Uses of the drug Patest 500

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The drug Patest 500 is used to treat problems related to spinal posture. Due to the effect on the nervous system, the side effects of the drug can be dangerous to the patient's condition. Below is some reference information about the drug Patest 500 before use.

1. Uses of the drug Patest 500

Drug Patest is in the list of muscle relaxants whose main ingredient is Mephenesin. The drug is in the form of film-coated tablets. The main treatment subjects of the drug Patest 500 are adults and children from 15 years old, when suffering from problems of spinal degeneration, spinal posture disorders (low back pain, muscle spasms, neck curvature ..)

2. Dosage of Patest 500

Subjects using the drug Patest 500 need to be over 15 years old. Regardless of the elderly or young people, the dose will range from 2-4 tablets and use 3 times a day. The dosage of the drug is only a reference data and cannot be arbitrarily applied. You should have specific instructions from your doctor before using the drug. Dosage will be considered based on the patient's medical condition and ability to absorb the drug after use. So some people can only use 1-2 tablets / time is enough.
If you overdose, you will have problems with the heart, blood pressure and even the respiratory system. Patients with drug overdose detected early and still maintain a clear state can wash the intestines or induce vomiting to handle. In some cases, it is not possible to do so, so they should be taken to an emergency hospital for quick treatment and resuscitation.

3. Be careful for patients assigned to use Patest 500

3.1 Cases of contraindications to using Patest 500 Patients diagnosed with allergies to one or several ingredients of the drug should not use it. This problem is often discovered based on the medical record or after taking the drug to show irritation. Patients with impaired ability to metabolize Porphyrin should avoid taking the drug to protect their health.
3.2 Precautions for patients and some other subjects Besides patients with contraindications to the use of drugs, some diseases may not be contraindicated but still limit the effectiveness of the drug. You should note the following when using Patest 500:
Patients with known allergy, asthma, allergy to aspirin antibiotics Patients with respiratory failure, muscle weakness Patients with liver failure, kidney failure People who have ever Drug addiction Patients who use stimulants on the nervous system such as tobacco and alcohol Avoid taking drugs with the hormone morphine because they interfere with breathing. Patest has an ingredient that causes drowsiness or frequent drowsiness. These are bad effects for workers or drivers. If you do work that requires concentration, you should pay attention to this. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not use the drug. Some mandatory use cases require instructions and monitoring from a doctor.

4. Side effects of the drug Patest 500

In the drug Patest contains the oral Mephenesin ingredient that causes side effects such as spasticity, convulsions, nausea, sweating, tremors. Usually only patients on long-term medication experience these symptoms. New users will appear fatigue, drowsiness, difficulty in movement.
A few other rare side effects to watch out for:
Joint pain Nausea Diarrhea Hot in the body Rashes Loss of taste Hallucinations Anaphylaxis Anaphylaxis Rash Unexpected side effects are rare and not present. leave a serious impact. However, you should not be subjective when your body has an abnormal reaction.

5. Patest 500 . drug interactions

The drug Patest can interact with alcoholic beverages and stimulants causing depression. You need to pay attention to notify your doctor for timely advice and support. In addition, you should discuss with your doctor about the medications you are taking so that you can carefully calculate the risk of drug interactions after use.
Drug Patest 500 restricts the age of use from 15 years old. If you need to find out more information about the drug, go to the hospital for a more detailed examination and consultation.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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