Is it good for men to drink soy milk?

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Soy milk is a product made from soybeans, containing many nutrients that are good for human health. This is a line of plant-based milk suitable for vegetarians and those allergic to lactose. However, many people believe that drinking soy milk causes infertility in men. So is it good for men to drink soy milk?

1. What is soy milk?

Soy milk is a plant-based milk made from soybeans (soybeans). The product is born by soaking and grinding soybeans with water, then filtering the water, removing the residue, then boiling the mixture and filtering it again to remove all the residue.
Ingredients in soy milk include protein (protein), fat (saturated fat, unsaturated fat, omega 3, omega 6), carbohydrates, fiber, sugar, calcium, potassium, mineral salts and other ingredients. vitamins such as vitamins B12, A, D...
Soy milk is a product containing a rich source of nutrients, with essential ingredients for the human body to help promote health and prevent disease.

2. The effect of soy milk for men

Soy milk is a type of milk that is considered good for human health, so it is also good for men. Soy milk brings many health benefits such as:
For the musculoskeletal system - joints: Men who drink soy milk will help prevent osteoporosis, help muscles develop, strong bones and joints. Helps reduce bad cholesterol in the blood: Soy milk contains saponins, isoflavones and proteins that help reduce bad cholesterol and prevent arteriosclerosis, reducing the risk of dyslipidemia and cardiovascular disease. To better improve the condition of high blood cholesterol, it is necessary to combine a diet low in saturated fat. Prevention of cardiovascular disease and diabetes: Lowering cholesterol in the blood contributes to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, not only that, the isoflavones in this drink also have the ability to reduce inflammation and improve the elasticity of blood vessels to help the heart. healthier heart. In addition, soy milk contains a low sugar content, so when men drink milk, it will not increase blood sugar, it is important that soy milk contains a lot of protein to help metabolize fat in the liver and adipose tissue, limiting the formation of blood sugar. into new fatty acids and cholesterol, thereby effectively preventing diabetes. Regulate blood pressure: Soy milk contains isoflavones and abundant amino acid arginine to help control blood pressure. If men add soy milk daily, it will help stabilize blood pressure. Reduce the risk of prostate disease and breast cancer: Ingredients in soy milk help the body fight aging, protect skin, control weight, reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Isoflavones in milk have anti-cancer properties, controlling estrogen helps reduce the risk of prostate cancer and breast cancer.
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3. Is it good for men to drink soy milk?

From the benefits that soy milk brings, it can be said that using soy milk has a good effect on men's health. However, any product has its duality, used correctly and used enough will bring good effects, and if abused, on the contrary, it will cause bad effects on health.
Some problems encountered when men drink too much soy milk can be listed as follows:
Impact on testosterone and estrogen levels in the body: This product contains a lot of isoflavones that have the ability to act like the hormone estrogen . This can cause an imbalance of the hormone estrogen and decrease the hormone testosterone in the body. Men who drink too much milk can lead to a decrease in testosterone and sex drive. Risk of cancer and digestive tract diseases: Protein in soy milk contains some substances that inhibit protein digestion, causing constipation, bloating... In addition, mucus in the digestive tract is caused by milk. Soybean leaves also make digestion and respiratory system work slower, this situation lasts for a long time, causing irritable bowel syndrome, asthma... Decreased absorption of minerals: Soy milk contains phytic acid, which prevents the absorption of minerals. The absorption of minerals, especially iron, reduces the amount of iron leading to anemia, fatigue, palpitations... Hyperthyroidism: Isoflavones in milk reduce the amount of iodine in the body, causing the thyroid gland to work. Abnormal movements can lead to hyperthyroidism.

4. Drinking a lot of soy milk is infertile?

There are many studies on the issue of infertility between men who drink soy milk and men who do not drink soy milk, the rate is similar. Therefore, there is no effect of soy milk on the sperm status of men, so it does not cause infertility. However, as mentioned above, if men abuse soy milk, it can affect the balance of sex hormones and male sexual ability.
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5. Notes when using soy milk

Drink soy milk when boiled thoroughly to avoid poisoning, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea... Do not mix milk with brown sugar because it reduces the nutrition of soy milk. It is recommended to cook soy milk yourself to ensure safety, hygiene and nutrition in milk. Do not put eggs in milk because it makes it difficult to absorb and reduces the nutrition of milk. Do not store in a thermos bottle, because leaving milk in a thermos bottle will create conditions for bacteria to grow and when left in a bottle for a long time, it will also make the nutrients in the milk denature which is not good for the digestive system. Do not use when hungry, you should eat starch before drinking milk for the nutrition in milk to work. In general, men who drink soy milk in moderation and properly will be very good for their health, helping to prevent osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, prostate cancer, promoting health, and not causing infertility. . To have comprehensive health, men should have a healthy lifestyle, exercise and eat a scientific diet.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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