đình
Bài tập Romberg

First stand up straight, feet shoulder width apart, arms straight. Gently lean forward and back, so that the weight is on your toes and heels. Do not lift your toes or heels. Try to keep both shoulders and hips moving together. Do not stoop. Hold for a moment, then return to the starting position. Repeat 20 reps each time. Try to do it slowly at first, and then gradually increase it according to the amplitude and speed of the movement. Open your eyes first, then close your eyes. Side swing exercise

First stand near the wall. Stand up straight, feet close together, arms hanging straight towards you. Two eyes closed. Do this for 30 seconds. You can also increase the intensity of this exercise by bringing your arms straight forward parallel to the ground. Swinging exercise before and after
Các bài tập thể dục tốt cho người bị rối loạn tiền đình
Bài tập lắc lư trước sau

First stand up straight, feet shoulder width apart, arms straight. Gently lean forward and back, so that the weight is on your toes and heels. Do not lift your toes or heels. Try to keep both shoulders and hips moving together. Do not stoop. Hold for a moment, then return to the starting position. Repeat 20 reps each time. Try to do it slowly at first, and then gradually increase it according to the amplitude and speed of the movement. Open your eyes first, then close your eyes. Side swing exercise

Stand up straight, feet shoulder width apart, arms straight. Move your whole body (both shoulders and hips move) to the left, so that the whole body rests on the left leg, then to the right, rests on the right leg. Do not lift heels and toes. Repeat like this 20 times. Do the movement very slowly, once you get used to the speed you can gradually increase it according to the amplitude as well as the movement speed. Open your eyes first, then close your eyes. Standing exercise
Các bài tập thể dục tốt cho người bị rối loạn tiền đình
Bài tập dậm chân tại chỗ

The stomping in place is similar to the marching movements in the army, repeated for about 3 minutes. At the end of the exercise, relax your body. Do yoga exercises
Yoga exercises always focus on breathing so that air will be brought inside the body to the brain so that oxygen can circulate to other parts of the body. to normalize brain activity back to normal.
Means that you will quickly overcome symptoms such as dizziness, tinnitus, unsteady walking... caused by vestibular disorders.

3. Note when performing exercises

To achieve positive results, you must persevere in regular practice. The practice also requires slow, careful and precise in each movement. The minimum time to practice the sequence of movements is about 30 minutes, including a warm-up and relaxation after the exercise. Under this period of time exercise will not be effective, but exercising too long can also make the muscles aching. Do not eat about 2 hours before exercise. People with cardiovascular and joint diseases can still practice yoga but need the guidance of a coach. Before entering the exercise, it is necessary to warm up carefully and properly to minimize the injury encountered while practicing. When practicing yoga exercises, you should practice on a mat or mat, do not practice on the ground or tile floor because it can be cold and unhygienic. For the best support on treatment as well as exercises to improve vestibular disorders, you should consult with leading experts in the field of Neurology.
Department of Neurology - Vinmec Times City International General Hospital is one of the prestigious and effective medical facilities specializing in examination and treatment of diseases related to the central nervous system.
Experienced medical team such as Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chu Hoang Van, Doctor Vu Dung Kien with expertise in the examination and treatment of diseases related to the central nervous system (cranial, meningeal, brain) , blood vessels in the brain, nerves in the skull, pituitary gland, spine, discs, spinal cord) and peripheral nervous system (nerves and ganglia outside the brain and spinal cord).

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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