Reasons for tubal ligation during caesarean section

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The article was professionally consulted with Doctor Phan Diem Doan Ngoc - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.
Women who have had a caesarean section are advised to give birth only twice to ensure the safety of mother and fetus. Tubal ligation during cesarean section is the birth control method that women choose when they no longer want to become pregnant. Here's some information about tubal ligation and why it's done during a cesarean section.

1. What is tubal ligation?

Tubal ligation is a permanent method of contraception. Sterilization with tubal ligation will make a woman infertile or very unlikely to become pregnant again.
Performing tubal ligation during cesarean section is quite flexible in terms of time. Many women choose this tubal ligation after completing childbirth. When performing this method, doctors will block the fallopian tubes, making it impossible for eggs to meet sperm because they cannot pass through the fallopian tubes. Fertilization cannot take place, so women cannot become pregnant and give birth.
Some tubal ligation procedures include: tubal ligation, tubal folding, partially removed fallopian tubes, using stitches or forceps to block the fallopian tubes.
Tubal ligation is known to be a fairly safe permanent method of birth control with few side effects affecting the body. The risk of complications after the procedure is very rare. This method also does not affect women's hormones as many people think and does not affect breastfeeding at all.
Thắt ống dẫn trứng
Thắt ống dẫn trứng được biết đến là một phương pháp ngừa thai vĩnh viễn khá an toàn với ít tác dụng phụ ảnh hưởng đến cơ thể

2. Reasons for tubal ligation during cesarean section

Today, the rate of cesarean section is increasing, the rate of women having multiple cesarean sections has also increased. For women who have had a cesarean section twice, the next pregnancy will also have to have a cesarean section. This is the cause that causes women to face a series of complications during and after surgery such as infection, uterine rupture, bleeding, placenta previa, bladder damage, seriously affecting the health of pregnant women. pregnant women and infants.
The number of caesarean sections is increasing, so there is a need for highly effective contraception for women having cesarean sections, especially multiple cesarean births, to reduce the risk of unwanted pregnancy. Tubal ligation during cesarean section is an almost absolute method of sterilization. This is why tubal ligation should be performed during a cesarean section.
Should perform tubal ligation during cesarean section when the number of children has been delivered, there is no need to have more children or the health status of the pregnant woman is not guaranteed for the next birth.
After sterilization by tubal ligation, if you want to have children again, you must reconnect the fallopian tubes. Doing this process is quite difficult.
Thắt ống dẫn trứng
Số lượng các ca mổ lấy thai ngày càng tăng, vì thế cần phải có biện pháp tránh thai hiệu quả cao đối với phụ nữ khi sinh mổ đặc biệt là sinh mổ nhiều lần nhằm giảm nguy cơ mang thai ngoài ý muốn

3. Some risks when performing tubal ligation during cesarean section

Performing a tubal ligation during a cesarean section can cause certain risks such as drug allergies, bleeding or infection, and pregnancy despite having a tubal ligation. However, the rate is quite rare.
Women who are young and unsure of their own wishes should not choose tubal ligation sterilization. Because the possibility of having children again is very low.
The implementation of tubal ligation during cesarean section is to ensure safety for pregnant women in case the pregnant woman has had multiple cesarean sections or her health is not guaranteed for the next pregnancy. Besides, before choosing this method of contraception, it is necessary to have a consensus between husband and wife, helping women to have a strong psychological preparation. Tubal ligation should be performed at reputable medical facilities to avoid the risk of unwanted complications.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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