Can pregnant beets eat?

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Beetroot is a vegetable that is easy to find, easy to buy at a reasonable price, and is especially good for health. However, there are quite a few mixed opinions about the use of beets for pregnant women. So can pregnant women actually eat beetroot?

1. Characteristics of beets

Beetroot is one of the sweet radishes, belonging to the crucifer family that is grown most in North America such as the US, Russia, UK, Poland, etc. It is a popular food and can be processed a lot. dishes from salads, juices to cooked dishes.
Beets come in two colors, purplish or dark red in a shaggy black grass. The red color of beets comes from a mixture of natural plant colors of betacyanin (red) and betaxanthin (purple). Beets are often found in two round shapes or long beets, when cut across, they will see a crimson color forming concentric circles.
This is one of the plants with very high nutritional content, containing a lot of calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, ... vitamins such as vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B6. In particular, beets provide significant iron, although not too high, but a source of quality.
Củ dền bà bầu có ăn được không là thắc mắc của nhiều người
Củ dền bà bầu có ăn được không là thắc mắc của nhiều người

2. The effect of beetroot with pregnant women?

Is beetroot good for pregnant women is always a question of many people. In fact, beetroot is a food that contains a lot of nutrients, is especially beneficial for pregnant women's health. Pregnant women can add beets to the daily menu to process into different dishes to can reap the full benefits of it.
Củ dền có tốt cho bà bầu nên bà bầu có thể thêm củ dền vào thực đơn ăn uống của mình
Củ dền có tốt cho bà bầu nên bà bầu có thể thêm củ dền vào thực đơn ăn uống của mình
Beets are good for pregnant women with benefits such as:
Indigestion: this is a common problem in pregnancy. Although this is not a very dangerous condition, it will also leave toxins in the mother's body, hindering the development of the fetus. Adding beets during pregnancy can reduce this condition, because beets have a fairly large amount of fiber. May help pregnant women improve intestinal health, relieve digestive problems, prevent pregnancy constipation and diarrhea. Anemia: In beetroot contains a lot of iron to help supplement blood for pregnant women. Iron also helps increase hemoglobin in the mother's body, improving maternal health during and after birth. Beets also have the ability to filter the blood, helping to reduce the risk of infection for children. Regulate blood sugar: During pregnancy, women often feel a decrease in cravings for sweets. But consuming too many sweets will cause blood sugar to spike, which is not good for health. Beetroot is also a sweet but healthy food with low sugar content. Therefore, if pregnant women crave sweets, they can eat beetroot dishes to satisfy morning sickness without harming their health. Prevent birth defects: beets contain folic acid, which is necessary for the formation of pregnancy. and growth of body tissues. During the first 3 months of pregnancy is the time when the baby's spine develops, so pregnant women should supplement with beets during this time to prevent the risk of birth defects and reduce the risk of spina bifida. Prevention of osteoporosis: pregnant women will be more susceptible to calcium deficiency than everyone else. Beets are rich in calcium and silicon, which can prevent calcium loss in bones and teeth. Lowers blood pressure: The nitrates present in beets can help lower blood pressure. There are some studies in people with high blood pressure that when they add beets to their daily diet can help lower their blood pressure. Strengthening the immune system: The immune system is a shield for human health, so to prevent all diseases, the main thing to do is to improve and help the immune system get better and better. Beets are rich in antioxidants, especially when eaten, the inorganic nitrate component in it will gradually convert to nitric oxide gas. This gas is the transport route, bringing oxygen and nutrients to the muscles and helping to increase the flow of blood in the blood vessels.

3. Note when pregnant women eat beets?

Although beets have a lot of nutrients, bring many benefits to the health of both mother and fetus, they should still be eaten in a certain amount. Only when you eat it properly and in the right amount can it bring out its full benefits.
Beetroot is good for pregnant women, but a week should only eat from 1 to 2 meals and must be combined with other dishes to ensure adequate nutrition. Eating only beets or eating too much can cause nausea and diarrhea due to too much betaine absorption. Large amounts of nitrate also cause fatigue and weakness or cause kidney stones due to the high oxalate content in beets.
Beets can be processed into many dishes such as combining with vegetables into salads, boiling or cooking soup with potatoes, carrots, ... not only makes the meal more delicious, but also increases the ability to eat. nutrient absorption. For pregnant women, it is best to cook beets thoroughly when eating to ensure good health.
Above are the outstanding uses of beets for health. Pregnant women can refer to and apply them in daily food preparation to ensure good health for both mother and fetus. Refer to the website of Vinmec International General Hospital to know more about nutrition for pregnant women and their babies in each stage.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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