Uses of the drug Daehanmodifin

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Daehanmodifin is a psychotropic drug, with the main ingredient Nimodipine, 10mg content, 50ml vial of solution for injection. The drug is used to fight ischemia in the brain, treat neuropsychiatric disorders with circulatory failure. How should Deahanmodifin be used?

1. What is Deahanmodifin?

The drug has the main active ingredient Nimodipine, prepared in the form of a vial of a solution for slow intravenous infusion, the effectiveness of the drug in cerebral ischemia is due to the mechanism of the main ingredient contained in the drug formula. Nimodipine is a dihydropyridine derivative that selectively inhibits the flow of calcium ions through slow calcium channels dependent on the cell membrane potential of the myocardium. The drug can prevent and eliminate vasoconstriction caused by substances such as serotonin, prostaglandins and histamine acting on blood vessels or by blood and blood degradation products. The drug dilates blood vessels in the brain and stimulates blood flow in the brain. Thus, thanks to the drug, more perfusion of the damaged brain area is increased. The drug reduces mortality by reducing ischemic nerve damage in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage. Nimodipine is rapidly absorbed from both oral and intravenous administration. In the blood, over 95% of nimodipine is bound to proteins. Drugs with high first-pass metabolism in the liver, produce more inactive metabolites or less active metabolites compared to the parent drug.​ Most of nimodipine is eliminated as metabolites, with less than 1% being excreted by the kidneys. excreted unchanged in the urine.

2. Indications and contraindications of Daehanmodifin

2.1. Indications Indications of Daehanmodifin include:
Subarachnoid bleeding, ischemic heart disease. Neurological and psychiatric disorders leave sequelae of circulatory failure as well as the primary degenerative process. 2.2. Contraindications Do not use when patients have a history of allergy to Nimodipine or excipients, patients with severe liver dysfunction.

3. How to take and dose of Daehanmodifin

3.1. How to use Daehanmodifin Drug Daehanmodifin is administered by intravenous infusion after being diluted. It is best to use a drip intravenous infusion through a central catheter using a syringe. Pass the drug solution through a three-way stopcock with one of the following infusion solutions 5% glucose solution, 0.9% NaCl, Ringer's lactate solution. Mannitol solution, human albumin or blood products are suitable for infusion with the drug. Do not put the drug solution in a bag or bottle of infusion, do not mix with other drugs. The patient continues to receive medication while being anesthetized, having surgery, or being taken to take X-rays of the blood vessels. A three-way faucet lock should be used to bind the drug to the concurrent infusion line and one-way to the central catheter. 3.2. Dosage of Daehanmodifin In the case of prevention of ischemic neurological defects occurring after subarachnoid hemorrhage: Infusion of 5 ml of drug solution / hour x 2 hours for 1 day, duration is 5 to 14 days . Drip the drug into the subarachnoid space, the dose is to dilute 20ml of the drug solution slowly drip into the subarachnoid space, use immediately after mixing the drug.

4. Undesirable effects when taking Daehanmodifin

The following symptoms are possible side effects when using Daehanmodifin including: decreased heart rate, low blood pressure, feeling of nausea, dizziness, headache.
On the gastrointestinal tract: nausea, paralytic ileus, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer. Effects on the nervous system, cardiovascular: dizziness, blood pressure drop, headache, flushing, sweating, feeling warm, hot, arrhythmia. Local reactions causing phlebitis during infusion of undiluted Nimodipine solution into the peripheral circulation. Adverse effects on blood and blood components: rarely a decrease in the number of platelets. On laboratory tests showed increased transaminase index, alkaline phosphatase index and GGT, renal failure with increased blood urea or serum creatinine, extrasystoles.

5. What should be noted when taking Daehanmodifin?

Notes when using Daehanmodifin include:
Kidney in patients with renal failure, patients with cardiovascular failure, the elderly with many underlying diseases, patients with severe low blood pressure. Daehanmodifin drug is not safe to use for women who are breastfeeding, or in the case of pregnant women, infants. The ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery is impaired because users may experience dizziness, especially while on infusion. Hopefully with the article about the above information, you have understood what the drug Daehanmodifin has and what to pay attention to when using it. Patients must adhere to the medication according to the doctor's instructions, if there are any questions, please see the doctor / pharmacist directly for advice and explanation about Daehanmodifin.

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