Is there any way to help children grow teeth faster?

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Children at the age of 6-9 months begin to grow their first milk teeth. However, this process may take place more slowly in some babies. Teething delay is caused by many reasons and also affects the development of children. So many parents often wonder if there is a way to help their children grow teeth faster? The following article will help parents answer these questions.

1. What are the causes of delayed teething in children?

A baby's first teeth are called baby teeth. They play an important role in the development and aesthetics of permanent teeth in the future. Normally, the process of teething baby teeth lasts from 6 months to 30 months of age. However, in some children, the teething process takes place more slowly than their peers. In case a child reaches the age of 1 year but has not yet shown signs of teething, parents need to take the baby to a medical facility for an accurate examination and diagnosis. Besides, parents also need to learn the causes and ways to help their children grow teeth quickly. Accordingly, delayed teething in children can be caused by the following reasons:
Premature birth or substandard weight; Daily nutrition does not fully supplement calcium and vitamin D for bone and tooth formation; A family member has a history of delayed teething; Children with reduced thyroid activity is also one of the causes of delayed teething; Lack of enzymes that help the tooth germ separate and bud from the gums; Children suffering from diseases such as tooth decay, periodontitis ...

2. Factors affecting the development of the dental system

Recognizing the factors affecting the development of children's teeth will help parents take preventive measures as well as build a nutritious diet for children to grow teeth quickly.

2.1. Nutrition

A complete and nutritious diet will help your child's teeth develop firmly. Not only that, the mother's nutrition during pregnancy also greatly affects the development of the baby's teeth. Because baby teeth and permanent teeth are formed in the fetus from the 8th week of pregnancy. Therefore, the mother's diet needs to be fully supplemented with calcium, vitamin D, minerals... to help build bones and teeth for children.
An unsafe diet seriously affects the process of creating gums and teeth of children; slows down teething. The first 3 years of life is an important period in which nutrition must always be ensured, because at this stage the mineralization of the enamel layer of the teeth takes place and affects the teething process (the development of the teeth). of teeth before and during the eruption of the dentin system).

2.2. Children are anorexic, malnourished

Children with anorexia, malnutrition make the body lack of nutrients and minerals needed for the formation and development of the tooth system in the body.

2.3. Children do not like to drink milk or drink less milk

Milk is a great source of calcium for the development of teeth and bones of young children. Therefore, the situation of children not drinking enough milk affects the teething process and the development of the body's teeth system.
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2.4. Not exposed to much light

Sunlight helps the body synthesize vitamin D, which plays an important role in the development of children's bones and teeth.

3. How to help children grow teeth fast

Slow teething can lead to negative effects such as a lot of pain when teeth come in, reduced chewing ability, affecting stomach activity, increasing the risk of slurred speech... Therefore, to reduce the risks Parents can refer to some ways to help their children grow teeth faster as follows:

3.1. Gum massage

Mother, put the baby on the bed, use your clean fingers to gently massage the baby's gums. This method will help stimulate baby tooth sprouts to quickly emerge from the gums, reducing pain for children when teeth come in. Gum massage can also be done in case the baby has trouble sleeping or crying at night.

3.2. Use a cold towel, suck on a cold pacifier

Mothers can use cold towels for babies to suck or suck on cold pacifiers to help stimulate the teething process. However, the use of sucking pacifiers should be limited because of the high risk of congenital malocclusion problems such as underbite or malocclusion.

3.3. The method of using shallot leaves

Chives have anti-inflammatory effects, reduce swelling. The use of shallot leaf juice applied to the gums has the effect of stimulating teething, reducing pain for children when teeth come in. The steps are as follows:
Use fresh chives leaves, for boys use 7 leaves and for girls use 9 leaves; Wash the leaves, puree and filter to get the juice; Soak chives in water with a cotton swab and gently apply it on the gum area. Chives have a spicy taste, so when applied, they can make children uncomfortable and uncooperative.

3.4. Let the children sunbathe

Sunbathing with a suitable dose will help the body increase vitamin D synthesis, promoting teething at the right age. The appropriate time for children to sunbathe is from 6 to 8 am. The method is safe and effective against stunting, helping children strengthen their resistance.
Tắm nắng với liều lượng thích sẽ giúp cơ thể tăng tổng hợp vitamin D

3.5. Reasonable diet

What is a reasonable diet or what teething children eat to be good for the development of the dental system is a matter of concern to many parents. As mentioned above, nutrition greatly affects the growth and development of children's teeth. Accordingly, the diet for children at the teething stage needs to be fully supplemented with the following nutrients:
Calcium: The main mineral that makes up the body's bones and teeth. Foods rich in calcium such as milk, dairy products (cheese), shrimp, crab, fish, bean products... Besides, in order for children to effectively absorb calcium from food, mothers children should be allowed to play or sunbathe for about 30 minutes a day; Vitamin D: A vitamin that helps the body absorb calcium. The main source of vitamin D for the body is from vitamin D precursors under the skin under the photochemical action of sunlight. Besides, vitamin D supplementation for the body can be done through the diet with foods containing a lot of vitamin D such as eggs, fish (howler, mackerel...). Phosphorus: The second largest mineral content in the body after calcium; Phosphorus has the function of forming and maintaining the body's strong bones and teeth. This mineral is provided in most foods, in which phosphorus contained in animal foods has a higher biological value than in plant foods;
Magnesium: This mineral along with calcium participates in the mineralization process of creating bones and teeth for the body. Foods rich in magnesium can be mentioned as fish, green vegetables, legumes, avocados, nuts...
Vitamin C : The body is not supplemented with enough vitamin C content can lead to to ontop last cell degeneration. The pulp and gums become porous, causing the gums to become ulcerated, inflamed, and easy to bleed, leading to tooth loss. This vitamin is contained in many foods such as grapefruit, oranges, lemons, tangerines, mangoes...
Vitamin A: In addition to its anti-night blindness, anti-dry eyes, eye protection, vitamin A also helps the development normal development of bones and teeth, protect skin mucosa and enhance the body's resistance against pathogens. Foods rich in vitamin A can be mentioned as eggs, liver, meat, dairy products...
In addition to a diet full of vitamins and minerals necessary for the development of the bone system , teeth of the body, parents need to limit their children from eating foods such as cakes, sweets and sweet and carbonated drinks. At the same time, create a habit of regular dental check-ups for children, especially when children are late in teething so that they can detect dental problems as well as related diseases early, thereby taking timely treatment measures. .

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