Tiny pimples, itching in the genital area is genital herpes?

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Hello doctor,
I have been having small red, itchy pimples on my small lips for 2-3 months now. I went to the doctor and the doctor said I have genital herpes. The doctor gave me medication and Avircrem topical, but the condition was still the same, the acne still did not disappear. I have learned that genital herpes will disappear in 1-2 weeks, but I am still the same 3 months later. The doctor asked me if the tiny, itchy rash in the genital area is genital herpes? Please advise me on my health condition, thank you doctor.
Anonymous customer
Answered by Master, Doctor Vu Duy Thai - Women's Health Center, Vinmec Times City International General Hospital.
Hi friends,
With the question “Tiny pimples, itching in the private area, is genital herpes? ", the doctor would like to answer as follows:
Genital herpes is a common inflammatory disease of the genitals, diagnosis and treatment are not too difficult.
Signs of Genital Herpes:
Pain or itching: Pain and discomfort may appear in the genital area. Small red bumps or white blisters: These lesions can appear days to weeks after exposure to the virus. Sores: Forms after blisters burst, ooze, or bleed. These sores can make urinating painful. Scaling: The appearance of a scab is a sign that the ulcer has healed. Although the treatment is not too difficult, the disease is also easy to recur. You can go back to an obstetrician-gynecologist to confirm whether it is Herpes, whether there is any other disease and whether there is a need to adjust the treatment regimen, the doctors will advise specific to you.
If you still have questions about genital herpes, you can go to a hospital of Vinmec Health System for further examination and advice. Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Vinmec. Wishing you lots of health.
Best regards!

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