Uses of the drug Philmedsin

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What is the effect of Philmedsin, is it muscle relaxant? In fact, Philmedsin is a drug that increases muscle tone, relaxes muscles, is used in the treatment of a number of degenerative spine diseases and spinal posture disorders.

1. What does Philmedsin do?

Philmedsin belongs to the group of muscle relaxants and increases muscle tone, with the main ingredient being Mephenesin 250mg. Active ingredient Mephenesin acts on the central nervous system and relaxes muscles.
Philmedsin is prepared in the form of sugar coated tablets and is indicated for use in the treatment of degenerative spine diseases and spinal postural disorders such as back pain, low back pain, torticollis and muscle spasms accompanied by pain. .

2. How to use and dosage of Philmedsin

Philmedsin is taken orally. The patient should swallow the tablet whole with water, do not break or chew or crush the medicine to drink.
Dosage of Philmedsin in children 15 years of age and older and adults is from 2 to 4 tablets / time, 3 times / day.

3. Side effects of the drug Philmedsin

Philmedsin may cause some unwanted side effects with the frequency of occurrence as follows:
Common: Drowsiness, fatigue, drowsiness, muscle weakness, shortness of breath and ataxia. Uncommon: Body pain, arthralgia, rash, constipation, diarrhea, nausea and irritability. Rare: Rash, somnolence and anaphylaxis. In addition, some side effects may be experienced with prolonged use of Philmedsin such as nausea, abdominal cramps, tremors, convulsions and sweating.
If you see any abnormality after taking Philmedsin, the patient should immediately report it to a doctor or go to a medical facility soon to be checked. Usually, after stopping the drug, the unwanted symptoms go away. If you experience rare side effects, the patient should immediately notify the doctor.

4. Some notes when using Philmedsin

Do not use Philmedsin in people with hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug, people with porphyria, pregnant or lactating women. People with a history of allergies including bronchial asthma, allergic to drugs, allergic to aspirin, people with respiratory diseases, peptic ulcers, liver failure, kidney failure, hepatic coma, muscle weakness, myasthenia and drug addiction should be cautious when using Philmedsin . Concomitant use of Philmedsin with alcohol or other CNS depressants may aggravate undesirable symptoms. Limit the activities of driving or operating or operating machinery while taking Philmedsin because the drug can cause drowsiness. Above is all information about Philmedsin drug, patients need to carefully read the instructions for use, consult a doctor / pharmacist before using. Absolutely do not arbitrarily buy Philmedsin at home because there may be unwanted side effects.

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