How to make delicious salmon hotpot

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Lentil fish hotpot is not only a delicious dish but also rich in nutritional value, which is suitable for many people. However, in order to make delicious salmon hotpot, the cook needs to know the basic processing processes. Here are nutritional information and tips to help you have a delicious salmon hotpot.

1. Benefits of eating salmon

Salmon is a type of fish with quite slippery skin and lives in areas with high water currents. The meat of this fish will taste sweet when eaten. According to research from experts, in 100 g of alfalfa you will be able to get 112 calories, 4 grams of fat and 19 g of protein. Besides, when eating salmon, you also get omega 3, vitamin A, DHA and many minerals.
Not only that, when you eat salmon, you also get many effects such as purifying and detoxifying the body. Vision problems are also improved, helping to increase eye health. Especially for the elderly, it will limit the risk of macular degeneration.
Besides being good for the eyes, the baby lentil meat brings nutrition to the skin. When you eat this fish, the skin will be smooth and significantly improved. Especially problems such as oily skin, acne skin also have progress. Not stopping there, the problem of skin aging will be prevented.
When eating salmon regularly, especially young children, it will help the process of bone development to be promoted. For the elderly, it can limit the risk of joint diseases or bone damage. In addition, omega 3 unsaturated fatty acids and DHA are an essential source of nutrients for the brain. Therefore, young children and the elderly need supplements. Thanks to that, it will maintain the lucidity and memory ability for the two subjects above.

2. What kind of vegetables are suitable to eat with salmon hotpot?

Usually we will cook salmon with sour bamboo shoots to make it easy to eat on hot summer days. However, that is not the only food used to accompany it. There are many types of vegetables that can be eaten with salmon to add fiber. But you need to learn carefully before using to avoid bad risks.
Usually when going to eat salmon hotpot, restaurants will display some vegetables such as morning glory, spinach, spinach, banana flower, gooseberry, smell of ship, gun stalk, rafter.... In fish sour soup Lentils can also add tomatoes and a little mint.
Lẩu cá lăng có thể ăn kèm với nhiều loại rau như rau muống, rau rút, hoa chuối,....

3. Prepared ingredients to cook salmon hotpot

Here are suggestions for ingredients and quantities needed to feed 3 -4 people
1 sardines 1-1.2 kg 3 ounces sour bamboo shoots 3 ounces water spinach 1 half pineapple Half pound vermicelli noodles 1 bunch 50 g spicy chili 1 ounce lemongrass Half a pound of pork or chicken bones 3 ounces of tomatoes 3 ounces of vegetables pulled 2 ounces of young okra Lemon or kumquat seasoning enough Chinese flavor 50 g Fresh ginger Purple onion, garlic, fine pepper Seasoning needed when cooking cook

4. Detailed steps to cook salmon hotpot

Salmon is the main ingredient to make this delicious fish dish. At the same time, this is also a material that needs to be carefully processed. The intestines and gills of the fish will be cleaned and salted with fine salt or salt to remove the viscosity. Salt, in addition to reducing fishiness, also has a disinfecting effect and helps keep fish fresh. After salting, wash with water to avoid too much salt infiltrating the fish meat.
After cleaning the fish, remove the meat to have a boneless fish fillet. The fish head is also kept separate. Then put the pot of bone broth as the broth. Sour bamboo shoots with tomatoes are cleaned and drained, waiting for the broth to reach for cooking.
While cooking the broth, mince the peeled onions and garlic. Fresh ginger is shaved and then sliced. With lemongrass, cut the stem and chop the root. The chili is also sliced. Wash all prepared vegetables and dry.
After you have prepared the ingredients, proceed to put the pot on the hot pot and put the minced onion, lemongrass, ginger and non-aromatic chili into the broth. Bring the water to a boil, then season with spices and squeeze lemon to taste. Then put the jasmine and the smell of the ship in and wait for the water to boil.
Now that the dish is ready, you can dip the fish and vermicelli into the hot pot to wait for it to cook and then take it out to eat. Chili should be prepared according to individual taste. If this dish has children with you, you should add it to the fish sauce to make it more flavorful and avoid children from being able to eat it spicy.
Cá lăng tươi ngon được chế biến đúng cách sẽ làm cho món lẩu cá lăng ngon chuẩn vị

5. Some tips to keep in mind when cooking salmon hotpot is always delicious

Besides the steps to cook salmon hotpot, some tips also need to be noticed. This will help you cook this hot pot always delicious and not spoiled. With fish due to its fishy smell, the preliminary processing process needs to be very laborious. Salmon is a catfish, so it needs to be more careful than that.
When making fish, you should bare it with boiling water with ginger to eliminate the fishy smell of the fish. With bone broth, need to open the lid to skim off the foam. Because that foam contains many impurities and loses the taste of the hot pot. The accompanying vegetables as well as chili peppers are essential and should not be overlooked. Most of them are not only delicious, but also effectively eliminate fishy odors.
In addition, if you are not used to eating sour bamboo shoots, you can replace them with pickled vegetables or batches. These are all ingredients that create a natural mild sour taste for hot pot dishes and soups.
Thus, cooking salmon hotpot is not too difficult but requires you to be meticulous. From the selection of fresh ingredients to each processing process to ensure food hygiene and safety.
Salmon fish hotpot will be an attractive dish and make you want to eat more. Save this wonderful dish for family and get-togethers. You will not be disappointed by the taste as well as the nutritional value that the dish brings.

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