Familial cancer syndrome

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The article was written by Doctor Dr. Hoang Quoc Chinh - Vinmec Stem Cell Research Institute and Gene Technology.

Cancer is a common disease, so because of its genetic nature, there may be several people in a family with the same type of cancer and often passed on from generation to generation.

1. What is familial cancer syndrome?

In some cases, people with cancer in the same family may be due to living in the same environmental conditions that contain factors that increase the risk of cancer such as: Tobacco smoke, water sources containing high concentrations of heavy metals, foods containing carcinogenic substances, etc.
However, in some cases it is caused by family members carrying a genetic mutation that increases the risk of cancer and is passed on from generation to generation.
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Hội chứng ung thư gia đình có thể xuất phát từ thói quen hút thuốc lá của một thành viên

2. The relationship between genes, mutations and cancer

Cancer is a disease of genetic mutations that cause or increase the risk of cancer.
Genes control the production of proteins that muscles need to function and maintain equilibrium in growth, development, and function. Thus, genes affect every structure and function of the body. Genes also have a certain influence on the formation and development of some diseases, including cancer.
Abnormalities that damage genes are called mutations. Gene mutations will either make abnormal proteins or not, thus leading to the creation of abnormal cells in the body.
Genetic mutation can be inherited or acquired
Genetic mutation: A mutation that occurs before or during the formation of a zygote. Since the zygote is the mother cell of all other cells in the body, the genetic mutation will be present in all cells of the body including reproductive cells (eggs or sperm). So genetic mutations will be passed from generation to generation.
Xét nghiệm đột biến gen di truyền
Đột biến gen là nguyên nhân gây ra các tế bào bất thường trong cơ thể

Acquired Mutation: A mutation that occurs during the growth and development of an individual, so that only one or a few organs in the body contain cells carrying the mutation. If the acquired mutations do not occur in the reproductive cells, they are not passed on to the next generation. Every cell in the body (except reproductive cells) has two copies of a gene – one from the father and the other inherited from the mother. When an individual inherits an abnormal copy of a gene, most of the cells in their body already contain a genetic mutation. When the gene that is inactivated is a "cancer suppressor" gene, the cell will proliferate indiscriminately, and possibly become a cancer cell.

3. How to recognize familial cancer syndrome

Here are signs that an inherited cancer syndrome is caused by a mutation.
More people with the same type of cancer (especially rare ones) A ​​diagnosis of cancer at a younger age than the population average for the same type of cancer. A person with more than one type of cancer, for example a woman with both breast and ovarian cancer. Cancer on both sides of paired organs such as eyes, kidneys, breasts.... Many brothers and sisters had cancer together. Cancer occurs in several generations in a family.
Tầm soát ung thư phổi
Tầm soát ung thư càng sớm sẽ giúp phát hiện tổn thương tiền ung thư

To prevent and protect the health of you and your family, each person should get cancer screening as soon as possible; should repeat every 6 months, 1 year, 2 years... In addition, if there is no screening period but there are any signs of cancer, you should go to a specialist immediately. Regular and proper cancer screening helps detect precancerous lesions and cancers at very early stages, which will provide a very high chance of cure and low cost.
Vinmec International General Hospital is one of the hospitals that not only ensures professional quality with a team of leading medical professionals, modern equipment and technology, but also stands out for its examination and consultation services. comprehensive and professional medical consultation and treatment; civilized, polite, safe and sterile medical examination and treatment space. The hospital provides customers with cancer screening packages such as: Lung cancer screening package, Breast cancer screening package, Stomach cancer screening package, .... helping customers to actively check health and cancer prevention.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

Cancer screening: Methods for early detection of disease, reducing treatment costs and cancer mortality

EGFR mutation test in the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer What is a gene? What is a genetic disorder? BRCA gene mutations increase breast cancer risk: Who should get tested?
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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