What are the benefits of eating tubers?

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Tubers are used as food and can also be used as medicine to treat or support the treatment of some diseases. The nutritional composition of tubers often contains a lot of carbohydrates, no cholesterol, little fat, helps to purify the body, and has anti-inflammatory properties.

1. Nutritional composition of tubers

Larvae have other names such as naked larva, water larva, larva... Scientific name of larva: Trapa bicornis belongs to the family of Trapaceace larva.
Where does the tuber grow? The tubers are aquatic plants with short, hairy stems. The plant has white flowers, growing singly in the interstitium of the leaves. The fruit, commonly known as the tuber, has two horns, the tip of which is arrow-shaped, and the horn of the tuber is developed by the sepals.
In tubers, starch content accounts for about 49% and protein content accounts for 10.3%. As for other nutritional ingredients according to Chinese documents, in 100g of ripe larva, there are 4.5 grams of albumin, 0.1 grams of fat, 19.7 grams of sugars, 0.19 grams of vitamin B1, 0.06 grams of B2, 1.5mg of PP, 13mg of C. , 7mg Ca, 0.7mg iron, 19mg Mn, 93mg P. Compound AH13 is known as a substance used to support anti-cancer treatment. The tubers contain a lot of fiber, which helps promote the growth of probiotic bacteria that help produce digestive enzymes for the intestinal tract. The tubers can also supplement blood for people with anemia, calcium and phosphorus. These ingredients all help build strong bones. Moreover, the magnesium and manganese components contained in the rhubarb can produce enzymes to reduce stress, and also add zinc to strengthen the immune system as well as many potassium components to improve the condition. Cardiovascular and blood pressure
In the tuber also contains iodine which works to prevent goiter and other thyroid-related diseases. Besides, the content of vitamin C and vitamin B has the effect of improving resistance.
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2. Uses of tubers

According to Traditional Medicine, the tubers have a sweet taste, cool properties, on the spleen, beneficial effects on the spleen and stomach, and try to cool the blood, except for thirst. Extracts in wine can be used to help fight heat, protect against sunlight, detoxify drunkenness, except for heat rash. As for the old bulbs, they have the effect of nourishing the spleen and gas, and these types of larvae are often used in cases of spleen damage, cholera, menstrual cycles with a lot of blood, hemorrhoids and can fight depression. weakness.
Custard apple also helps to purify and detoxify the body, especially for the liver. When using tubers will help bring better health as well as effective treatment with diarrhea.
Tubers are also used in the treatment of eczema with a mixture of cooked tubers and water. Add some lemon juice to this mixture and apply it on the infected skin of the patient.
Larvae also have strong antibacterial properties, helping to heal bacterial infections, and also help remove phlegm, cure colds and flu. Oregano also helps reduce joint inflammation, pain, swelling and redness. Furthermore, some studies have also shown that eating tubers can be effective for patients with stomach ulcers.
What are the benefits of eating tubers? The stem has a sweet taste, is average, has anti-inflammatory effects, and can be used with a concentration of 50-200 grams/day in the form of raw or cooked soup.

3. Food using tubers is good for health

There are many ways you can use tubers for many health benefits.
Use tubers in fresh form: with the appropriate dose of larva, wash and remove the skin. Use raw tubers in cases of heatstroke, heatstroke, fever and dehydration, irritation, restlessness. Squeeze the tuber to get water to make syrup: use 250 grams of tuber, clean and cook for 1 hour, then filter the water and add sugar, continue to boil again and divide into 2 drinks. during the day. Use this mixture for cases of high blood pressure, excessive menstrual bleeding, or hemorrhoids, with symptoms of anal burning pain. Use boiled tubers: use 150g old tubers, boiled. Then, peel off the skin and eat it twice a day. Eat this boiled tuber in case of spleen damage, diarrhea, fatigue or loss of strength. Use peeled tubers: take 20g to 30g of peeled tubers. Add water and simmer until the tubers turn into porridge. And using this porridge to eat twice a day has the effect of adjuvant treatment for cases of cervical cancer, stomach cancer. Mixture of ground tuber powder: use 30 grams of whole peeled tubers, 30 grams of ground tuber powder. Bring the tubers to boil, then squeeze the juice. The ground tuber powder is cooked into a paste. This mixture is used for cases of chronic diarrhea in children. Tuber porridge: use 30 grams of peeled fresh tubers, 30 grams of glutinous rice, along with a sufficient sugar content. Then bring this mixture to cook into porridge and use porridge twice a day. Therapeutic effects of this mixture used for subjects with symptoms of impaired spleen and stomach in the elderly, indigestion, enteritis
Củ ấu có thể được chế biến thành nhiều món ăn khác nhau, tốt cho những người mắc bệnh ung thư cổ tử cung, ung thư dạ dày.

4. Some remedies use tubers to treat diseases

Use tubers to treat spleen failure in the elderly: take 10 grams of ginseng, 10 grams of royal flag, 10 grams of tuber powder. Bring the mixture of ginseng and astragalus to color and get the water. Then remove the residue of this mixture, get the extracted water, mix with the tuber powder, then boil and drink. Use tubers to treat dysentery, bloody stools: take 20 grams of tubers. Then the night is decocted with water and extract the water containing the tubers. Use this water during the day with about 2 times. Use tubers to treat boils, nail on the fingers: take the skin of the star tubers, then blend with the addition of fragrant essential oils to apply outside. The effect of this type of tuber has the effect of clearing heat. Use tubers in the treatment of warts, warts: using crushed tubers can then apply powder on the skin to help clear heat. In summary, eating tubers brings a lot of health benefits, you can consider adding this tuber to your daily diet or use it to cure diseases and ensure health.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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