How many calories do you need to burn to lose 1kg?

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People who lose weight or plan to lose weight wonder how many calories they need to burn to lose 1 kg. According to studies, for every 1 kg of weight loss, 7700 calories are needed, or 1000 calories are lost 0.13 kg. However, reducing calories and combining it with exercise will cause weight loss faster than without exercise.

1. Number of calories needed to burn to lose 1kg

To calculate how many calories to burn to lose 1 kg , let's first deal with the numbers and then we can dive into what exactly we should do.
0.5kg of fat accounts for about 3,500 calories of energy. That means if you want to lose 1kg a week (a healthy and sustainable amount, although no more than this should be shot), you'll need to create a 7,700-calorie deficit over the course of a week.

2. Is it possible to lose 1kg a week?

Yes, however, everyone and every body is different, it depends on your starting weight, activity level, nutrition and sleep as well as other factors like stress and hormonal fluctuations.
Losing 1kg a week won't work for everyone - you simply may not have the extra fat to lose. Or, you may have more to lose and at first you feel like you're losing a lot of weight in a week.
Even so, remember that not every week is the same and try not to stress too much about it. Just focus on achieving what you can do right.
Plus, while 1kg is a healthy way to lose weight for many women, it's just a number after all. Implementing the healthiest lifestyle possible will yield the right results for you.
Giảm 1kg một tuần sẽ không phù hợp với tất cả mọi người

3. Is it possible to lose 1kg without exercise?

One of the effective ways to burn calories, you can reduce fat or other factors in everyday terms, by creating an energy deficit so that your body will then use the fat in the body can be used as fuel. However, losing fat without muscle may not provide the end cosmetic results you desire. So how to burn calories effectively and stay healthy.
For the healthiest body, a good plan might be to combine a nutrient-rich diet with regular exercise. Not only can you lose fat and build muscle with exercise, but sweating has countless benefits. According to the NHS, it is medically proven that women who are regularly physically active have:
Up to 35% reduced risk of coronary heart disease and stroke Up to 50% reduction in risk of type diabetes 2 Up to 50% reduction in colon cancer risk Up to 20% reduction in breast cancer risk 30% reduction in risk of early death Up to 83% reduction in osteoarthritis risk Up to 68% reduction in hip fracture risk 30 % risk of falls (in older adults) Up to 30% reduction in risk of depression Up to 30% reduction in dementia risk

4. How to exercise to lose 1kg a week

Most experts agree that the best exercise for fat loss is the one you actually do. All is well when there is a proper plan and you need to take it seriously.
With that said, a workout plan for lean muscle building and high-intensity interval training - HIIT - sessions to burn fat, as well as steady-state cardio Low (walking, jogging) will suit you best.
Người tập cần có một kế hoạch kết hợp tập luyện phù hợp

5. Best nutrition to lose 1kg a week

First, creating lasting healthy habits relies on doing things in moderation. That means not falling into the trap of cutting out entire food groups or believing you'll eat this way until you've effectively lost weight and then returned to your normal activities.
Instead, focus on what you can add to your daily diet to promote health - like drinking more water, and more often.
1. Drink more water
Aim to drink at least eight glasses a day. I'm hungry? Drink a glass of water and wait 10 minutes, in this case it could be thirst.
2. Eat slower
Research shows that the longer you chew food, the less you consume.
3. Get more fiber
Whole grain breads, potatoes, nuts and cereals will help you feel full longer.
4. Cut portions a little bit
Just a little bit. This activity can reduce your daily calorie intake.
5. Eat Protein-Rich Meals
30-minute post-workout along with protein-rich meals will keep you feeling fuller for longer and help with muscle recovery.
What should you eat to lose 1kg a week?
To find out exactly how much you need to eat to reach your body composition goals and stay full and happy - calculating your macros can be a good motivator.
Macro stands for macronutrients and divides foods into three main types of nutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Depending on what you're trying to achieve - lose, maintain, or gain weight - the way you use macros can be beneficial. For example, people who want to gain lean muscle may have a higher amount of protein in their diet than people who want to gain fat, who can eat more carbs.

6. How to apply to lose 1kg in 1 week

The time the meal will be taken depends on the individual. The times you need to pay attention to be able to apply effective weight loss.
6.1. The first thing in the morning when you wake up: it's time to add a dose of water, 500ml actually, according to a German study showing that when this is done, it boosts metabolism by 24% over the next 90 minutes. . It can be explained that your body has to expend extra energy to bring cold water down to body temperature.
Before breakfast: According to some studies using morning oats may be a better choice if you are trying to lose fat as you can burn almost 20% more if you exercise 'eating state' vegetarian. Your blood sugar is low, so your body will have to use fat as fuel for working muscles, experts say.
Breakfast: Lean protein weight loss - be it turkey breast or steak, even - can be the key to burning more fat. Some studies show that eating protein-rich meals like meat and nuts for breakfast helps you feel fuller for longer. Try pairing turkey breast with a handful of almonds - a great source of monounsaturated fats that help burn belly fat.
Uống nước vào buổi sáng giúp tăng cường trao đổi chất

6.2. Afternoon Lunch: According to a study by the International Journal of Obesity, people who ate 40% of their daily calories from carbs and protein before 3 p.m. lost an average of 11% - compared with 9% of those who ate the meal. largest at dinner time. Lunch may also be the best meal for a probiotic supplement. A study in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found that taking the probiotic lactobacillus gasseri for 12 weeks reduced belly fat in total by 4.6%. Nutrition experts say: Taking probiotics in the middle of your meal will also help boost feelings of fullness and satiety.
Mid-afternoon: using foods high in ECGC plant compounds, such as green tea, can promote fat burning. In fact, three cups a day can reduce your weight by almost 5%, a French study says. Get enough matcha green tea powder - it can increase your body's calorie-burning rate by up to 40%.
6.3. Dinner: It's best to eat early if you're trying to lose weight, as the extra time before bed will help your body digest most of the food and enter a resting state before bed. For maximum fat loss, eat dinner early, then fast for about 14 hours until breakfast the next day.
After dinner: After dinner, you should go for a 10-minute walk because light exercise after a meal can lower blood sugar and prevent you from storing fat. Or you can adopt some postures This yoga is also known to relieve indigestion: lie on your back, place your hands on your knees, exhale and hug. knees to your chest; Shake gently from side to side for 5-10 breaths.
Bedtime: People who regularly have poor sleep are more likely to gain weight. So try to get at least seven hours of sleep each night to keep your cortisol levels under control. Experts say: the hormone cortisol regulates appetite.

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