Uses of Richcalusar

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Richcalusar drug belongs to the group of minerals and vitamins, effective in the treatment of osteoporosis. So what is Rachcalusar and what specific cases is it indicated for?

1. What is Richcalusar?

Richcalusar drug has the main active ingredient Calcitriol 0.5mcg and other excipients just enough. The drug is prepared in the form of soft capsules for users and is packaged in a box of 3 blisters, each blister x 10 tablets.

2. Uses of the drug Richcalusar

2.1 Uses - indications Rachcalusar is used in the following cases:
People with renal osteoporosis, osteoporosis in people undergoing chronic dialysis. People with hypocalcemia, hypocalcemia due to idiopathic hypoparathyroidism, pseudohyperparathyroidism, postoperative hypoparathyroidism 2.2 Contraindications Richcalusar is contraindicated for use in the following cases:
People with allergies or hypersensitivity to the active substance Calcitriol or any of its ingredients. People with hypercalcemia People with vitamin D toxicity Note: contraindications here should be understood as absolute contraindications, ie not for any reason that the above contraindications are flexibly used. Richcalusar drug.

3. How to use and dose Richcalusar

How to use: Richcalusar is prepared in the form of soft capsules, so it should be taken orally, users should use it with a sufficient amount of water. It is recommended to take the drug with filtered water, not with other liquids such as milk, soft drinks, alcohol, beer. When taking, do not break or crush the tablet to avoid affecting the ingredients in the drug. Take medicine after meals.
Usual starting dose: 0.25 mcg/day. After 2 to 4 weeks, the dose may be increased to achieve desired therapeutic response. For patients on dialysis: 0.5 mcg/day. For patients over 6 years old with hypoparathyroidism: 0.5-2 mcg/day For children from 1 to 5 years old: 0.25 - 0.75 mcg/day. Use for people with osteoporosis after menopause: Initial dose: 0.25 mcg x 2 times / day. Note: in the process of taking the drug, it is necessary to supplement calcium with the daily nutritional diet. For patients with renal osteoporosis in patients with chronic renal failure, especially patients on hemodialysis: Initial dose: 0.25 mcg/24 hours or 0.25 mcg/48 hours for patients with Serum calcium levels are normal or only slightly decreased. Note: in these cases, patients should be monitored for clinical and biochemical parameters regularly. After 2-4 weeks, if the above dose does not improve the disease, the dose can be increased by 0.25 mcg/24 hours and closely monitored serum calcium levels at least 2 times/week. Use for people with hypoparathyroidism and rickets: Initial dose: 0.25 mcg / day, taking the drug in the morning. Simultaneously, monitor biochemical and clinical parameters. After 2-4 weeks of disease progression, the dose may be increased by 0.25 mcg/day, combined with close monitoring of serum calcium levels at least twice a week. Note: The above dosage is for reference only. Patients need to be diagnosed and prescribed medication, by a doctor because the dosage will be based on the health and condition of each person to get the most appropriate and effective dose.
In case of missed dose: the patient can take it as soon as he remembers. However, if it is too close to the scheduled time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and take the next dose. Absolutely do not use twice the prescribed amount of medicine to make up for the forgotten dose, to avoid causing an overdose.
In case of overdose: when detecting an overdose and noticing unusual symptoms, the patient should immediately notify the doctor or go to the nearest hospital or medical facility for diagnosis and treatment. timely handling.

4. Richcalusar side effects

During the use of Richcalusar, in addition to the main therapeutic effect of the drug, patients may also experience some unwanted symptoms such as:
Causes dizziness, headache, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea Allergies, skin rashes. Body fatigue, dry mouth, loss of appetite Increase liver enzymes, increase BUN Note: if the body shows the above symptoms suspected of taking the drug, the user needs to stop using the drug and contact a doctor for advice. advice and advice on increasing or decreasing the dose or using an alternative medicine.

5. Richcalusar drug interactions

During the use of Richcalusar, users should note some interactions with the following drugs:
Should not be used together with preparations containing Vitamin D and derivatives, drugs containing calcium to avoid hypercalcemia. Concomitant use of Cholestyramine will affect the absorption of calcium in the intestine. Phenobarbital, phenytoin active ingredients: reduce serum calcium concentration, affecting endogenous calcium synthesis. Used in combination with Digitalis: increases the amount of calcium in the blood, causing arrhythmias. Concomitant use of thiazide diuretics: may cause hypercalcemia in patients with hypoparathyroidism. With corticosteroids, antacids inhibit the process of calcium collection, drugs cause calcium inhibition. Note: in order to minimize bad interactions, patients need to inform their doctor or pharmacist about all drugs and supplements they are using to get advice and dosage. most suitable use.

6. Some notes when using the drug Richcalusar

Patients need to note a few things after using Richcalusar:
During the use of the drug, users need to follow a reasonable diet according to the instructions of the doctor to be able to provide the body. the right amount of calcium. With a treatment cycle, patients should start from the lowest dose and adjust the dose gradually according to the serum calcium concentration, absolutely do not increase the dose suddenly. While taking the drug for treatment, it is necessary to closely monitor the patient's blood calcium level, at least twice a week during the treatment period. Avoid sudden increases in blood calcium due to dietary changes. Users with normal kidney function when taking the drug need to drink enough 2 liters of water / day, to avoid causing dehydration for the body. Use with caution in patients with a history of kidney stones or coronary artery disease. Hopefully, the information shared above about the drug Richcalusar will help patients in the treatment process, know how to handle in the worst cases.

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