Note in the diet for people with cirrhosis

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Cirrhosis can be considered the end stage of scarring (fibrosis) of the liver. People with cirrhosis often have symptoms of fatigue, loss of appetite, digestive disorders, weight loss, etc. Therefore, building a patient care regimen should be especially noted. How should nutrition for people with cirrhosis be planned, the following article gives us a better understanding of nutrition for people with cirrhosis.

1. Cirrhosis of the liver

It is not uncommon for people with cirrhosis to be malnourished due to the changes in metabolism and digestive problems that occur when the liver is more damaged.
Therefore, if you suffer from this condition, what you eat and drink on a daily basis is especially important, especially as ingredients like protein, sodium and sugar require your liver to work harder - needs This causes the liver to no longer respond.
A cirrhotic diet plan should be developed with the help of your doctor and other members of your health care team, such as a dietitian, to ensure that you are nourished. Get enough nutrition and avoid choices that can worsen your condition and affect your health.

2. Symptoms of cirrhosis

Overweight . Excess water. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Swollen feet, hands, edema low. Ascites, pleural effusion. Changes in skin color (tanning, jaundice). Yellow eyes. Spots, hemorrhagic plaques, infusion sites, vascular stars. Swollen veins under the skin of the abdomen.
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Xơ gan có thể gây nên một số triệu chứng như thừa cân, thừa nước, phù nề,...

3. Nutritional goals for cirrhosis patients

Prevention of hepatic coma - hepatic encephalopathy due to hyperammonemia. Follow the rule not to eat foods containing toxic substances that increase the burden on the liver. Reduces ascites. The phenomenon of muscle atrophy and fat accumulation should be prevented for patients. Improving meals, full of healthy nutrients to help patients develop physically and prevent the risk of complications.

4. Diet for Cirrhosis

Avoid alcohol: Any amount of alcohol is considered unsafe for anyone with cirrhosis, as it is a potential cause of more liver damage than even liver failure. Drinking alcohol can also cause malnutrition and other health problems. Limit fat: The body digests fat by using bile, a yellow-green liquid made in the liver. When the liver is damaged, the production and supply of bile can be affected, leading to digestive symptoms. A liver that isn't working properly will have trouble processing a high-fat meal. Avoid raw or undercooked meat and seafood: People with liver damage from cirrhosis have impaired immune function, which means the bacteria and viruses these foods are likely to harbor can lead to serious infection. In addition to changing the contents of your diet, you may need to change the amount of food you eat. Having liver disease can increase your risk of malnutrition, so you may need to eat more calories in a day to meet your body's increased energy needs due to your condition.
You will need to consult your doctor or dietitian to determine the exact amount of protein recommended for you. Calories from protein will be an essential component of a varied and nutritious diet, and protein is key to preventing muscle atrophy.
Bệnh gan do rượu
Rượu, chất béo, thịt/hải sản sống là những thứ nên tránh nếu bạn bị xơ gan.

5. Diet for cirrhosis patients

Fruits and vegetables: Choose fresh produce when possible, as canned varieties are often high in sodium and sugar. Add fruit to cereal or oats for extra nutrition, fiber, and a bit of natural sweetness. Fiber-rich fruits like apples can make a healthy and satisfying snack on their own. Dairy: Full-fat dairy products can be too difficult for your body to digest. Eat low-fat yogurt, a small portion of low-sodium hard cheese, and fortified non-dairy milk alternatives like almond or soy. You may need to avoid desserts such as: Egg tarts, custard tarts, as they're not a good part of a cirrhotic diet if you have significant difficulty handling fats and sugars. Grains: Choose wholegrain breads, pasta, brown rice, and cereals instead of those made with refined white flour. Protein: Red meat is not recommended on a cirrhotic diet, the same goes for any processed meat or sausage for lunch. Eating small portions of lean meat without the skin, some freshly caught fish (such as salmon), and eggs or egg whites may be suitable. Most of your protein allowance should come from plant sources like dried beans and legumes, a small portion of unsalted nuts or nut butters, and tofu.
Desserts: Cake mixes, cookies, macaroons, cookies, pancakes, and waffles can be high in sugar and salt, so it's best to avoid them. In general, you'll want to avoid cakes, doughnuts, and muffins, unless you can make your own low-fat, low-sugar, and low-salt version. Drinks: You can't drink alcohol if you have cirrhosis, but you'll have other options. Water is the best water supplement option, but if you're following a low-sodium diet, you'll want to check the label on bottled water as some contain sodium. Milk and juice should only be drunk if pasteurized. In addition, medical experts also recommend that patients with cirrhosis should avoid caffeinated beverages, including coffee, tea, and soft drinks.
Ăn trái cây cũng có thể khiến bạn tăng cân
Bạn nên chọn rau, trái cây tươi và sữa ít/không béo; tránh món tráng miệng như bánh trứng hoặc bánh sữa.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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