Soothes the side effects of cancer treatment

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Cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation can cause nausea, vomiting, hair loss, fatigue, etc. To reduce the side effects of cancer treatment, you can do Follow the tips below!

1. Replenish adequate amount of fluid for the body

To reduce the side effects of cancer treatment, you need to make sure to stay hydrated throughout the day. Getting the fluids you need can help increase your appetite, while also soothing some of the side effects of cancer chemotherapy, such as constipation, mouth sores, diarrhea, nausea, and fatigue.
However, you should avoid drinks that contain a lot of sugar, such as carbonated soft drinks, fruit juices with added sugar. These drinks can make your nausea or diarrhea worse after cancer treatment.

2. Be more active every day

The side effects of cancer treatment will be reversed quickly if you make yourself more active every day. The more bed rest makes you feel tired and sluggish, get up and move around the house instead.
Swimming, yoga or walking can help you feel better. However, before doing any form of exercise, consult your doctor to choose the most suitable exercise.

3. Eating high-calorie foods helps reduce the side effects of cancer treatment

After cancer treatment, you may feel a loss of appetite and that makes the body susceptible to deficiency of important substances, especially calories to fight the disease. Therefore, experts advise patients to eat many small meals throughout the day, ensuring each serving contains all the necessary nutrients.
To ease the side effects of cancer treatment, you should choose foods rich in protein and calories, ensuring the right softness for easy eating. Besides, you can also add butter or syrup to increase the calories and soften difficult foods.
Thực phẩm giàu calo giúp xoa dịu tác dụng phụ của điều trị ung thư gây ra
Thực phẩm giàu calo giúp xoa dịu tác dụng phụ của điều trị ung thư gây ra

4. Hair Care

Hair loss is a side effect of cancer chemotherapy. Therefore, taking proper care of your hair and scalp can help prevent this condition. You should use a mild shampoo and limit washing too often, and avoid rubbing your scalp too hard.
You can use a soft bristle brush or wide tooth comb to comb your hair while washing. During this time, you need to absolutely avoid gels, dryers or curling irons because it can make your hair weaker.

5. Try Liquid Drinks

Certain beverages such as smoothies, milkshakes and juices are good options for people experiencing nausea after cancer treatment. These drinks are often higher in calories, more liquid than solid drinks, and can add more nutritious foods like fruit. On the other hand, these drinks also make it easier for you to deal with feeling nauseous or sensitive to odors.

6. Try cold food

Frozen food is very good for cases of sore mouth, dry throat, hangover or stomach upset due to the side effects of cancer treatment chemotherapy. You can ease these symptoms by sucking on shaved ice or drinking frozen fruit juice. These foods can help keep your mouth moist.
Sử dụng đồ lạnh có thể giúp bạn giảm tác dụng phụ của điều trị ung thư
Sử dụng đồ lạnh có thể giúp bạn giảm tác dụng phụ của điều trị ung thư

7. Eat sugar-free gum or mints

You can also suck on lemon drops, gum, mints or ginger candies to relieve nausea, sensitivity to odors, or dry mouth. Ideally, you need to stay away from sour candies if you have mouth sores after cancer treatment.

8. Avoid trigger foods

Foods like fried, spicy, super sweet, too salty or hard foods can trigger your nausea response as well as your mouth sores. Therefore, to reduce the side effects of cancer treatment, you need to avoid these foods as much as possible.

9. Do acupuncture or acupressure

Acupuncture and acupressure are traditional methods that reduce pain and stress by changing the signals that nerves transmit to the brain. Through acupuncture or acupressure, your nausea is also relieved quickly. You need to go to reputable medical facilities to perform these methods properly, to avoid endangering your health.
Châm cứu hoặc bấm huyệt có thể giúp giảm tác dụng phụ của điều trị ung thư
Châm cứu hoặc bấm huyệt có thể giúp giảm tác dụng phụ của điều trị ung thư

10. Release stress

The side effects of cancer treatment will no longer bother you when the stress in the mind is relieved. There are many ways to reduce stress, including practicing deep breathing, visualizing, meditating, praying, talking with friends, joining social groups, reading a book or listening to music.

11. Protect your skin

Please protect your skin during cancer treatment. Use a mild, fragrance-free shower gel or soap to avoid irritating your skin. Besides, you should also shower for a short time with moderate temperature water to avoid causing dry skin.
After bathing, apply moisturizer to replenish the skin's necessary moisture. In particular, you need to remember to use sunscreen, lip balm and wear a hat to protect your skin from sun damage.

12. "Invest" in a good night's sleep

A good and deep sleep is essential to help reverse the side effects of cancer treatment chemotherapy. Try to control and eliminate factors that make it difficult for you to sleep, such as anxiety, stress, or thoughts. Ideally, you should set yourself a regular bedtime and wake-up time each day.
In addition, you should also keep the bedroom to ensure the right darkness and always cool. Turn off all electrical appliances 1 hour before going to bed so they don't interfere with your sleep.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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