Is the 3 day diet plan possible?

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Army diet also known as 3-day diet, this is a weight loss diet that can help you lose up to 10 pounds in a week. This plan has 3 days of eating followed by 4 rest days, and the weekly cycle is repeated until you reach your target weight.

Proponents of the military diet claim that they can lose up to 10 pounds a week or 30 pounds a month eating foods like vanilla ice cream and hot dogs. The 3-Day Diet claims that combining specific foods can boost metabolism and burn fat, however, there is no scientific evidence to back this up. The 3-Day Military Diet highly recommends portion control. For the first three days, all calories are counted unless applicators make some sort of substitution, which must be measured and calorie-counted specifically. For the next four days, the person on the 3-day diet should keep a food diary and count the calories they consume.
Although the 3-day diet can help with weight loss, in general, when the body loses weight rapidly, it has more to do with water weight than fat. In fact, some experts say that a person can lose up to 2 kg of water weight in a day. While proponents of the three-day military diet claim that weight loss is more than just planned water loss, there's been no research to date to back this up. .
The origin of the military-style three-day diet is unknown. Some sources say this diet was created by nutritionists working for the US military as a way to help soldiers quickly lose weight to be suitable for each specific combat mission. However, this diet is not associated with the military or any government agency of the United States. Many speculate that this diet, similar to other diets, was created by a marketer, not a nutritionist.

1. The foods used in the 3-day diet

The military diet consists of a three-day eating plan, three meals a day without snacks, followed by four days of less restrictive eating of three meals and two snacks.
For the first three days, people on this diet will eat a very strict list of foods including, peanut butter toast, hard-boiled eggs, cheese, grapefruit, tuna, meat and sausages , crackers, bananas, apples, broccoli, green beans, coffee and ice cream. This is called their "day of the day" and provides them with an energy intake that ranges from 1,100 to 1,400 calories per day. After that, they would have four days of not being too strict on the diet, and the daily calorie limit would increase to 1,500 calories from healthy foods. Meals from the day can include items like yogurt parfait, protein salad or shrimp and zucchini pasta. This cycle can be repeated until the participant reaches her target weight. From there, the program recommends sticking to the principles outlined in the four-day plan, which promotes healthier foods.
The military diet is a strict, low-calorie eating plan that includes specific foods that are designed to "come together to start losing weight," however, there are many little or no evidence to support this claim.
Although certain foods like grapefruit or caffeinated beverages like coffee are associated with weight loss, no research has shown that combining the specific foods listed in the diet The 3-day diet can speed up your metabolism to speed up weight loss throughout the entire process. Supplemental instructions and meal plans for the military diet can be found on the military diet website and in books including: "Military Diet: A Guide a step-by-step guide for beginners: The Top Military Diet Recipes" by Bruce Ackerberg, "Military Diet: Losing 10 Pounds in a Week" by Pamela Adams or "The Military Diet" Fact: £10 Off in 3 Days" by John Salazar.
Chế độ ăn kiêng quân sự
Chế độ ăn kiêng quân sự 3 ngày

While restricting calories to 1,500 per day can promote weight loss, a short-term diet that emphasizes unhealthy processed foods like hot dogs is not the ideal solution for management. overall health and weight. The foods that are and are not used in the 3-day military diet are shown in the following table:
Table 1. Foods that are and are not used in the diet 3 days military style
Thực phẩm được sử dụng Thực phẩm không được sử dụng
Thịt Rượu hoặc bia
Kem vani Sữa và kem (cà phê)
Chuối Đường
Xúc xích Tất cả các loại thực phẩm khác (tính trong chế độ ăn của 3 ngày đầu tiên
Pho mát, bơ sữa
Bánh mì hoặc bánh mì nướng
Bông cải xanh
Cá ngừ
Đậu xanh
Cà phê đen

2. Pros and cons of the 3-day diet

Ưu điểm Nhược điểm
Có thể thúc đẩy giảm cân nhanh chóng Chưa được khoa học chứng minh
Kế hoạch ăn uống có cấu trúc dễ dàng tuân thủ Chứa 1 số loại thực phẩm đã qua chế biến, nghèo dinh dưỡng bao gồm xúc xích và muốn
Like most popular diets, the three-day military diet has benefits and limitations. The 3-day diet promises quick weight loss and provides a specific plan. However, the 3-day diet is very limited in terms of food sources, includes many nutrient-poor processed foods, and may not provide enough calories to sustain energy throughout the day. Therefore, the 3-day diet plan is not considered a healthy diet plan.

3. Is the 3-day diet a healthy choice?

For short-term weight loss, the three-day military-style diet is said to be effective, but any weight loss experienced in the 3-day weight loss plan is likely to be effective. The ability was regained when dieters continued their normal diet.
The military diet is not a long-term weight loss solution or a healthy eating plan, nor does it provide essential skills such as healthy meal planning and preparation, may help support sustainable weight loss.
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) dietary guidelines include recommendations and advice for a healthy, balanced diet that includes a variety of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean meats. , beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, milk and oils. The U.S. Department of Agriculture also recommends consuming at least about 1,500 calories per day for weight loss, the doctors added, but this number varies by age, sex, weight, and activity level. The set also provides everyone with a formula to calculate their daily calorie intake.
3.1. The Health Benefits of the Three-Day Diet Proponents of the three-day diet in the military claim that a rapid weight loss plan can be achieved. However, even if people on this diet lose a few pounds at first, it may just be water weight. In most cases, their weight can completely increase later, because the restrictive diets and eating patterns are impractical in the long run.
Thuốc tránh thai có thể khiến cơ thể tăng cân tích nước
Cân nặng giảm khi bạn áp dụng nghiêm khắc chế độ ăn uống giảm can

3.2. Health risks The military-style diet claims to be one of the best "natural diets," however, this is not backed by scientific evidence. The diet encourages eating hot dogs, a highly processed, unnatural food. Processed foods contain ingredients that can increase the risk of cancer and heart disease when consumed in excess. The military-style diet also promotes unhealthy eating habits, which can lead some people to choose unprocessed foods, thereby causing digestive problems.
If you're looking to lose weight and improve your overall health, consider seeing a dietitian or making small changes to your own daily routine. Find the right diet for you and come up with a healthy plan that makes sense to stick to. It may take a bit of effort at first, but you're more likely to achieve lasting results, especially if regular exercise is a priority. Exercise, eating right, and other lifestyle factors also play an important role in your overall health. The best diet is always one that is balanced and fits your current lifestyle.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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