Causes of dry lips whether winter or summer

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The feeling of dry skin is common in winter when the humidity in the air drops low, making many people feel frustrated. But whether it's winter or summer, dry, cracked, and even bleeding lips are worse. The following causes of dry lips that you should know to reduce discomfort and have attractive lips.

1. Licking lips often

When you feel your lips become dry and chapped, your reflex is to lick your lips. But as soon as you lick your lips, your lips feel drier, so you lick them again and so on. Licking your lips several times a day makes dry lips worse. This cycle causes the lips to become dehydrated, because saliva evaporates quickly and reduces the moisture of the lips; At the same time, saliva may also contain food. That is the main reason why dry chapped lips become more serious.
After a while, a layer of epidermis in the lips gradually becomes rough and atrophy, separating from the moisture layer below the lips to form dead skin. Biting and chewing your lips can also produce a similar effect. So if you find yourself licking your lips often then you need to give up this bad habit.
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Liếm môi nhiều khiến cho môi bị khô môi nứt nẻ

2. Dehydration

Lips do not contain oil-producing glands like the surface of your skin, so lips can dry out and become chapped very easily. Dry lips are also one of the signs that your body is dehydrated. Water is a component that makes up about 70% of your body weight, plays an important and extremely necessary role in helping you eliminate toxins while keeping your skin, hair and lips moist. If you don't drink enough water during the day, your lips will become dry and flaky.
On the other hand, when you are continuously active outdoors, combined with wind and UV exposure, can lead to dehydration, more quickly- the cause of dry lips. You should try to drink 6-8 glasses of water per day.

3. No lip balm

Your lips need to be protected with lip balm and sun protection. Look for a lip balm with sunscreen ingredients to better protect your lips, or just dab a little sunscreen on your lips before you leave the house.
At the same time, you should also moisturize your lips throughout the day with vaseline or beeswax to have plump lips, especially in winter days, when the weather is dry.
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son dưỡng môi

4. Due to mouth breathing

Habit of sleeping with mouth breathing or because of pathological stuffy stuffy nose forced to breathe through mouth. Mouth breathing causes air to constantly pass through your lips and is the cause of dry and cracked lips. People who snore or have sleep apnea often breathe through their mouths and often wake up with dry and chapped lips the next morning. In these situations, it's best to keep your lips hydrated throughout the day by moisturizing your lips, especially before going to bed, and talking to your doctor about this.

5. Toothpaste

Many toothpastes today contain sodium lauryl sulfate. This is an ingredient that can irritate and cause dry and chapped lips. If you are annoyed with chapped lips caused by toothpaste, try switching to another toothpaste.

6. Acids in citrus fruits

The acids in citrus fruits can cause lip irritations. Tomato sauce can be irritating and painful when you are suffering from dry chapped lips. Another chemical ingredient, Cinnamates, commonly used in confectionery, chewing gum and toothpaste, can have the same effect as the acid found in citrus fruits. So, limit them to touch your lips by using a straw instead.

7. Consuming Too Much Vitamin A

If you are taking too much vitamin A, or are taking too many vitamin A supplements, that could be the cause of dry chapped lips. If you take more than 25,000 IU of vitamin A per day, this means you are consuming too much vitamin A.

8. Allergic pathology

Many allergens can cause dry, chapped lips in summer, including allergies to cobalt and nickel. When you take too much of a vitamin B12 supplement, it can cause an allergic reaction to cobalt, leading to chapped, dry, and flaky lips.

9. Due to the drug being used

Some prescription medications, such as Accutane, which treats acne or wrinkles, and blood pressure medication propranolol, or the dizziness medication prochlorperazine, can also cause chapped lips.

10. Due to some diseases

Autoimmune diseases can make your lips more sensitive to the sun and cause dry chapped lips. Thyroid disease and psoriasis can also cause dry, chapped lips in summer.
If you have some thyroid disease, psoriasis, or diabetes or worse, Perleche's disease, then you need to see a specialist and find out the right treatment in time, to avoid causing harmful effects. adverse health effects. The reason is that these are the cases where the disease not only makes your lips dry, cracked, and flaky, but also causes sores, which is very painful.
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điều trị mụn trứng cá

11. Due to genetic diseases

When there are genetic diseases that can cause dry lips even in the summer. However, this is a very rare cause.

12. Due to the influence of the surrounding environment

The impact from the surrounding environment such as sun, heat, dirt... is also one of the causes of dry chapped lips happening to you. At the same time, with the nature of work, often sitting in an air-conditioned room with low humidity makes your lips easy to become dry and cracked. Therefore, when the weather is cold and dry, you should apply lip balm to provide the necessary moisture for the lips.

13. A diet rich in salty and spicy foods

Daily diet high in salty and spicy foods can be the cause of dry chapped lips. Foods that contain a lot of salt, especially foods coated with salt, such as salted fried chicken, salted french fries, will cause some salt to stick to the surface of the lips. Salt has a good water retention effect, so salt can absorb water from the skin of the lips, making the lips drier. Besides, spicy foods can also make your skin irritated, red and cause dehydration on the skin. The thing to do is that you should avoid using foods with too much salt for a while and use lip balm containing paraffin wax.

14. Due to cosmetics being used

If you are a person who is using lipstick daily or has ever tattooed lips. Ideally, you should take some time to care and moisturize your lips, and don't forget to clean your lips after each use.
After you have thoroughly researched the possible causes of your lip skin becoming dry, cracked, and flaky. You need to quickly identify the cause and find the right solution to own a fuller, smoother lips. A plump lips make your face really bring a perfect beauty than ever.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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