Signs You're Exhausted

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Hard work in work, study and life is the expression of most people in today's modern life. However, if these signs of exhaustion are not cared for and improved, over time it will affect the patient's physical and mental health.

1. What is labor force?

Labor is a common abnormality in health, most commonly with those who are in the working age from 20 to 55. Hard work or exhaustion at work and life will cause the body to be lost. circadian rhythm balance, more seriously, the patient's resistance to the surrounding environment will also be greatly reduced.
The patient's sleep will also be affected, leading to reduced concentration and memory, not enough energy to live, study and work.
The cause of people's exhaustion can come from a number of factors as follows:
Study, work is too stressful or too intense for health; Dependence on stimulants such as coffee, tobacco, tea...; Excessive exercise and sports; Addicted to games and watching movies for a long time.
Lao lực
Lao lực hay kiệt sức trong công việc, cuộc sống sẽ khiến cơ thể bị mất cân bằng

2. Signs of burnout

Some signs of burnout that are easy to spot are:
So tired that you can't move your muscles or wake up to go to work; Skepticism and lack of interest in the work being done; Feeling worthless: Feeling incompetent, unable to do your job effectively is common with burnout sufferers. Therefore, these patients will not achieve the desired productivity and performance; Depression: After symptoms such as fatigue, cynicism, and feeling of worthlessness occur, depression is more likely to occur. These are related manifestations, some studies have shown that if patients are depressed, they will be more prone to exhaustion and labor; Hate the job you are doing: Studies show that job dissatisfaction is one of the side effects of burnout, along with other physical and mental illnesses. absenteeism; Everything around is going bad: If the stress at work happens too much or the sick person becomes annoyed with his colleagues or customers, then burnout could be the culprit. Mind often wanders: Difficulty concentrating is one of the manifestations of mental fatigue, along with memory loss. Difficulty sleeping: Several studies have linked difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep with exhaustion. Because patients cannot ensure their sleep, other diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure, cerebrovascular accident, diabetes, kidney disease also easily occur if this condition is prolonged. . Other headaches: Psychologist Herbert Freudenberger introduced the concept of burnout in 1974 and suggested that frequent headaches are one of the physical signs of this disorder. Similar to trouble sleeping, headaches are still a difficult symptom to deal with scientifically. Stomach pain: Stomach and intestinal pain can also be related to labor, this coupled with stress can weaken the patient's immune system, thereby causing digestive problems. Drinking alcohol, drugs and other forms of stress relief: Using food, alcohol, and drugs to feel better is also considered a sign of burnout at work. If you abuse alcohol, drugs as well as obesity because of uncontrolled eating, it can lead to many other dangerous health problems. Exhaustion and blood pressure: If blood pressure increases, work-related exhaustion can also be a cause, and the patient will find his heart beat faster, which will affect the patient's kidneys and brain in the long run. Thirst and blurred vision are signs of diabetes, which can be caused by exhaustion.
lao lực
Khó tập trung là một trong những biểu hiện của lao lực

Labor and exhaustion are signs that the patient's health is abnormal and needs to be understood and improved immediately. Therefore, when signs of exhaustion appear, the patient should go to a medical facility to seek help as soon as possible.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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