Is burning sage good for health?

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Sage is used as a measure to clear the soul and clean the space in the room. To promote the effect on the body, you can start bringing the bunch of sage away from the head or feet, around the body in a counter-clockwise direction.

1. What kind of sage is used to burn wormwood?

Sage comes in many different varieties. Usually, people use white sage for burning. Other types of buckets such as lavender bucket, green sage, black sage, etc. each have their own characteristics.
For example, green sage is used in cleansing and healing rituals, while desert sage is used for purification and protection. Other herbs including juniper and stevia may also be burned for the same purpose.

2. How to burn sage?

Burning sage by burning the end of the bunch and letting the smoke rise. If your goal is to clear the space in the room, then you should walk around the room with a bunch of burning sage. You can also place bunches of burning sage in abalone shells.
On the human body, you can start the burning bunch of wormwood away from the head or legs, then make anti-clockwise circles around the body.
SEE ALSO: Flowering plants are not good and good for people with allergies
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3. Benefits of Sage

The name sage comes from the Latin word "salvia", which means "to feel healthy." Sage contains flavonoids, a type of compound that improves brain health and fights diseases like Alzheimer's Sage smoke clears people of negative energy, creating a feeling of relaxation
Native Americans and other indigenous peoples have burned sage for centuries as part of spiritual rituals spiritual to clear the human mind or space, and to promote healing and improve memory.It has been used since ancient Egyptian and Roman times to treat digestive problems, memory problems, and problems. and pharyngitis
Studies in rats have shown sage extract to improve memory In other animal studies, sage has been shown to fight depression and It also helps with digestive issues, calms the stomach.
It's important to note that these studies were primarily done using plant extracts. sage. So its true effect is still unknown. Also, the effects of sage on humans have not been studied.

4. Is it safe to burn wormwood?

Inhaling sage smoke during burning can cause lung problems and allergies. Short-term burning sage shouldn't cause any problems. People with asthma or lung problems should consult a doctor before deciding to burn wormwood.
Those who are advised not to inhale the fumes can use sage as an essential oil as a safer alternative.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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