Why do people who try to quit smoking gain weight?

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People who are trying to quit smoking notice a rapid increase in their weight, this is often due to the choice of a diet high in calories and sugar to replace the use of drugs. This can affect some people's quit smoking process.

1. Causes of weight gain when quitting smoking

One thing many people who have quit smoking or are trying to quit notice is that they often gain weight. Here are some of the reasons for this:
Researchers say many people gain weight when they try to quit smoking because the part of the brain craves nicotine and needs replacement fuel when it's eliminated. . New cravings can lead people to choose foods high in carbohydrates and sugar, causing weight gain. Many people think that eating more can make themselves less craving for cigarettes. Smoking cessation is also a factor leading to weight gain when quitting smoking. The part of the brain that governs feelings about smoking and other addictions. It has been found that there is a connection to that part of the brain that affects appetite during stress. That makes them choose high-fat, higher-carb foods. Thus, the fact that weight gain is not because you keep on quitting will gain weight. It involves you taking a high-energy regimen, causing excess energy to compensate for the lack of nicotine.
However, don't stop the process of quitting because of the fact that you gain a few pounds. Because the benefits of quitting smoking are much higher than just gaining a few pounds. When you adjust to a balanced diet and physical activity, your weight can return to normal.
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2. How to deal with weight gain due to smoking cessation?

Weight gain can be the most noticeable problem with smoking cessation. However, not all people gain weight when they quit smoking. On average quitting can add up to about 2kg, this can happen in the beginning, then when adjusted stably it will maintain the best weight, if you keep it under control. To limit this situation you can take some measures including:
Remember that it is not good to change your nicotine addiction to food or something else. So don't use overeating to fill the void when craving a cigarette. Instead, choose foods and follow a suitable diet. Choose foods that are low in carbs and fat. Eat more green vegetables, less sweet fruits to limit excess energy. Eat small meals to reduce cravings, try to eat about 6 small meals and drink lots of water. Actively exercise regularly. It is good for health, reduces appetite and when you exercise, you will avoid stress and reduce cravings for cigarettes. If you are concerned about weight gain, consult a dietitian for advice on a suitable diet when quitting smoking. Avoid uncontrolled weight gain. Quitting smoking is not easy, you can invite the same team to increase motivation and need support from family. It is important that you keep in mind the great benefits of smoking cessation in preventing cardiovascular disease, stroke, and COPD. .. are the causes of reduced life expectancy.
Although, weight gain when quitting smoking is a noticeable problem, but it is completely controllable and limitable. On the other hand, it's not much of a problem if you recognize it and bring it back to normal compared to smoking.
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Reference source: healthline.com
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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