Uses of Deonas 50mg

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Deonas 50mg drug is often used in the treatment of a number of diseases such as spastic spinal palsy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, shoulder periarthritis, back pain,... So what is Deonas 50mg drug and how to use it? How to use this medicine?

1. What is Deonas 50mg?

Deonas 50mg drug belongs to the group of muscle relaxants, made in the form of sugar coated tablets, the main ingredient in each tablet is Eperison with a content of 50mg. Eperisone hydrochloride has skeletal muscle relaxant and vasodilator properties, due to its effects on the central nervous system and on vascular smooth muscle. This active substance has a stable therapeutic effect in ameliorating various symptoms associated with hypertonia, by cutting off the pathological spirals of rhabdomyolysis. Eperisone acts mainly on the spinal cord, reducing spinal reflexes and producing skeletal muscle relaxation by reducing the sensitivity of muscle fibers through the gamma centrifugation system. In addition, the vasodilator effect of Eperisone increases circulation. Thus, Eperisone hydrochloride has the effect of breaking the pathological spiral, in which muscle contractions initiate blood flow disturbances, then pain, and lead to further increases in muscle tone.
Eperisone has been clinically proven to be effective in improving the symptoms of hypertonia
Deonas 50mg is indicated in the following cases:
Skeletal muscle relaxation. Spastic paralysis in diseases such as: cerebrovascular disease, cervical spondylosis, postoperative sequelae (including cerebrospinal tumor), spastic spinal palsy, post-traumatic sequelae (spinal trauma), head injury), cerebral palsy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, cerebellar spondylolisthesis, spinal vascular disease, and other cerebrovascular diseases. Improve symptoms of hypertonia in the following pathologies: Cervical spine syndrome, back pain, shoulder periarthritis. Accordingly, it should be noted that Deonas is contraindicated in cases where people have a history of hypersensitivity to any ingredient of the drug.
Use caution when using Deonas 50mg in the following cases:
Stop taking or reduce the dose at the first sign of weakness, dizziness or drowsiness. Use with caution in patients with liver dysfunction. Patients taking Deonas 50mg should not drive or operate machinery.

2. Dosage and how to use Deonas 50mg

Deonas drug is used orally, taken after meals. Dosage of Deonas 50mg drug should be according to the doctor's prescription, the usual dose for adults is 1 tablet / time, 3 times a day. The dose of Deonas 50mg should be adjusted according to the patient's age and symptom severity.
So far there is no evidence of an overdose of Deonas 50mg. In case of overdose, you need to stop taking the drug, treat it symptomatically and take supportive measures.
If you forget a dose of Deonas 50mg, take it as soon as possible. However, if it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and take your next dose at the scheduled time. Note, do not take double the prescribed dose.

3. Deonas 50mg . side effects

When using Deonas, you may experience the following undesirable effects:
Liver: Liver dysfunction is rare, but liver function should still be monitored. Stop taking Deonas if you notice any unusual signs. Renal: Renal dysfunction is rare. Patients should monitor renal function and discontinue Deonas if abnormal signs are observed. Blood: The number of red blood cells, hemoglobin rarely becomes abnormal. You should conduct blood tests, stop taking Deonas if you see any unusual signs. Skin: Rash rarely occurs with the use of Deonas. Neuropsychiatric: Symptoms such as insomnia, headache, somnolence or numbness and tremors rarely occur. Gastrointestinal: Nausea and vomiting, stomach upset, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, dry mouth, constipation, diarrhea, feeling of fullness, or other digestive disturbances rarely occur. Urinary incontinence: Urinary retention, enuresis, or other urinary tract disorders are rare. Body as a Whole: Weakness, lightheadedness, fatigue, or hypotonia are rare. When experiencing side effects of Deonas, you need to stop using it and immediately notify your doctor or go to the nearest medical facility for timely treatment.
Deonas 50mg drug is often used in the treatment of a number of diseases such as spastic spinal paralysis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, periarthritis of the shoulder, back pain, ..To ensure effective use and avoid the If you have any unwanted side effects, you should read the instructions carefully before using or consult your doctor or pharmacist.
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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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