Is eating beef fat?

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Eating beef is one of the popular methods of providing protein in the daily diet. Many people question whether eating beef is fat and what health benefits can eating beef bring?

1. Learn about the nutritional value of beef

Beef belongs to the group of red meat - a term used to refer to meat of all types of mammals, containing high amounts of iron (compared to chicken or seafood). Fresh lean beef is rich in vitamins and minerals, especially iron and zinc. Therefore, eating beef in moderation is often recommended by nutritionists.
In every 100g of beef, some of the following nutrients are found:
Nhóm chất dinh dưỡng / Calo Hàm lượng
Calo 217 calo
Nước 61%
Chất đạm (Protein) 26.1 gam
Carbohydrate 0
Đường 0
Chất xơ 0
Chất béo 11.8 gam

In addition to nutrients, beef also contains a lot of vitamins - minerals, including:
Vitamin B12. Zinc. Selenium. Iron . Niacin. Vitamin B6. Phosphorus... However, it should be noted that processed beef is lower in minerals and high in sodium (salt) instead.
In addition to nutrition and vitamins, minerals, beef is also rich in protein. Accordingly, the protein content in cooked lean beef accounts for about 26% - 27%, usually of high quality and contains all 9 essential amino acids for the healthy growth of the body.
Amino acids are the important building blocks of proteins. So meats, especially beef, are complete sources of protein, which is very beneficial in maintaining and building muscle mass. This explains why athletes and people after surgery are very fond of this meat.
Thịt bò
Thịt bò là một loại thịt đỏ có hàm lượng protein cao

2. Is eating beef fat?

Beef contains many different types of fat (also known as beef fat). In addition to adding flavor to beef, fat also significantly increases the calorie content of meat. Besides, the amount of fat in beef depends on the level of meat cut, age, sex and feed source of the cow. Most processed beef products like hot dogs will contain more fat than usual.
Beef fat includes two types: saturated fat and unsaturated fat, in equal amounts. Some common fatty acids in beef are stearic acid, oleic acid and palmitic acid...
With the above saturated fat, eating beef in moderation will not cause fat accumulation in the body. If combined with regular physical activity, a beef-based diet will even help you to have a toned, slim and healthy body.
Besides, the way beef is cooked can also cause a change in the fat content of the meat in the dish. Limit eating greasy fried / fried beef dishes because these will add a huge amount of calories, making the weight gain process happen quickly if you do not consume fewer calories out. This information has partly answered to help you wonder if eating fried beef is fat?
thịt bò tái
Tránh chế biến thịt bò có sử dụng dầu ăn hoặc mỡ

3. Is eating beef good? Health benefits of eating beef

Eating beef properly not only does not cause obesity, but also brings countless unexpected health benefits. It is also a great ingredient for a healthy diet. Specifically:

3.1. Maintain and develop muscle mass

Beef provides high quality protein with all essential amino acids.
Insufficient protein intake can accelerate muscle wasting (age-related) and increase the risk of developing myasthenia gravis, which is common in the elderly. So, an effective way to prevent this condition is to consume more beef (or other good sources of protein), which helps maintain muscle, limiting muscle fatigue.

3.2. Improve exercise performance

Carnosine is an important compound for muscle performance. This compound is formed in the body from beta-alanine, an amino acid found in abundance in fish and meat, including beef.
According to many studies, high doses of beta-alanine supplementation for 4–10 weeks can increase muscle carnosine levels by 40%-89%. Conversely, a vegetarian diet lacking in beta-alanine can cause low levels of carnosine in the muscles over time.
In human muscle, high levels of carnosine can reduce fatigue and improve performance during exercise. In addition, many studies show that beta-alanine supplements can improve muscle strength as well as endurance running time.
Tập luyện
Ăn thịt bò sẽ giúp cải thiện hiệu suất tập thể dục

3.3. Prevention of anemia

Anemia is a common condition, characterized by a decrease in the number of red blood cells and a decreased ability to carry oxygen in the blood. In particular, iron deficiency is the leading cause of anemia, typical symptoms are fatigue and weakness.
Eating beef can quickly and long-term improve this condition because of the rich source of iron inside.
In short, eating beef in moderation is highly recommended because it is a healthy, nutritious food. Eating fatty beef does not depend much on the individual eater (the level of beef consumption, daily exercise habits...). Therefore, each person should consider using beef in an appropriate dose.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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