Why does a baby hiccup in the womb?

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Hiccups are a normal physiological phenomenon of the fetus. Every baby can get hiccups. This is considered a developmental milestone during fetal growth. Pregnant women can feel the baby hiccups. If you do not pay close attention, the mother will mistake the movements of the fetus.

1. Causes of baby hiccups in the womb

Abnormal movement of the diaphragm Like adults, hiccups in babies in the abdomen are caused by abnormal movements of the diaphragm. Because the organs are not perfect, the fetus cannot balance the swallowing rhythm on its own. When swallowing, the baby breathes in or out, pushing the amniotic fluid out, causing hiccups.
Compressed umbilical cord At 32 weeks, pregnant women find that the baby in the belly often hiccups often and for a long time. The cause may be due to compression of the umbilical cord. This is a dangerous cause and affects the health of the fetus. The umbilical cord is compressed, the amount of oxygen delivered is reduced, causing the fetus to hiccup for a long time.
When a pregnant woman feels that the fetus has hiccups for a long time, has poor fetal movements or has other abnormal signs, she should go to a reputable obstetrician-specialist clinic or a hospital with an obstetric specialty for examination. and have the next course of treatment that is right for you.

2. Manifestations of hiccups in the fetus

Em bé bị nấc trong bụng mẹ
Thai nhi bị nấc cụt có biểu hiện là những cú giật nhẹ ở vùng bụng dưới
Rhythm: Fetal hiccups manifest as light jerks in the lower abdomen. Pregnant women put their hands on their stomachs and feel vibrations like a beating heart or a steady tapping sound. Unlike hiccups, fetal movement (fetal activity in the second trimester) or fetal movement (fetal activity in the third trimester) will not have the same rhythm, but sometimes fast, sometimes slow, sometimes strong. weak and appear in many different positions depending on the position of the limbs of the fetus. Duration: The average duration of each hiccup is about 3 to 15 minutes at a time. A day can be from one to several hiccups appear. Many pregnant women can feel the baby's hiccups during pregnancy, but many mothers have said that they do not know how their baby's hiccups will manifest. This is also normal, so if you don't feel your baby hiccups, don't worry. Time: Hiccups can appear at any time, regardless of day and night. Pregnant women can see the image of hiccups through fetal ultrasound. Degree: In the second trimester of pregnancy, the degree of fetal movement and when the baby hiccups are equally mild. But by the third trimester, there is a huge difference between fetal movement and hiccups. The baby with hiccups is still mild, while the fetus moves very strongly, sometimes hand and foot prints can be seen on the mother's abdominal wall.

3. What should pregnant women do when the fetus hiccups?

Em bé bị nấc trong bụng mẹ
Bà bầu giữ tinh thần thoải mái, lạc quan và vui vẻ
The causes of hiccups do not affect the health of the fetus except for the cause of the umbilical cord being compressed. When the baby in the belly has sudden hiccups, jerks stronger, longer combined with other unusual symptoms, pregnant women should see a doctor as soon as possible. Some methods to help the fetus stop hiccups:
Pregnant women keep their mind relaxed, optimistic and happy Build and maintain a scientific diet, take regular rest If the frequency of hiccups increases up, pregnant mother try to change position. For example, from lying flat to lying on your side, or getting up and walking slightly. Changing positions of pregnant women can make the pregnancy more comfortable and reduce hiccups. Vinmec International General Hospital offers a Package Maternity Care Program for pregnant women from the very beginning of their pregnancy. First with a full range of antenatal check-ups, periodical 3D and 4D ultrasounds and routine tests to ensure that the mother is healthy and the fetus develops comprehensively. Pregnant women will be consulted and checked for health under the close supervision of experienced and specialized obstetricians, helping mothers gain more knowledge to protect their health during pregnancy as well as minimize complications affecting mother and child.

Signs of good fetal development in the last 3 months Fetal movements: What time of the day should I count? The development of the fetus week 32

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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