Does washing food make food safer?

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Washing food before cooking is one of the main ways to reduce the risk of food poisoning. However, whether washing food makes food safer is unclear. The following article will help you with answers and solutions to increase food safety when washing food.

1. Does washing food make food safer?

Washing your hands after handling raw meat or poultry or its packaging is essential as anything you touch afterwards could become contaminated. In other words, you can get sick from picking up a piece of fruit and eating it after handling raw meat or poultry without washing your hands properly.
Wash your hands with warm water and soap for 20 seconds before and after food contact, before eating and after using the toilet, changing diapers, caring for sick people, blowing your nose, sneezing, coughing and contact with pets. You should also wash your hands after touching frequently used surfaces such as doorknobs and handles, light switches, phones, and keyboards.
In recent USDA observational studies, participants did not attempt to wash their hands up to 75% of the time when asked. When attempting to wash their hands, participants failed to follow the CDC's recommended steps to wash their hands 99% of the time. The most common mistakes were not scrubbing hands for 20 seconds, followed by not wetting hands with water before soaping.
Packaging materials from raw meat or poultry can also cause cross-contamination. Never reuse them with other food items. These and other disposable packaging materials, such as styrofoam meat trays, egg cartons, or plastic wrap, should be disposed of as soon as you have removed their contents.
Clean and then sanitize surfaces and sinks It is important to prevent cross-contamination from raw meat or poultry juices and other contaminants by washing countertops and sinks with soapy water hot room. For added protection, you should also disinfect utensils and disinfect surfaces with solutions that can eliminate disease-causing germs. If using commercial disinfectants or disinfectants in your kitchen, choose those approved for kitchen surfaces and follow the manufacturer's instructions to use each product safely and effective.
Cleanliness FIRST. Physical cleaning removes dirt, debris, and some bacteria that can cause illness, including foodborne illness, from your kitchen, but it doesn't kill germs. To clean utensils, cutting boards, surfaces and even sinks, use warm soapy water to wash them. Air dry or wipe clean with paper towels or disposable paper towels. If you use kitchen towels for cleaning, they should be washed regularly on the hot cycle of your washing machine.
Foodborne pathogens can survive on surfaces for a very long time. Campylobacter can last up to 4 hours in your kitchen and Salmonella can live up to 32 hours. Norovirus, commonly known as stomach flu or stomach bug, is the most common foodborne illness germ in the United States. Norovirus is a highly contagious virus that causes vomiting and diarrhea. It can spread easily if you eat or drink contaminated food or touch contaminated surfaces or objects then put unwashed hands in your mouth.
THEN Sanitize Cleaning and disinfecting can kill germs and foodborne bacteria in your kitchen, but it's most effective after you've cleaned it. Various disinfectants or disinfectants can be used, but make sure any commercial product you choose is safe for food contact surfaces in your kitchen before you use it. use.

Rửa đồ ăn trước khi nấu là một trong những cách chính để giảm nguy cơ ngộ độc thực phẩm
Rửa đồ ăn trước khi nấu là một trong những cách chính để giảm nguy cơ ngộ độc thực phẩm

Use cleaners for cutting boards and utensils Use only disinfectant products for cutting boards or utensils that come in contact with food. An easy, food-safe homemade disinfectant for cutting boards, knives, and other utensils that come into direct contact with food can be created by mixing a solution of one tablespoon of unscented liquid chlorine bleach with one gallon. country. To sanitize utensils and cutting boards after cleaning, pour the cleaning solution onto the cutting board and let it sit for a few minutes, or use it to soak your utensils. Next, rinse with clean water and air dry or pat dry with a clean towel.
If commercial disinfectants are used, make sure they are authorized for use on cutting boards or utensils before using them for this purpose. Follow the manufacturer's instructions on the label for safe use. Some commercial disinfectants may require rinsing of instruments after use.
Your dishwasher can also effectively clean and disinfect your utensils and cutting boards if they are dishwasher safe and made of non-porous materials (e.g. acrylic, plastic, glass and a solid wood planks with no cracks or scratches).
Use disinfectants for surfaces, countertops and sinks Disinfectants, unlike some commercial disinfectants, should not be used on cutting boards or food contact utensils because they can contaminate the food you prepare. However, disinfectants are safe to use on high contact surfaces and areas to kill bacteria.
According to the CDC, a homemade surface disinfectant can be made by mixing a solution of five tablespoons (one-third cup) of unscented liquid chlorine bleach with a gallon of water or four teaspoons of bleach for per liter of water. You should use gloves to protect your hands before using disinfectant solutions. Pour or spray your homemade disinfectant on sinks, countertops, and other surfaces, then let it sit for at least a minute before wiping the surface with a paper towel. Make sure they are completely dry before reusing those surfaces or your sink.
If using commercial disinfectants, make sure they are approved for use on your surface and completely follow the manufacturer's instructions on the label. Some commercial disinfectants may require your surfaces to be rinsed with clean water after use.
After cleaning and then disinfecting or disinfecting anything in your home, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds.

2. Wash meat and poultry

From hands to kitchen counter, it is important to wash properly to prevent the spread of harmful bacteria and viruses. Housewives often make a mistake in the kitchen of washing and rinsing meat or poultry before cooking. They usually do it in different ways such as: some housewives usually wash meat under running water or with a sieve, others soak them in basins filled with water and some even use water. salt, vinegar or lemon juice to clean the meat. But one thing that not everyone knows is that raw poultry, beef, pork, lamb or veal should not be washed before cooking. Bacteria that live in raw meat and poultry can spread to other foods, utensils and surfaces. That's called cross-contamination.
Although washing meat and poultry to remove dirt, slime, fat or blood may have been appropriate decades ago, for modern food safety systems, that is no longer necessary. Fresh meat and poultry packaged for sale in supermarkets are cleaned during processing so no further washing is required. In particular, never use soaps or detergents on your meat or poultry products. They can contaminate your food with chemicals and make it unsafe to eat.
Some housewives still wash their raw meat or poultry because it is a established habit. Just as many people did not wear seat belts decades ago, it has become a must now. Recent USDA research has found that washing or rinsing meat or poultry increases the risk of cross-contamination in the kitchen, which can cause foodborne illness. It's time to ditch this habit of the past and make washing meat and poultry as obsolete as not wearing a seat belt.
When you wash meat or poultry, some bacteria can be splashed on the cooktop surface. Failure to clean these contaminated areas can lead to cross-contamination of other foods. Cooking at the right temperature (whether frying, baking, boiling, or stewing) kills germs on meat and poultry, so washing these products adds extra risk and is unnecessary.
Using a food thermometer is the only surefire way to know if your food has reached a temperature high enough to kill germs, including foodborne illness bacteria.
Cook raw meats such as: beef, pork, lamb and veal from steaks, roasts or stews to a minimum internal temperature of 63° C. To ensure the safety and deliciousness of meat, let it cool for at least three minutes before slicing or eating.
Ground meat is safe to eat at 71°C. For burgers, insert a food thermometer into the side of the patty until it reaches the center of the pie for the most accurate results.
Whole poultry products, or parts of chicken, are safe to eat at 74°C.
Cook fish and seafood to 63°C or until flesh is opaque and skin is flaky.
For reasons of personal preference, consumers may choose to cook meat at a higher temperature.

Khi bạn rửa thịt hoặc gia cầm, một số vi khuẩn có thể văng ra trên bề mặt bếp
Khi bạn rửa thịt hoặc gia cầm, một số vi khuẩn có thể văng ra trên bề mặt bếp

USDA Meat and Poultry Washing, Soaking Study The USDA conducted a study in which we observed the actions of individuals who self-reported washing or rinsing raw poultry when cooking at home. These participants gave a variety of reasons why they washed meat or poultry including: to remove grease, skin, fat or blood (30%); due to habit (28%); because a family member has always done it (19%); or to remove germs or bacteria (19%).
Participants were observed while cooking chicken thighs (high in harmless bacteria that act like Salmonella) and preparing a green salad to determine if they washed their poultry no, the extent of cross-contamination in the kitchen, and whether they followed other food safety practices during meal preparation.
The results of observational studies show how easily bacteria can spread when surfaces are not cleaned and disinfected effectively. The USDA recommends three easy ways to help prevent illness when handling meat or poultry in your home.
Dramatically reduce your risk by preparing foods that will not be cooked, such as vegetables and salads, BEFORE handling and preparing raw meat and poultry.
In the observational study, 60% of the participants who washed their raw poultry had bacteria in their sink after washing or rinsing the poultry. What's even more worrying is that 14% still had bacteria in their sink even after they tried cleaning or sanitizing the sink.
If you wash your produce after washing meat or poultry, you risk splashing foodborne pathogens onto your ready-to-eat food. The researchers found that 26% of the participants who washed raw poultry transferred bacteria from the raw poultry to their lettuce. If this were at home, they would put that contaminated food directly into the mouth.
Thoroughly clean and then sanitize ANY surface likely to be touched or contaminated by raw meat and poultry or their juices, including interior sinks.
Of the participants who did not wash raw poultry, 31% still managed to get bacteria from raw poultry to adhere to their lettuce. This high rate of cross-contamination can be attributed to participants not washing their hands effectively during food preparation and from contaminating sinks or utensils when handling raw poultry.
To prevent this cross-contamination, clean sinks and countertops with hot soapy water, then apply a commercial or homemade disinfectant or sanitizer whenever they come into contact with any raw meat or poultry or their juices. Focus on the inside sink, any countertops around the sink, knives and cutting boards, and anywhere you put meat or poultry or its packaging. Ensure commercial products are approved for food contact surfaces and follow the manufacturer's instructions for use; Some may require rinsing your surface after use. Wash hands immediately after handling raw meat and poultry. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends wetting your hands with water, lathering with soap, and then scrubbing your hands for 20 seconds.
Kill any disease-causing bacteria by cooking meat and poultry to a safe internal temperature as measured by a food thermometer.
Washing, rinsing or soaking meat and poultry in salt water, vinegar or lemon juice does not kill germs. If you choose to remove the skin, fat, or blood from raw meat or poultry, you can do so on a clean cutting board, using a knife to cut away defects, or pat the raw item with a paper towel and discard it. go when finished. Immediately wash and then sanitize cutting boards and any knives or utensils and wash hands thoroughly.
The only way to make sure your food is safe to eat is to cook it to a safe internal temperature and check it with a food thermometer.
With marinating meat and poultry
This is personal preference and not for food safety purposes. However, if you choose to do this, it is essential to prevent cross-contamination when soaking and removing meat or poultry from the liquid. Carefully pour out the soaking water and do not reuse it. Wash the container you used to soak or clean it in the dishwasher. Clean and then sanitize your internal sink and any surfaces that come in contact with used soaker. Meat or poultry should be kept refrigerated while soaking.
Sometimes, consumers wash or soak bacon, bacon, or ham because they think it reduces the sodium or salt enough to allow these products to be eaten on a sodium-restricted diet . However, very little salt is removed by washing, rinsing or soaking meat products and doing so is not recommended.

Trước khi ăn hoặc chế biến trái cây và rau tươi, hãy rửa sản phẩm dưới vòi nước đang chảy
Trước khi ăn hoặc chế biến trái cây và rau tươi, hãy rửa sản phẩm dưới vòi nước đang chảy

3. Wash vegetables and other foods

3.1 Eggs

Do not wash eggs from the grocery store before putting them in the refrigerator. Washing is a regular part of the egg processing process, but the eggs don't actually need to be washed again. The natural coating on newly laid eggs helps prevent bacteria from entering the shell, which is removed by a commercial washing process. It is replaced by a light coating of edible mineral oil, which restores protection for long-term home egg storage. Handling a lot of eggs in the home, such as washing, can increase the risk of cross-contamination, especially if the shell is cracked.

3.2 Vegetables and fruits

Before eating or preparing fresh fruits and vegetables, wash the produce under running water to remove any residual dirt. This reduces any germs that may be present. If the fruit or vegetable has a hard surface, such as an apple or potato, they can be scrubbed with a brush. Consumers should not wash fruits and vegetables with commercial cleaners, soaps, or detergents. These products are not approved or labeled by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use on food. You can ingest soap or detergent residue that gets into the product and gets sick.
Make sure your interior sinks, countertops, and utensils are cleaned and disinfected before you wash your produce to avoid cross-contamination, especially from surfaces that come in contact with raw meat, poultry, or poultry. handle or seafood or their juice. When preparing fruits and vegetables, cut away damaged or bruised areas because bacteria that can cause illness can thrive in those areas. Refrigerate immediately any cut such as salad or cut fruit for best quality and food safety.

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