Uses of Vinphazin

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What is Vinphazin? Vinphazin is an anti-parasitic, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-infective drug. The drug's main ingredients are Metronidazole and Spiramycin. Please refer to the article below for useful information about this drug.

1. What are the effects of Vinphazin?

The Metronidazole ingredient in Vinphazin is an antibacterial drug of the nitro-5 imidazole family.
Vinphazin is indicated in cases of acute and chronic oral infections. Some cases of recurrence such as tooth abscess, inflammation, cellulitis around the jawbone, gingivitis, periodontitis, stomatitis, periodontitis, parotid gland inflammation, inflammation under the jaw... Besides In addition, the drug is also used to prevent oral infections after surgery.
Cases of contraindication to drug use include:
People who are sensitive to Metronidazol, Imidazol derivatives or Acetyl Spiramycin Do not use the drug for pregnant and lactating women

2. Dosage of Vinphazin

For adults: Use 4-6 tablets/day, divided 2-3 times. For children 10 - 15 years old: Take 1 tablet x 3 times/day. For children 5 - 10 years old: Take 1 tablet x 2 times/day. Vinphazin overdose has been recorded. Patients may experience overdose symptoms such as: Vomiting or nausea, gastrointestinal disturbances, etc. Some neurotoxic effects include convulsions and peripheral neuritis... Currently no has a specific antidote. The best treatment is symptomatic and supportive.

3. Drug interactions

Vinphazin contains Acetyl Spiramycin, so it should not be used simultaneously with oral contraceptives. Therefore, the effectiveness of birth control pills will be lost. When the drug is used concurrently with Disulfiram, it will cause neurotoxic effects, such as psychosis, confusion. Increased toxicity of oral anticoagulants (such as warfarin). It also increases the risk of bleeding due to a decrease in catabolism in the liver. Therefore, when using the combination, it is necessary to regularly check the level of Prothrombin and adjust the dose of anticoagulants. When used with muscle relaxants, the effects of vecuronium (muscle relaxant) may be increased. Due to a decrease in clearance, the toxicity of fluorouracil is increased. When used with Lithium, it will increase the concentration of Lithium in the blood, causing toxicity. When using Vinphazin in combination with alcohol, it will cause Antabuse effect.

4. Side effects

When using the drug, you may experience some of the following side effects:
Digestive disorders: Nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, bowel movements, diarrhea. Occurrence of allergic reactions: itching, urticaria. Leukopenia, however, recovered soon after discontinuation of the drug. Rare side effects: dizziness, loss of coordination, ataxia, paresthesia, sensory and motor polyneuritis. Side effects related to the urinary tract: The urine is reddish brown. If you experience any other symptoms while taking the drug, notify your doctor for prompt treatment.

5. Precautions when using drugs

Use with caution in patients with suspected gastric ulcer, ileitis or chronic colitis. The drug is prepared in the form of film-coated tablets, so it is released slowly in the body, so it is toxic to the elderly or people with slow intestinal transit. Experts recommend that patients should not take medicine while lying down.

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