Eat right to support your bones

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Daily nutrition has a great influence on human bone and joint health. Therefore, the development of a food strategy for people with osteoarthritis should be focused on enhancing bone strength.

1. How does diet affect osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is damage or dysfunction of the discs and cartilage. People with osteoarthritis often experience problems such as joint pain , arthritis , difficulty in movement or decreased mucus lubrication causing stiffness .
According to leading experts, a patient's daily diet has a great influence on the progression and symptoms of degenerative joint disease. What a patient consumes every day can have a good or bad effect on the bone and joint system. Some recent studies show that a diet deficient in vitamins D, K and rich in cholesterol can aggravate joint pain caused by osteoarthritis. Therefore, focusing on building a healthy and scientific eating habit is considered an extremely necessary step to support your bones and joints.
Foods for people with osteoarthritis need to be natural and have high anti-inflammatory ability. In addition, patients should also avoid consuming foods that are processed or contain trans fats such as bacon or grilled meats, as these can increase inflammation and trigger joint pain.
Besides building a scientific and balanced diet, people with osteoarthritis should also take good care of themselves by combining regular exercise. These are all important keys to making your joints more flexible.

2. What should you eat to support good bones and joints?

Many people wonder what to eat is good for bones and joints and helps prevent flare-ups of joint pain. According to recommendations from nutritionists, people with bone and joint problems, such as osteoarthritis, should choose the following foods to best support their bone health:
Fruit Cherries are good for joints. Cherries are one of the foods that help support bones and joints very well. This fruit gets its deep red color thanks to natural plant compounds called anthocyanins. Some recent evidence has shown that eating fresh cherries or drinking their juice can effectively reduce inflammation in the body, while helping to reduce the risk of gout flares.
Besides cherries, you can also try other colorful fruits like raspberries, blueberries or pomegranates. These fruits all contain abundant antioxidants, have anti-inflammatory effects and promote bone health very effectively.
Fish oil improves joint pain symptoms Fish oil is another ideal food for people with osteoarthritis. Fish oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, along with high levels of calcium and vitamin D, which help fight inflammation, keep bones strong and improve symptoms of uncomfortable joint pain.
Some natural sources of fish oil include wild salmon, sardines, flaxseeds, organic soybeans, or chia seeds. Results from an Australian study in 2008 showed that consuming fish oil has the ability to reduce joint pain, promote cardiovascular health and reduce the need for NSAIDs.
To best support the joint system, you should eat a serving of cold water fish about 2 times / week, or use other high-quality fish oil supplements.
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Ăn gì tốt cho xương khớp người bệnh có thể sử dụng quả anh đào

Oatmeal Whole grains like oatmeal can help reduce inflammation levels and are chosen as one of the foods for people with osteoarthritis that bring high efficiency to improve disease.
You can regularly consume oatmeal in combination with yogurt, fruits and some nuts to support increased flexibility and strength for the skeletal system, and at the same time reduce joint pain or stiffness caused by interfere with motor function.
However, you need to avoid or limit the use of refined grains such as white flour, as they can aggravate joint pain as well as adversely affect your bones and joints.
Turmeric relieves joint pain Turmeric is a food commonly used in Indian cuisine. For a long time, turmeric is not only a spice but also a very effective remedy for bone and joint diseases. In turmeric contains the active ingredient curcumin, which has been shown by some clinical trials to have the same effect as ibuprofen, helping to reduce joint pain and improve bone strength.
Walnuts Walnuts are a nutritious food that contains many anti-inflammatory agents and includes omega-3 fatty acids. When consumed in moderation, walnuts can help you maintain strong bones and joints. , increase flexibility and prevent flare-ups of degenerative joint disease.
Besides walnuts, you can also choose to add some other foods that have a similar effect, such as canola oil and flaxseed.
Green tea brings pain relief Green tea is one of the most widely consumed foods in the world and its effects on bone health have also been the subject of numerous studies.
Green tea may cause changes in the immune response associated with arthritis, as it contains polyphenolic compounds, which have anti-inflammatory properties and provide pain relief similar to medications. NSAIDs. However, when choosing green tea to consume, you should choose organic tea leaves to reduce exposure to pesticides.

3. Foods to avoid when suffering from osteoarthritis

To avoid triggering joint pain and making your osteoarthritis worse, it's best to limit your consumption of the following foods:
Sugar and refined grains: Including pasta tubes, white rice or white bread – these are all possible culprits that can make your joint pain worse. You need to try to limit the amount of added sugar per day to 6 teaspoons (for women) and 9 teaspoons (for men). Also, choose naturally occurring sugars like maple syrup, honey or coconut sugar. Foods with trans fats: Such as baked goods, chips, margarine, or processed fast food. In addition, you should also avoid consuming foods with partially hydrogenated oils in your daily diet. Avoid foods with omega-6 fatty acids: Consuming a lot of foods rich in omega-6 fatty acids can promote inflammation and increase your joint pain. Good sources of omega-6 include sunflower oil, safflower oil, corn oil, grapeseed oil, peanut oil or cottonseed oil.
Đường và ngũ cốc tinh chế
Người mắc bệnh đau khớp nên hạn chế ăn đường và ngũ cốc tinh chế

If you have applied the healthy eating strategies recommended above but your osteoarthritis still shows no signs of improvement, consult a nutritionist to determine the cause and take measures. suitable remedial action.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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