The possibility of pregnancy and childbirth after radiation therapy for cancer

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The article is professionally consulted by doctors working at Oncology Center - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital

Radiation therapy is the use of high-energy radiation to destroy cancer cells. Radiation can damage the ovaries and affect a patient's ability to get pregnant and give birth.

1. Does radiation therapy affect fertility?

Radiation therapy is a method of using high-energy radiation to destroy cancer cells. Radiation can affect a woman's fertility.
If a female patient receives radiation therapy to the abdomen or pelvis, the likelihood of pregnancy will depend on the amount of radiation absorbed by the ovaries. Excessively high radiation energy can destroy some or all of the eggs in the ovaries and can cause female infertility or early menopause.
So when it is necessary to use radiation therapy to treat cancer, can women with cancer get pregnant? Most women with pelvic radiation therapy will lose their fertility, but about half of radiation patients can keep some eggs if the ovaries are kept away from the target area during radiation therapy. .
However, it should be noted that even if the radiation is not targeted at the ovary, the radiation can bounce back inside the body and still have the potential to affect the ovary.

2. How does radiation affect a woman's fertility?

Phụ nữ
Phụ nữ đã xạ trị vào tử cung có nguy cơ sảy thai, sinh ra trẻ nhẹ cân và sinh non

Radiation to the uterus can cause scarring, reduce blood flow to the uterus and also prevent the uterus from fully dilating during pregnancy. Women who have had radiation therapy to the uterus have an increased risk of miscarriage, low birth weight, and premature birth.
In many cases, radiation can reach the brain and affect the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland plays an important role in the female reproductive process. The pituitary gland will secrete LH , FSH , thereby stimulating the ovaries to secrete female sex hormones; In addition, FSH also plays a role in stimulating oocyte development and causing ovulation. Therefore, the pituitary effects of radiation therapy may affect a patient's fertility depending on the dose of radiation.

3. Where should radiation therapy be to reduce unwanted side effects?

Xạ trị
Xạ trị tại Bệnh viện Đa khoa Quốc tế Vinmec

Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital and Vinmec Times City International Hospital are two of Vinmec's hospital facilities that apply modern radiation therapy with many outstanding advantages:
Staff medical professionals with a high level of expertise, experience and enthusiasm. There are many advanced radiotherapy methods such as: accelerator radiation therapy, concurrent radiotherapy with chemotherapy, dose-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), volume-modulated radiotherapy (VMAT), and radiosurgery. These are all modern radiotherapy methods, the success rate is up to 95%. Thanks to the high-tech application, the radiation focuses on the tumor. Therefore, it helps to minimize the effects of radiation on benign tissues, increasing the effectiveness of treatment and reducing side effects. Use the Truebeam radiotherapy machine. This is the most modern radiotherapy machine in Southeast Asia and has many outstanding advantages. Patients who need advice and support on cancer treatment techniques at Vinmec, please contact to book an examination HERE.
Basic understanding of chemotherapy in cancer treatment The role of IMRT and SBRT radiation therapy in liver cancer Overcoming the obsession with chemotherapy and radiation

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