Uses of the drug Cetecocenzitax

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Cetecocenzitax is an antihistamine used in motion sickness and vestibular disorders. So when using Cetecocenzitax, what should be noted to be effective and safe?

1. Uses of the drug Cetecocenzitax

Cetecocenzitax drug is made in the form of tablets with the main ingredient is cinnarizine 25 mg. Cinnarizine is a piperazine derivative with H1-antihistamine effects, blocking receptors in the vestibular terminal organs and inhibiting activation of histamine and acetylcholine secretion. In terms of effectiveness in preventing motion sickness, cinnarizine is less effective than scopolamine, but cinnarizine is more commonly used because of its better tolerability and less sedation. In addition, cinnarizine also has the effect of blocking calcium channels leading to inhibition of vascular smooth muscle cell contraction. Therefore, in some countries, cinnarizine is widely used as a cerebral vasodilator to treat chronic cerebrovascular disease.

2. Indications and contraindications of the drug Cetecocenzitax

Cetecocenzitax drug is indicated in the following cases:
Prevention of motion sickness Vestibular disorders such as symptoms of dizziness, tinnitus, nausea, vomiting in Ménière's disease Disorders of cerebral blood vessels and other peripheral vessels. Cetecocenzitax drug is contraindicated in the following cases:
Hypersensitivity to cinnarizine or to any component of the drug Porphyrin metabolism disorders

3. Dosage and how to use Cetecocenzitax

Dosage and how to use Cetecocenzitax drug as follows:
Dosage to prevent motion sickness: Adults take 25mg 2 hours before boarding the train, then repeat the dose of 15mg every 8 hours (if necessary). Children 5-12 years old: dose equal to 1⁄2 adult dose Dosage for vestibular disorders: adults take 30 mg/time x 3 times/day. Children 5-12 years old: dose equal to 1/2 adult dose Dosage for cerebrovascular disorders: 75mg/time, once daily Dosage for peripheral vascular disorders: 75mg/time x 2-3 times/day How to use: Patients need to take the drug after eating to reduce stomach irritation

4. Undesirable effects of the drug Cetecocenzitax

Undesirable effects that may occur when taking Cetecocenzitax tablets occur with different frequencies:
Common: digestive disorders, somnolence Uncommon: dry mouth, weight gain, headache, allergic reactions Rare Common: hypotension with high doses, extrapyramidal syndrome common in the elderly or long-term management Measures for adverse effects:
Gradual increase in dose to the optimal level can prevent somnolence and gastrointestinal disorders Discontinue when disease worsens or experience extrapyramidal symptoms.

5. Drug interactions

Concomitant use of Cetecocenzitax with tricyclic antidepressants or alcohol (CNS depressants) may increase the sedative effect of each drug.

6. Notes when using the drug Cetecenzitax

Note when using Cetecocenzitax drug in the following cases:
Because the drug can cause drowsiness, especially at the beginning of treatment, Cetecocenzitax should be avoided when it is necessary to be alert to drive a car or operate machinery. As recommended by the manufacturer, antihistamines should be avoided during pregnancy. Although, to date, there is no evidence that cinarizine is teratogenic in animal studies, the use of antihistamines can cause many undesirable effects in the neonate. During lactation, Cetecocenzitax should be used only when the benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the infant. The mother should consult her doctor/pharmacist before taking the medicine. The long-term use of Cetecocenzitax in the elderly should be avoided, because the drug can cause extrapyramidal symptoms, sometimes accompanied by depressive symptoms. Should be taken after meals because the drug can irritate the stomach causing epigastric pain. Store the medicine in a cool, dry place, at a temperature not exceeding 30 oC, protected from light.
Cetecocenzitax is an antihistamine used in motion sickness and vestibular disorders. To ensure the effectiveness of treatment and avoid unwanted side effects, patients need to strictly follow the instructions of the doctor, professional pharmacist.
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