Take care of your health, prepare nutrition before pregnancy

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The article is professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor II Bui Minh Phuc - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Ha Long International Hospital.
The health of a pregnant woman determines the development of the fetus. Without good health, the right nutrition for the fetus can lead to malnutrition, premature birth, stillbirth, miscarriage... Therefore, taking care of health and preparing nutrition before pregnancy is important. very important issue.

1. Proper nutrition

Diverse diet, providing enough 4 food groups: protein, fat, vitamins, sugar, mineral salts Need to achieve a normal body mass index, at 18.5 - 24 Use iodized salt in meals Eat daily Eat plenty of foods rich in iron and folic acid: these are two extremely important factors in the first months of pregnancy.

2. Vaccination

Women of reproductive age need to be vaccinated against tetanus Flu, measles and rubella vaccination for women at least 3 months before becoming pregnant Actively protect their health from diseases such as flu, hepatitis B, measles, mumps, rubella... If a pregnant woman has these diseases during pregnancy, it can increase the risk of birth defects in the fetus.
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Tiêm phòng vacxin trước khi mang thai giúp giảm nguy cơ mắc dị tật ở thai nhi

3. Have a suitable lifestyle, reasonable rest

Pregnant women need to avoid overwork, heavy work because it can affect the fetus, increase the risk of miscarriage. Balance work and rest, avoid stress. Avoid exposure to harmful chemicals. Avoid taking antibiotics and certain other medications.

4. Periodic health check

Periodic health examination to promptly detect and treat diseases: cardiovascular disease, blood pressure, diabetes, liver and kidney diseases... These diseases can affect the ability to become pregnant and the process of pregnancy. fetal development. Need to perform: general clinical examination, internal examination, blood test, ultrasound, X-ray, ear - nose - throat examination, oral and maxillofacial examination...
In addition, women need gynecological examination Periodically before and during pregnancy to promptly detect diseases and infections of the reproductive tract, affecting the ability to become pregnant and the development of the fetus
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5. Equip knowledge of motherhood and child care

Before becoming pregnant and during pregnancy, women need to learn carefully about motherhood and child care skills to best prepare for motherhood, not only for the baby but also for the mother to stabilize. psychologically, not bewildered.
To minimize the possible risks during pregnancy for both mother and baby, bring joy and reduce unnecessary worries for each family, Vinmec Times International General Hospital City will implement the Pre-pregnancy health care and counseling program with the following services:
Pre-pregnancy genetic counseling Screening to detect healthy people carrying disease genes Preparing for assisted reproductive services Pharmaceutical use and pregnancy Vaccination Vaccine Oral Vitamins and Folic Acid (vitamin B9) Food use and pregnancy Prevention of exposure to hazardous chemicals, hazardous physical agents Other health problems of you and your husband (wife) Vinmec International General Hospital accompanies pregnant women from the first days of planning a pregnancy until they have a baby with high quality of service and the most dedicated care. .

With over 18 years working in the field of obstetrics and gynecology. Formerly Deputy Director, Head of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Lac Viet Friendship Hospital. Regularly update new knowledge in the field of obstetrics and gynecology. Doctor Bui Minh Phuc proficiently performed basic and specialized techniques of obstetrics and gynecology

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

Reference source: National guide to reproductive health services - Ministry of Health.

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