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Articles in LaminKid
Digestive disorders in children
Although prolonged digestive disorders do not pose a direct danger to the child's life, they can seriously affect the absorption of nutrients as well as hinder the physical and intellectual development of the baby. Not only that, digestive disorders are also the leading cause of anorexia and malnutrition in children. Therefore, overcoming digestive disorders in children is something that needs to be done early and dealt with thoroughly.
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Treatment of digestive disorders in children
Gastrointestinal disorders are common in young children. Although digestive disorders are not dangerous, they can make children malnourished, retard both physical and intellectual development. Therefore, more attention should be paid to the treatment of digestive disorders in children. Complete treatment, avoid prolonging the disease and re-occurrence many times.
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Gastrointestinal disorders in infants and young children
The manifestations of digestive disorders in infants and young children are vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal cramps,... There are many causes of digestive disorders in children and timely overcoming them. Time will help the baby have a good digestive system, catch up the growth momentum.
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Distinguishing congenital biliary atresia from physiological jaundice, anemia, hepatitis
Jaundice in newborns is a manifestation of one of the diseases such as anemia, hepatitis or physiological jaundice or even congenital biliary atresia. The distinction between these diseases is to determine the direction of treatment for the child.
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Limiting fecal incontinence in children
Constipation in children is a fairly common problem, causing trouble and confusion for many parents. While children absolutely cannot control this problem on their own, parents need to know how to help children develop the best conditions in the first years of life.
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How to treat constipation in babies and children?
Constipation is a condition in which a child has a bowel movement less often than usual, the stools of children tend to be dry and hard, making it difficult for the child to pass, painful or even anal bleeding. Constipation is common in children, but is often overlooked and its severity is often overlooked. It can reduce a child's quality of life, cause emotional problems, and create pressure in the family.
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Prevention of upper respiratory tract infections in children during the change of seasons
Bệnh nhiễm khuẩn đường hô hấp thường xảy ra vào thời điểm giao mùa, lúc trời trở lạnh, độ ẩm trong không khí giảm thấp. Các bậc phụ huynh cần làm gì để trẻ tránh bị bệnh nhiễm khuẩn dường hô hấp?
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Is pneumonia in babies dangerous?
Viêm phổi là tình trạng phổi bị tổn thương do sự tấn công của vi khuẩn, virus, ký sinh trùng, nấm... Chúng sinh sôi, nảy nở và tạo nên những ổ nhiễm khuẩn ở trong phổi. Có 4 loại viêm phổi: Viêm phổi thùy, viêm phổi tiểu thùy, viêm phế quản và áp xe phổi.
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Nutrition guide for babies
Một trong những yếu tố quan trọng nhất để bé phát triển tốt, tăng cân đều đó là chế độ dinh dưỡng cho trẻ sơ sinh. Để giúp bà mẹ hiểu được thành phần của sữa mẹ và quá trình hình thành sữa, cách cho con bú mẹ đúng tư thế và có hiệu quả, dưới đây là hướng dẫn của Giáo sư Tiến sĩ Phạm Nhật An - Giám đốc Trung tâm Nhi tại bệnh viện Vinmec Times City
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What should the mother do when the child is anorexic?
Tình trạng trẻ biếng ăn sẽ gây ra tình trạng bé kém hấp thu, suy dinh dưỡng hay tệ hơn là suy giảm hệ miễn dịch khiến cha mẹ lo lắng. Mẹ nên làm gì khi trẻ biếng ăn? Hãy cùng đi tìm giải pháp giúp bé ăn ngon trở lại trong bài viết dưới đây!
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Common complications and common mistakes about acute diarrhea
Acute diarrhea is the condition of passing stools many times a day (more than 3 times), watery stools. Acute diarrhea in children will cause stool changes such as: loose stools with a lot of water, stools containing viscous, stools with particles, strange colors (white, green, dark brown). The disease can also cause children to leak stools continuously.
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