Uses of Dipalgan

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Dipalgan 325 is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pain reliever and fever reducer commonly prescribed in cases of colds, dengue fever, bacterial infections... in young children. In today's article, we will learn about the uses of Dipalgan as well as the most important information.

1. Uses of Dipalgan

Dipalgan medicine has the main ingredient Acetaminophen. Paracetamol (acetaminophen or N - acetyl - p - aminophenol) is an active metabolite of phenacetin. Not only that, it is also a pain reliever and fever reducer that can replace aspirin. However, unlike aspirin, paracetamol is not effective in treating inflammation. For the same dose in grams, paracetamol provides pain relief and fever reduction similar to aspirin. Paracetamol, when used at therapeutic doses, has little effect on the cardiovascular or respiratory system, and does not cause irritation, scratch or stomach bleeding or change the acid-base balance as when using salicylates. Because of its mechanism of action Paracetamol does not affect systemic cyclooxygenase, instead it affects only cyclooxygenase/prostaglandin in the central nervous system. On the other hand, Paracetamol also has no effect on platelets or bleeding time. Paracetamol has the ability to effectively relieve pain and reduce fever, acting on the thermoregulatory center in the hypothalamus causing hypothermia, increasing heat loss through vasodilation and increasing peripheral blood flow. Thereby, the drug lowers body temperature rapidly in people with fever, but very rarely lowers normal body temperature. As for the analgesic mechanism, Paracetamol relieves pain by raising the pain threshold.
Therefore, the drug is indicated for pain relief and fever reduction for young children in the following cases: Dengue fever, cold, flu, viral infection, bacterial infection, after vaccination, teething, after surgery..
Dipalgan 325 is contraindicated in the following cases:
The patient has a history of anemia or kidney, liver, heart or lung diseases. Patient is alcoholic. Hypersensitivity to Paracetamol. The patient is in a state of deficiency of the enzyme glucose - 6 - phosphate dehydrogenase.

2. Dosage and usage

Dipalgan medicine is made in the form of capsules, used orally by taking directly. Depending on each specific case, Dipalgan 325 has different dosages:
For adults and children over 12 years old: Use a dose of 500 - 1000mg every 4-6 hours when needed, but not allowed to exceed 4g/day. For children 6 - 12 years old: Use 250 - 500g every 4-6 hours as needed, however should not exceed 4 times/day. In addition, patients are also not allowed to arbitrarily use Paracetamol to relieve pain continuously for more than 10 days for adults and more than 5 consecutive days for children. Besides, do not use Paracetamol for the purpose of reducing fever in cases of fever that is too high (over 39.5 degrees Celsius) or fever lasts more than 3 days, fever recurs.
When using the drug in excess of the indicated dose, the patient may experience abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, paleness. In particular, if used at too high a dose (over 10g in adults, over 150mg/kg in children) there is a risk of hepatocellular destruction to complete and irreversible necrosis, metabolic acidosis, even brain disease leading to coma or death.
In case of overdose, the patient should be transported to the hospital promptly for gastric lavage to remove the amount of drug taken. In addition, the antidote N-acetylcysteine ​​should be administered as soon as possible by oral or intravenous administration.

3. Side effects of drugs

While using the drug, sometimes the patient will experience a skin rash or other allergic reactions. The most common is urticaria or erythema, but in more severe cases there will be drug fever and mucosal lesions.
Other less common adverse reactions may include: Nausea, vomiting, skin rash, anemia, hematopoietic disorders (causing leukopenia, neutropenia, pancytopenia). , kidney disease, causing kidney toxicity if the drug is abused for a long time.

4. Drug interactions

When using high doses of Paracetamol for a long time, it is possible to slightly increase the anticoagulant effect of Coumarin and Indandion derivatives. The potential for severe hypothermia should be considered in patients receiving a combination of phenothiazines and antipyretic therapy. Anticonvulsants (Phenytoin, Carbamazepine, Barbiturates), Isoniazid and anti-tuberculosis drugs have the risk of rapidly increasing the toxicity of Paracetamol to the liver. For patients with alcoholism, drinking too much alcohol for a long time can increase the possibility that Paracetamol is toxic to the liver.

5. Note when taking medicine

For patients with phenylketonuria - and patients who have to limit the amount of phenylalanine in their body, they should avoid using Paracetamol concurrently with drugs or foods containing Aspartame. For patients with hypersensitivity (asthma) should avoid taking Paracetamol with drugs or foods that contain sulfites. Particular caution should be exercised when administering the drug to patients with pre-existing anemia or impaired liver or kidney function. In patients drinking a lot of alcohol can increase the toxicity of Paracetamol to the liver, so it is necessary to avoid or minimize the consumption of alcohol. Physicians should warn patients about signs of serious skin reactions such as syndromes: toxic skin necrosis syndrome (TEN) or Lyell, Steven-Johnson syndrome (SJS), exanthematous acne syndrome Acute systemic pustulosis (AGEP). Currently, the safety of Paracetamol for the fetus has not been determined when used by women during pregnancy, so it should only be used by pregnant women when absolutely necessary. Studies of the drug in breast-feeding women show that Paracetamol does not cause unwanted effects in breastfed babies. The article has provided specific and detailed information about the use of Dipalgan as well as important notes to remember. During use, in order to ensure effectiveness and safety, patients should take the drug according to the instructions and instructions of the doctor or pharmacist.

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