Does drinking hot ginger water lose weight?

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Ginger has the ability to reduce inflammation, stimulate digestion and suppress your appetite. These properties of ginger lead some to believe that drinking hot ginger tea can promote weight loss. The medical literature indicates that ginger can be combined with a healthy diet and exercise to help you achieve a healthy weight.

1. Does drinking hot ginger tea lose weight?

According to some reviews, the compounds gingerol and shogaol in ginger can help with weight loss. These compounds may be beneficial in the body's complex fat burning and storage processes.
A study was conducted in obese women with 2 1 gram powdered ginger capsules daily for 12 weeks. The results showed that these women had a significantly reduced appetite and body mass index compared to those who took a placebo. The effect of this study was more pronounced in people with a particular set of genes.
This could be one of the clues that ginger may have a better effect on weight loss in some people than in others. However, scientists need more research to have more concrete evidence for the effects of ginger.
This study continues and shows that taking ginger has a small effect, compared with placebo, in reducing body mass index (BMI) and increasing markers of glycemic control in obese women. In addition, there was another study done in 10 men who drank 2 grams of ginger powder in a hot beverage at breakfast - drinking hot ginger tea. Participants in this study showed reduced feelings of hunger and increased thermogenesis, or heat production, by burning calories. At the same time, this study also highlights the potential role of ginger in weight management.
Another study evaluated the evidence for the effects of ginger on weight loss and other markers associated with obesity. The authors analyzed studies in this area, including 14 high-quality studies that were systematically analyzed. Evaluation results showed that ginger intake reduced participants' body weight, waist-to-hip ratio, and several markers reflecting blood glucose metabolism. Ginger did not affect other metrics, such as BMI and total cholesterol.
Current evidence for the effects of ginger on several markers of weight loss is promising but challenging. Scientists need to do more research on these topics before definite conclusions can be drawn.
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2. How to use ginger to lose weight

Although the scientific evidence supporting the effect of ginger on weight loss is weak and research results still need to be verified, the authorities generally consider ginger as a safe food to take. into the diet. People can add fresh ginger to their recipes or use it to make tea.
Simple way to make ginger tea: Cut a piece of ginger the size of a person's little finger. Add chopped ginger to 150 ml of boiling water. Simmer for 5-10 minutes, then filter the water before drinking. In addition, you can add other foods such as: Lemongrass, lemon....
Drinking ginger lemongrass juice is another way to take advantage of the weight loss benefits of ginger. Ginger juice often includes many other ingredients to dilute the pungent, pungent taste of raw ginger. Additional ingredients can be used such as: Honey, lemon juice, lemongrass and water - which has moisturizing, antioxidant and immune-boosting properties on its own.
According to some scientific studies and anecdotal reports, such as: Apple cider vinegar, green tea and lemon can help with weight loss. It is important to note that there is not much evidence to support the weight loss effects of these foods and it depends on the food. For ginger, scientists need to conduct more studies to learn more about its effects. People can try combining ginger and lemon with green tea or making a spicy sauce with apple cider vinegar, olive oil, and freshly grated ginger. It is also important to note that the amount of ginger present in ginger tea is likely to be much less than the amount used in the studies cited here.
You should also not drink ginger beer, because these drinks often contain large amounts of added sugar. However, drinking or making ginger kombucha or kefir without added sugar may be beneficial. These drinks contain natural probiotic bacteria. Probiotics may be helpful for weight loss, according to some studies.

3. Precautions and side effects

According to some review studies, side effects of ginger are very rare with doses of 500–1,000 milligrams per day. The main side effect seems to be gastrointestinal upset. The daily dose of ginger should not be higher than 1g for pregnant women and 4g for the general public.
Taking ginger in powdered form may cause some people to experience heartburn. In these cases, people may prefer to take packaged ginger tablets. Ginger can also increase the risk of bleeding, so people should stop taking ginger 1-2 weeks and before any surgical procedures. People who are taking blood thinners, such as warfarin or aspirin, should talk to their doctor before taking ginger. Limited evidence suggests that ginger may interfere with certain medications by increasing the production of stomach acid. People taking antacids, H2 blockers, and proton pump inhibitors should consult their doctor before taking ginger. Some people are allergic or sensitive to plants in the Zingiberaceae family, which is part of the ginger family. These people may experience symptoms such as dermatitis when using ginger.
Summary of several studies showing that ginger may be beneficial for weight loss. Compounds in ginger have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. They can help a person burn fat and regulate their blood sugar. However, research support for ginger's weight loss effects is limited, so more research is needed on its properties. Ginger is easy to include in the diet as a tea or in recipes. A person may also choose to take ginger in capsule form. This can help protect against potential gastrointestinal side effects, such as heartburn. If a person is taking medication for a medical condition or planning to have surgery, they should consult a doctor before taking ginger.

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Reference sources:,
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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