Nutritional composition of basa fish

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Basa fish is a good source of high-quality protein and healthy fats like omega-3 fatty acids. With a cheap price and easy to find, basa fish is the right choice for the dishes of many families. So what is the nutritional composition of basa fish?

1. Origin of basa

Basa fish is a type of white fish, found in abundance in the waters of the Mekong River and the Chao Phraya River, which flows through several countries in Southeast Asia. This is a type of catfish, scientifically known as Pangasius bocourti. With low cost of breeding, farming, harvesting and packaging, basa fish is being widely exported to different countries around the world. Basa has a wide body with a small head and firm flesh. Basa fish has a mild smell, so it is considered a favorite seafood dish in restaurants. In the country of India, basa fish is incorporated into traditional Indian recipes.
In importing countries, basa is often used as a substitute for cod or haddock. Because these two types of fish have similar taste and texture.
cá basa
Cá basa hiện đã được phân bố ở khắp các nước trên thế giới

2. Nutritional composition of basa fish

Nutritional value in 126 grams of basa fish includes:
Calories: 158 Protein: 22.5 grams Fat: 7 grams Saturated fat: 2 grams Cholesterol: 73 mg Carb: 0 grams Sodium: 89 mg Low in calories and high in protein, basa fish is a beneficial food for those on a weight loss diet. Basa fish contains 5 grams of unsaturated fats such as omega-3 fatty acids. This is an essential fat important for maintaining optimal body and brain health. However, compared to mackerel and salmon, basa has much lower levels of omega 3 fats.
Cá basa có hàm lượng omega 3 không cao

3. Health benefits of basa fish

3.1. Promote weight loss

Basa fish is a beneficial food in a weight loss diet. Dieters often have strict diets, strict calorie monitoring, so basa fish will be a great choice. With a 100-gram serving of fish containing only 50 calories, basa fish will help prevent fat accumulation. This is the key to effective fat loss in places like hips, thighs and stomach.
Also, some studies show that consuming basa can help you feel fuller for longer.

3.2. Provides high quality protein

In addition to weight loss, this fish provides all 9 essential amino acids (high-quality protein) needed for the synthesis of important proteins in the body. Essential amino acids such as histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and valine. Essentially cannot be produced by the body's cells, so it must be supplemented through the diet. The nutritional components in basa fish help regulate body temperature as well as provide adequate energy for the body to develop.
cá basa
Thành phần trong cá basa có hàm lượng protein chất lượng cao

3.3. Contributing to longevity

Basa fish is a white fish but contains a lot of omega 3 acids. This nutrient will help reduce inflammation in the body. At the same time, it helps prevent stress and fatigue, protects heart functions and supports vision development in children.

3.4. Low Carbohydrate

Basa fish is very low in carbohydrates. It is therefore an ideal choice for a number of diets. Example:
The keto diet focuses on foods high in fat and low in carbs The Atkins diet aims to gradually eliminate carbs

3.5. Improve bone health

Basa fish's skin is rich in vitamin D, which helps keep bones strong. Adequate dietary intake of vitamin D with steamed basa fillets may prevent rickets, bone loss in children, and osteoporosis in adults.
loãng xương
Bổ sung cá basa trong chế độ ăn giúp cải thiện chất lượng xương

3.6. Provides important minerals

Eating well cooked or grilled basa is one way to get trace minerals like zinc and potassium. These are essential substances for the vital functions of the body. Potassium aids in regulating the electrolyte balance in the body cells. At the same time, it allows supple muscle contractions and unimpeded transmission of nerve impulses through the organs of the system. Zinc plays an important role in strengthening immunity, monitoring cell synthesis and growth, and promoting wound healing in injured tissues.

3.7. Insignificant sodium content

Eating one basa fillet for a week adds only 50 milligrams of sodium to the diet. This is very beneficial for people who regularly suffer from high blood pressure, as it reduces salt intake significantly and normalizes blood flow in the body. Low-sodium foods also help people with liver disease and kidney problems, as these foods limit fluid accumulation in the body.
Cá basa
Cá basa có hàm lượng natri không đáng kể

4. Risks of eating basa fish

Any type of fish can pose certain risks and so can basa. Causes can come from:
Fish contaminated with pollutants, waste such as mercury, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) from garbage, industrial plants,... You eat fish with these substances, accumulate for a long time. Days in the body will cause many diseases.
Basa culture environment is susceptible to pollution due to the influence of chemical agents and drugs against pathogens. However, according to experts, heavy metal residues in basa fish are within safe limits. To ensure health, you should prepare and eat basa fish properly, do not eat fish raw or undercooked.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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